

列表(List)是一个有序的值的集合。 你可以用方括号创建一个列表,周围的值用空格和/或逗号隔开 (以方便阅读)。 例如,[foo bar baz][foo, bar, baz]



  1. > [1, 2, 3, 4] | insert 2 10
  2. # [1, 2, 10, 3, 4]


  1. > [1, 2, 3, 4] | update 1 10
  2. # [1, 10, 3, 4]

除了 updateinsert 之外,还有 prependappend,它们分别让你插入到列表的开头或列表的结尾。例如:

  1. let colors = [yellow green]
  2. let colors = ($colors | prepend red)
  3. let colors = ($colors | append purple)
  4. echo $colors # [red yellow green purple]


要遍历一个列表中的元素,可以使用each命令和 Nu 代码块 指定对每一个元素做什么操作。块参数(例如{ |it| echo $it }中的|it|)通常是当前的列表元素,但如果需要,通过 --numbered(-n) 标志可以将其改为包含indexitem值的元素。比如:

  1. let names = [Mark Tami Amanda Jeremy]
  2. $names | each { |it| $"Hello, ($it)!" }
  3. # Outputs "Hello, Mark!" and three more similar lines.
  4. $names | each -n { |it| $"($it.index + 1) - ($it.item)" }
  5. # Outputs "1 - Mark", "2 - Tami", etc.


下面的例子得到所有名称以 “e” 结尾的颜色:

  1. let colors = [red orange yellow green blue purple]
  2. echo $colors | where ($it | str ends-with 'e')


  1. # The block passed to where must evaluate to a boolean.
  2. # This outputs the list [orange blue purple].
  3. let scores = [7 10 8 6 7]
  4. echo $scores | where $it > 7 # [10 8]

reduce命令从一个列表计算一个单一的值。 它使用了一个代码块,该块有两个参数:当前元素(即 it)和一个累加器 (即 acc)。如果想要给累加器指定一个初始值,请使用 --fold (-f) 标志。 若要改变it使其具有indexitem两个值,请添加--numbered-n)标志。 例如:

  1. let scores = [3 8 4]
  2. echo "total =" ($scores | reduce { |it, acc| $acc + $it }) # 15
  3. echo "total =" ($scores | math sum) # easier approach, same result
  4. echo "product =" ($scores | reduce --fold 1 { |it, acc| $acc * $it }) # 96
  5. echo $scores | reduce -n { |it, acc| $acc + $it.index * $it.item } # 3 + 1*8 + 2*4 = 19


要访问一个给定索引的列表元素, 可以使用$name.index形式, 其中$name是持有列表的变量。


  1. let names = [Mark Tami Amanda Jeremy]
  2. $names.1 # gives Tami


  1. let names = [Mark Tami Amanda Jeremy]
  2. let index = 1
  3. $names | get $index # gives Tami

length命令返回列表中的元素个数。例如,[red green blue] | length输出3

empty? 命令确定一个字符串、列表或表格是否为空。它可以与列表一起使用,如下所示:

  1. let colors = [red green blue]
  2. $colors | empty? # false
  3. let colors = []
  4. $colors | empty? # true

innot-in 运算符用于测试一个值是否在一个列表中,例如:

  1. let colors = [red green blue]
  2. 'blue' in $colors # true
  3. 'yellow' in $colors # false
  4. 'gold' not-in $colors # true


  1. # Do any color names end with "e"?
  2. echo $colors | any? ($it | str ends-with "e") # true
  3. # Is the length of any color name less than 3?
  4. echo $colors | any? ($it | str length) < 3 # false
  5. # Are any scores greater than 7?
  6. echo $scores | any? $it > 7 # true
  7. # Are any scores odd?
  8. echo $scores | any? $it mod 2 == 1 # true


  1. # Do all color names end with "e"?
  2. echo $colors | all? ($it | str ends-with "e") # false
  3. # Is the length of all color names greater than or equal to 3?
  4. echo $colors | all? ($it | str length) >= 3 # true
  5. # Are all scores greater than 7?
  6. echo $scores | all? $it > 7 # false
  7. # Are all scores even?
  8. echo $scores | all? $it mod 2 == 0 # false



  1. echo [1 [2 3] 4 [5 6]] | flatten # [1 2 3 4 5 6]
  2. echo [[1 2] [3 [4 5 [6 7 8]]]] | flatten | flatten | flatten # [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]


  1. let zones = [UTC CET Europe/Moscow Asia/Yekaterinburg]
  2. # Show world clock for selected time zones
  3. $zones | wrap 'Zone' | upsert Time {|it|
  4. (
  5. date now
  6. | date to-timezone $it.Zone
  7. | date format '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M'
  8. )
  9. }