GCP PD CSI Driver Operator


OKD can provision persistent volumes (PVs) using the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) persistent disk (PD) storage.

Familiarity with persistent storage and configuring CSI volumes is recommended when working with a Container Storage Interface (CSI) Operator and driver.

To create CSI-provisioned persistent volumes (PVs) that mount to GCP PD storage assets, OKD installs the GCP PD CSI Driver Operator and the GCP PD CSI driver by default in the openshift-cluster-csi-drivers namespace.

  • GCP PD CSI Driver Operator: By default, the Operator provides a storage class that you can use to create PVCs. You also have the option to create the GCP PD storage class as described in Persistent storage using GCE Persistent Disk.

  • GCP PD driver: The driver enables you to create and mount GCP PD PVs.

OKD defaults to using an in-tree (non-CSI) plugin to provision GCP PD storage.

In future OKD versions, volumes provisioned using existing in-tree plugins are planned for migration to their equivalent CSI driver. CSI automatic migration should be seamless. Migration does not change how you use all existing API objects, such as persistent volumes, persistent volume claims, and storage classes. For more information about migration, see CSI automatic migration.

After full migration, in-tree plugins will eventually be removed in future versions of OKD.

About CSI

Storage vendors have traditionally provided storage drivers as part of Kubernetes. With the implementation of the Container Storage Interface (CSI), third-party providers can instead deliver storage plugins using a standard interface without ever having to change the core Kubernetes code.

CSI Operators give OKD users storage options, such as volume snapshots, that are not possible with in-tree volume plugins.

GCP PD CSI driver storage class parameters

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) persistent disk (PD) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver uses the CSI external-provisioner sidecar as a controller. This is a separate helper container that is deployed with the CSI driver. The sidecar manages persistent volumes (PVs) by triggering the CreateVolume operation.

The GCP PD CSI driver uses the csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype parameter key to support dynamic provisioning. The following table describes all the GCP PD CSI storage class parameters that are supported by OKD.

Table 1. CreateVolume Parameters


pd-ssd or pd-standard


Allows you to choose between standard PVs or solid-state-drive PVs.


none or regional-pd


Allows you to choose between zonal or regional PVs.


Fully qualified resource identifier for the key to use to encrypt new disks.

Empty string

Uses customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) to encrypt new disks.

Creating a custom-encrypted persistent volume

When you create a PersistentVolumeClaim object, OKD provisions a new persistent volume (PV) and creates a PersistentVolume object. You can add a custom encryption key in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to protect a PV in your cluster by encrypting the newly created PV.

For encryption, the newly attached PV that you create uses customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) on a cluster by using a new or existing Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) key.


  • You are logged in to a running OKD cluster.

  • You have created a Cloud KMS key ring and key version.

For more information about CMEK and Cloud KMS resources, see Using customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK).


To create a custom-encrypted PV, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a storage class with the Cloud KMS key. The following example enables dynamic provisioning of encrypted volumes:

    1. apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    2. kind: StorageClass
    3. metadata:
    4. name: csi-gce-pd-cmek
    5. provisioner: pd.csi.storage.gke.io
    6. volumeBindingMode: "WaitForFirstConsumer"
    7. allowVolumeExpansion: true
    8. parameters:
    9. type: pd-standard
    10. disk-encryption-kms-key: projects/<key-project-id>/locations/<location>/keyRings/<key-ring>/cryptoKeys/<key> (1)
    1This field must be the resource identifier for the key that will be used to encrypt new disks. Values are case-sensitive. For more information about providing key ID values, see Retrieving a resource’s ID and Getting a Cloud KMS resource ID.

    You cannot add the disk-encryption-kms-key parameter to an existing storage class. However, you can delete the storage class and recreate it with the same name and a different set of parameters. If you do this, the provisioner of the existing class must be pd.csi.storage.gke.io.

  2. Deploy the storage class on your OKD cluster using the oc command:

    1. $ oc describe storageclass csi-gce-pd-cmek

    Example output

    1. Name: csi-gce-pd-cmek
    2. IsDefaultClass: No
    3. Annotations: None
    4. Provisioner: pd.csi.storage.gke.io
    5. Parameters: disk-encryption-kms-key=projects/key-project-id/locations/location/keyRings/ring-name/cryptoKeys/key-name,type=pd-standard
    6. AllowVolumeExpansion: true
    7. MountOptions: none
    8. ReclaimPolicy: Delete
    9. VolumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
    10. Events: none
  3. Create a file named pvc.yaml that matches the name of your storage class object that you created in the previous step:

    1. kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    2. apiVersion: v1
    3. metadata:
    4. name: podpvc
    5. spec:
    6. accessModes:
    7. - ReadWriteOnce
    8. storageClassName: csi-gce-pd-cmek
    9. resources:
    10. requests:
    11. storage: 6Gi

    If you marked the new storage class as default, you can omit the storageClassName field.

  4. Apply the PVC on your cluster:

    1. $ oc apply -f pvc.yaml
  5. Get the status of your PVC and verify that it is created and bound to a newly provisioned PV:

    1. $ oc get pvc

    Example output

    2. podpvc Bound pvc-e36abf50-84f3-11e8-8538-42010a800002 10Gi RWO csi-gce-pd-cmek 9s

    If your storage class has the volumeBindingMode field set to WaitForFirstConsumer, you must create a pod to use the PVC before you can verify it.

Your CMEK-protected PV is now ready to use with your OKD cluster.

Additional resources