

  • 可避免子查询多次执行。

  • 优化器可根据统计信息选择更优的连接顺序和连接方法。

  • 子查询的连接条件、过滤条件改写为父查询的条件后,优化器可以进行进一步优化,比如条件下压等。


视图合并是指将代表一个视图的子查询合并到包含该视图的查询中,视图合并后,有助于优化器增加连接顺序的选择、访问路径的选择以及进一步做其他改写操作,从而选择更优的执行计划。OceanBase 数据库支持对 SPJ (SELECT-PROJECT-JOIN) 的视图进行视图合并。如下示例为 SQL_A 改写为 SQL_B:

  1. create table t1 (c1 int, c2 int);
  2. create table t2 (c1 int primary key, c2 int);
  3. create table t3 (c1 int primary key, c2 int);
  4. SQL_A: select t1.c1, v.c1
  5. from t1, (select t2.c1, t3.c2
  6. from t2, t3
  7. where t2.c1 = t3.c1) v
  8. where t1.c2 = v.c2;
  9. <==>
  10. SQL_B: select t1.c1, t2.c1
  11. from t1, t2, t3
  12. where t2.c1 = t3.c1 and t1.c2 = t3.c2;

如果 SQL_A 不进行改写, 则其连接顺序有以下几种:

  • t1, v(t2,t3)

  • t1, v(t3,t2)

  • v(t2,t3), t1

  • v(t3,t2), t1

进行视图合并改写后, 可选择的连接顺序有:

  • t1, t2, t3

  • t1, t3, t2

  • t2, t1, t3

  • t2, t3, t1

  • t3, t1, t2

  • t3, t2, t1

可以看出,进行 view merge 后,连接顺序可选择空间增加,对于复杂查询,视图合并后,对路径的选择和可改写的空间均会增大,从而使得优化器可生成更优的计划。


子查询展开是指将 WHERE 条件中子查询提升到父查询中,并作为连接条件与父查询并列进行展开。转换后子查询将不存在,外层父查询中会变成多表连接。好处是优化器在进行路径选择,连接方法和连接排序是都会考虑到子查询中的表, 从而可以获得更优的执行计划, 一般涉及的子查询表达式有 not in、in、not exist、exist、any、all。

  • 改写条件当生成的连接语句能返回与原始语句相同的行。

  • 展开为半连接(SEMI JOIN / ANTI JOIN)如下例所示,t2.c2 不具有唯一性,改为 SEMI JOIN,该语句改写后执行计划为:

  1. create table t1 (c1 int, c2 int);
  2. create table t2 (c1 int primary key, c2 int);
  3. explain select * from t1 where t1.c1 in (select t2.c2 from t2)\G;
  4. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  5. Query Plan:
  6. =======================================
  8. ---------------------------------------
  9. |0 |HASH SEMI JOIN| |495 |3931|
  10. |1 | TABLE SCAN |t1 |1000 |499 |
  11. |2 | TABLE SCAN |t2 |1000 |433 |
  12. =======================================
  13. Outputs & filters:
  14. -------------------------------------
  15. 0 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter(nil),
  16. equal_conds([t1.c1 = t2.c2]), other_conds(nil)
  17. 1 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter(nil),
  18. access([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), partitions(p0)
  19. 2 - output([t2.c2]), filter(nil),
  20. access([t2.c2]), partitions(p0)

将查询前面操作符改为 not in 后,可改写为 ANTI JOIN, 具体计划如下例所示:

  1. explain select * from t1 where t1.c1 not in (select t2.c2 from t2)\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Query Plan: ================================================
  5. ------------------------------------------------
  6. |0 |NESTED-LOOP ANTI JOIN| |0 |520245|
  7. |1 | TABLE SCAN |t1 |1000 |499 |
  8. |2 | TABLE SCAN |t2 |22 |517 |
  9. ================================================
  10. Outputs & filters:
  11. -------------------------------------
  12. 0 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter(nil),
  13. conds(nil), nl_params_([t1.c1], [(T_OP_IS, t1.c1, NULL, 0)])
  14. 1 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2], [(T_OP_IS, t1.c1, NULL, 0)]), filter(nil),
  15. access([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), partitions(p0)
  16. 2 - output([t2.c2]), filter([(T_OP_OR, ? = t2.c2, ?, (T_OP_IS, t2.c2, NULL, 0))]),
  17. access([t2.c2]), partitions(p0)
  • 子查询展开为内连接上面示例的 SQL_A 中如果将 t2.c2 改为 t2.c1,由于 t2.c1 为主键,子查询输出具有唯一性,此时可以直接转换为内连接,如下例所示:
  1. SQL_A: select * from t1 where t1.c1 in (select t2.c1 from t2);
  2. <==>
  3. SQL_B: select t1.* from t1, t2 where t.c1 = t2.c1;

SQL_A 改写后计划如下例所示:

  1. explain select * from t1 where t1.c1 in (select t2.c1 from t2)\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Query Plan:
  4. ====================================
  6. ------------------------------------
  7. |0 |HASH JOIN | |1980 |3725|
  8. |1 | TABLE SCAN|t2 |1000 |411 |
  9. |2 | TABLE SCAN|t1 |1000 |499 |
  10. ====================================
  11. Outputs & filters:
  12. -------------------------------------
  13. 0 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter(nil),
  14. equal_conds([t1.c1 = t2.c1]), other_conds(nil)
  15. 1 - output([t2.c1]), filter(nil),
  16. access([t2.c1]), partitions(p0)
  17. 2 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter(nil),
  18. access([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), partitions(p0)

对于not in、in、not exist、exist、any、all 都可以对应做类似的改写操作。


对于 ANY/ALL的子查询, 如果子查询中没有 GROUP BY 子句、聚集函数以及 HAVING 时, 则以下表达式可以使用聚集函数 MIN/MAX 进行等价转换, 其中 col_item 为单独列且有非 NULL 属性:

  1. val > ALL(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val > ALL(SELECT MAX(col_item) ...);
  2. val >= ALL(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val >= ALL(SELECT MAX(col_item) ...);
  3. val < ALL(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val < ALL(SELECT MIN(col_item) ...);
  4. val <= ALL(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val <= ALL(SELECT MIN(col_item) ...);
  5. val > ANY(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val > ANY(SELECT MIN(col_item) ...);
  6. val >= ANY(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val >= ANY(SELECT MIN(col_item) ...);
  7. val < ANY(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val < ANY(SELECT MAX(col_item) ...);
  8. val <= ANY(SELECT col_item ...) <==> val <= ANY(SELECT MAX(col_item) ...);

将子查询更改为含有 MAX/MIN 的子查询后,再结合使用 MAX/MIN 的改写,可减少改写前对内表的多次扫描, 如下例所示:

  1. select c1 from t1 where c1 > any(select c1 from t2);
  2. <==>
  3. select c1 from t1 where c1 > any(select min(c1) from t2);

结合 MAX/MIN 的改写后, 可利用 t2.c1 的主键序将 LIMIT 1 直接下压到 TABLE SCAN,将 MIN 值输出,执行计划为:

  1. explain select c1 from t1 where c1 > any(select c1 from t2)\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Query Plan:
  4. ===================================================
  6. ---------------------------------------------------
  7. |0 |SUBPLAN FILTER | |1 |73 |
  8. |1 | TABLE SCAN |t1 |1 |37 |
  9. |2 | SCALAR GROUP BY| |1 |37 |
  10. |3 | SUBPLAN SCAN |subquery_table|1 |37 |
  11. |4 | TABLE SCAN |t2 |1 |36 |
  12. ===================================================
  13. Outputs & filters:
  14. -------------------------------------
  15. 0 - output([t1.c1]), filter([t1.c1 > ANY(subquery(1))]),
  16. exec_params_(nil), onetime_exprs_(nil), init_plan_idxs_([1])
  17. 1 - output([t1.c1]), filter(nil),
  18. access([t1.c1]), partitions(p0)
  19. 2 - output([T_FUN_MIN(subquery_table.c1)]), filter(nil),
  20. group(nil), agg_func([T_FUN_MIN(subquery_table.c1)])
  21. 3 - output([subquery_table.c1]), filter(nil),
  22. access([subquery_table.c1])
  23. 4 - output([t2.c1]), filter(nil),
  24. access([t2.c1]), partitions(p0),
  25. limit(1), offset(nil)


外连接操作可分为左外连接,右外连接和全外连接, 连接过程中,外连接左右顺序不能变换,这使得优化器对连接顺序的选择受到限制。外连接消除是指将外连接转换成内连接,从而可以提供更多可选择的连接路径,供优化器考虑。

进行外连接消除,需要存在“空值拒绝条件”,即 WHERE 条件中,存在当内表生成的值为 NULL 时,使得输出为 false 的条件。


  1. select t1.c1, t2.c2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.c2 = t2.c2

这是一个外连接,在其输出行中 t2.c2 可能为 NULL。如果加上一个条件 t2.c2 > 5,则通过该条件过滤后,t2.c1 输出不可能为 NULL, 从而可以将外连接转换为内连接。

  1. select t1.c1, t2.c2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.c2 = t2.c2 where t2.c2 > 5
  2. <==>
  3. select t1.c1, t2.c2 from t1 inner join t2 on t1.c2 = t2.c2 where t2.c2 > 5



如果查询中没有聚集操操作及 GROUP BY 则 HAVING 可以合并到 WHERE 条件中,并将 HAVING 条件删除, 从而可以将 HAVING 条件在 WHERE 条件中同一管理优化,并进行进一步相关优化。

  1. select * from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1 having t1.c2 > 1
  2. <==>
  3. select * from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1 and t1.c2 > 1

改写后计划如下例所示, t1.c2 > 1 条件被下压到了 TABLE SCAN 层。

  1. explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1 having t1.c2 > 1\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Query Plan: =========================================
  5. -----------------------------------------
  6. |0 |NESTED-LOOP JOIN| |1 |59 |
  7. |1 | TABLE SCAN |t1 |1 |37 |
  8. |2 | TABLE GET |t2 |1 |36 |
  9. =========================================
  10. Outputs & filters:
  11. -------------------------------------
  12. 0 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2], [t2.c1], [t2.c2]), filter(nil),
  13. conds(nil), nl_params_([t1.c1])
  14. 1 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter([t1.c2 > 1]),
  15. access([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), partitions(p0)
  16. 2 - output([t2.c1], [t2.c2]), filter(nil),
  17. access([t2.c1], [t2.c2]), partitions(p0)


等价关系推导是指利用比较操作符的传递性,推倒出新的条件表达式, 从而减少需要处理的行数或者选择到更有效的索引。OceanBase 数据库可对等值连接进行推导,比如 a = b and a > 1 可以推导出 a = b and a > 1 and b > 1; 如果 b 上有索引,且 b > 1 在该索引选择率很低,则可以大大提升访问 b 列所在表的性能。

如下例所示, 条件 t1.c1 = t2.c2 and t1.c1 > 2,等价推导后为 t1.c1 = t2.c2 and t1.c1 > 2 and t2.c2 > 2, 从计划中可以看到 t2.c2 已下压到 TABLE SCAN,且使用 t2.c2 对应的索引。

  1. create table t1(c1 int primary key, c2 int);
  2. create table t2(c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int, key idx_c2(c2));
  3. explain extended_noaddr select t1.c1, t2.c2
  4. from t1, t2
  5. where t1.c1 = t2.c2 and t1.c1 > 2\G;
  6. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  7. Query Plan:
  8. ==========================================
  10. ------------------------------------------
  11. |0 |MERGE JOIN | |5 |78 |
  12. |1 | TABLE SCAN|t2(idx_c2)|5 |37 |
  13. |2 | TABLE SCAN|t1 |3 |37 |
  14. ==========================================
  15. Outputs & filters:
  16. -------------------------------------
  17. 0 - output([t1.c1], [t2.c2]), filter(nil),
  18. equal_conds([t1.c1 = t2.c2]), other_conds(nil)
  19. 1 - output([t2.c2]), filter(nil),
  20. access([t2.c2]), partitions(p0),
  21. is_index_back=false,
  22. range_key([t2.c2], [t2.c1]), range(2,MAX ; MAX,MAX),
  23. range_cond([t2.c2 > 2])
  24. 2 - output([t1.c1]), filter(nil),
  25. access([t1.c1]), partitions(p0),
  26. is_index_back=false,
  27. range_key([t1.c1]), range(2 ; MAX),
  28. range_cond([t1.c1 > 2])



  • false and expr = 恒 false

  • true or expr = 恒 true

可以将这些恒真恒假条件消除,比如以下 SQL, where 0 > 1 and c1 = 3, 由于 0 > 1 使得 and 恒假, 所以该 SQL 不用执行,可直接返回,从而加快查询的执行。

  1. explain extended_noaddr select * from t1 where 0 > 1 and c1 = 3\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Query Plan:
  4. ===================================
  6. -----------------------------------
  7. |0 |TABLE SCAN|t1 |0 |38 |
  8. ===================================
  9. Outputs & filters:
  10. -------------------------------------
  11. 0 - output([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), filter([0], [t1.c1 = 3]), startup_filter([0]),
  12. access([t1.c1], [t1.c2]), partitions(p0),
  13. is_index_back=false, filter_before_indexback[false,false],
  14. range_key([t1.__pk_increment], [t1.__pk_cluster_id], [t1.__pk_partition_id]),
  15. range(MAX,MAX,MAX ; MIN,MIN,MIN)always false



冗余排序消除是指删除 order item 中不需要的项,减少排序开销 ,以下三种情况可进行排序消除:

  • ORDER BY 表达式列表中有重复列, 可进行去重后排序;
  1. Select * from t1 where c2 = 5 order by c1, c1, c2, c3
  2. <==>
  3. Select * from t1 where c2 = 5 order by c1, c2, c3
  • ORDER BY 列中存在 where 中有单值条件的列, 则该列排序可删除;
  1. Select * from t1 where c2 = 5 order by c1, c2, c3
  2. <==>
  3. Select * from t1 where c2 = 5 order by c1, c3
  • 如果本层查询有 ORDER BY 但是没有 LIMIT,且本层查询位于父查询的集合操作中,则 ORDER BY 可消除。因为对两个有序的集合做 UNION 操作,其结果是乱序的。但是如果 ORDER BY 中有 LIMIT,则语义是取最大/小的 N 个,此时不能消除 ORDER BY,否则有语义错误。
  1. (select c1,c2 from t1 order by c1) union (select c3,c4 from t2 order by c3)
  2. <==>
  3. (select c1,c2 from t1) union (select c3,c4 from t2)


LIMIT 下压改写是指将 LIMIT 下降到子查询中,OceanBase 数据库现在支持在不改变语义的情况下,将 LIMIT 下压到视图(示例1)及 UNION 对应子查询(示例 2)中。

  1. select * from (select * from t1 order by c1) a limit 1;
  2. <==>
  3. select * from (select * from t1 order by c1 limit 1) a limit 1;
  1. (select c1,c2 from t1) union all (select c3,c4 from t2) limit 5
  2. <==>
  3. (select c1,c2 from t1 limit 5) union all (select c3,c4 from t2 limit 5) limit 5


  • 如果 select item 中只包含常量, 则可以消除 DISTINCT, 并加上 LIMIT 1。
  1. Select distinct 1,2 from t1
  2. <==>
  3. Select 1,2 from t1 limit 1
  4. create table t1 (c1 int primary key, c2 int);
  5. explain extended_noaddr Select distinct 1,2 from t1\G;
  6. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  7. Query Plan: ===================================
  9. -----------------------------------
  10. |0 |TABLE SCAN|t1 |1 |36 |
  11. ===================================
  12. Outputs & filters:
  13. -------------------------------------
  14. 0 - output([1], [2]), filter(nil),
  15. access([t1.c1]), partitions(p0),
  16. limit(1), offset(nil),
  17. is_index_back=false,
  18. range_key([t1.c1]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true
  • 如果 select item 中包含确保唯一性约束的列,则 DISTINCT 能够消除, 如下举例中 (c1, c2)为主键,可确保 c1, c2, c3 唯一性, 从而 DISTINCT 可消除。
  1. create table t2(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, primary key(c1, c2));
  2. select distinct c1, c2, c3 from t2
  3. <==>
  4. select c1, c2 c3 from t2;
  5. explain select distinct c1, c2, c3 from t2\G;
  6. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  7. Query Plan: ===================================
  9. -----------------------------------
  10. |0 |TABLE SCAN|t2 |1000 |455 |
  11. ===================================
  12. Outputs & filters:
  13. -------------------------------------
  14. 0 - output([t2.c1], [t2.c2], [t2.c3]), filter(nil),
  15. access([t2.c1], [t2.c2], [t2.c3]), partitions(p0)


  • 当 MIN/MAX 函数中参数为索引前缀列, 且不含 GROUP BY 时,可将该 scalar aggregate 转换为走索引扫描 1 行的情况,如下例所示:
  1. create table t1 (c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int, key idx_c2_c3(c2,c3));
  2. select min(c2) from t1;
  3. <==>
  4. select min(c2) from (select c2 from t2 order by c2 limit 1) as t;
  5. explain select min(c2) from t1\G;
  6. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  7. Query Plan:
  8. ==================================================
  10. --------------------------------------------------
  11. |0 |SCALAR GROUP BY| |1 |37 |
  12. |1 | SUBPLAN SCAN |subquery_table|1 |37 |
  13. |2 | TABLE SCAN |t1(idx_c2_c3) |1 |36 |
  14. ==================================================
  15. Outputs & filters:
  16. -------------------------------------
  17. 0 - output([T_FUN_MIN(subquery_table.c2)]), filter(nil),
  18. group(nil), agg_func([T_FUN_MIN(subquery_table.c2)])
  19. 1 - output([subquery_table.c2]), filter(nil),
  20. access([subquery_table.c2])
  21. 2 - output([t1.c2]), filter([(T_OP_IS_NOT, t1.c2, NULL, 0)]),
  22. access([t1.c2]), partitions(p0),
  23. limit(1), offset(nil)
  • 如果 SELECT MIN/MAX 的参数为常量,且包含 GROUP BY, 则可已将 MIN/MAX 改为常量,从而减少 MIN/MAX 的计算开销。
  1. select max(1) from t1 group by c1;
  2. <==>
  3. select 1 from t1 group by c1;
  4. explain extended_noaddr select max(1) from t1 group by c1\G;
  5. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  6. Query Plan:
  7. ===================================
  9. -----------------------------------
  10. |0 |TABLE SCAN|t1 |1000 |411 |
  11. ===================================
  12. Outputs & filters:
  13. -------------------------------------
  14. 0 - output([1]), filter(nil),
  15. access([t1.c1]), partitions(p0),
  16. is_index_back=false,
  17. range_key([t1.c1]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true
  • 如果 SELECT MIN/MAX 的参数为常量,且不含 GROUP BY, 可按如下例所示进行改写, 从而走索引只需扫描 1 行。
  1. select max(1) from t1;
  2. <==>
  3. select max(t.a) from (select 1 as a from t1 limit 1) t;
  4. explain extended_noaddr select max(1) from t1\G;
  5. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  6. Query Plan:
  7. ==================================================
  9. --------------------------------------------------
  10. |0 |SCALAR GROUP BY| |1 |37 |
  11. |1 | SUBPLAN SCAN |subquery_table|1 |37 |
  12. |2 | TABLE SCAN |t1 |1 |36 |
  13. ==================================================
  14. Outputs & filters:
  15. -------------------------------------
  16. 0 - output([T_FUN_MAX(subquery_table.subquery_col_alias)]), filter(nil),
  17. group(nil), agg_func([T_FUN_MAX(subquery_table.subquery_col_alias)])
  18. 1 - output([subquery_table.subquery_col_alias]), filter(nil),
  19. access([subquery_table.subquery_col_alias])
  20. 2 - output([1]), filter(nil),
  21. access([t1.c1]), partitions(p0),
  22. limit(1), offset(nil),
  23. is_index_back=false,
  24. range_key([t1.c1]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true