Troubleshooting installation issues

To assist in troubleshooting a failed OKD installation, you can gather logs from the bootstrap and control plane, or master, machines. You can also get debug information from the installation program.


  • You attempted to install an OKD cluster, and installation failed.

Gathering logs from a failed installation

If you gave an SSH key to your installation program, you can gather data about your failed installation.

You use a different command to gather logs about an unsuccessful installation than to gather logs from a running cluster. If you must gather logs from a running cluster, use the oc adm must-gather command.


  • Your OKD installation failed before the bootstrap process finished. The bootstrap node is running and accessible through SSH.

  • The ssh-agent process is active on your computer, and you provided the same SSH key to both the ssh-agent process and the installation program.

  • If you tried to install a cluster on infrastructure that you provisioned, you must have the fully qualified domain names of the bootstrap and control plane nodes (also known as the master nodes).


  1. Generate the commands that are required to obtain the installation logs from the bootstrap and control plane machines:

    • If you used installer-provisioned infrastructure, change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      1. $ ./openshift-install gather bootstrap --dir=<installation_directory> (1)
      1installation_directory is the directory you specified when you ran ./openshift-install create cluster. This directory contains the OKD definition files that the installation program creates.

      For installer-provisioned infrastructure, the installation program stores information about the cluster, so you do not specify the hostnames or IP addresses.

    • If you used infrastructure that you provisioned yourself, change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      1. $ ./openshift-install gather bootstrap --dir=<installation_directory> \ (1)
      2. --bootstrap <bootstrap_address> \ (2)
      3. --master <master_1_address> \ (3)
      4. --master <master_2_address> \ (3)
      5. --master <master_3_address>" (3)
      1For installationdirectory, specify the same directory you specified when you ran ./openshift-install create cluster. This directory contains the OKD definition files that the installation program creates.
      2<bootstrap_address> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the cluster’s bootstrap machine.
      3For each control plane, or master, machine in your cluster, replace <master*_address> with its fully qualified domain name or IP address.

      A default cluster contains three control plane machines. List all of your control plane machines as shown, no matter how many your cluster uses.

    Example output

    1. INFO Pulling debug logs from the bootstrap machine
    2. INFO Bootstrap gather logs captured here "<installation_directory>/log-bundle-<timestamp>.tar.gz"

    If you open a Red Hat support case about your installation failure, include the compressed logs in the case.

Manually gathering logs with SSH access to your host(s)

Manually gather logs in situations where must-gather or automated collection methods do not work.


  • You must have SSH access to your host(s).


  1. Collect the bootkube.service service logs from the bootstrap host using the journalctl command by running:

    1. $ journalctl -b -f -u bootkube.service
  2. Collect the bootstrap host’s container logs using the podman logs. This is shown as a loop to get all of the container logs from the host:

    1. $ for pod in $(sudo podman ps -a -q); do sudo podman logs $pod; done
  3. Alternatively, collect the host’s container logs using the tail command by running:

    1. # tail -f /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/*/userdata/ctr.log
  4. Collect the kubelet.service and crio.service service logs from the master and worker hosts using the journalctl command by running:

    1. $ journalctl -b -f -u kubelet.service -u crio.service
  5. Collect the master and worker host container logs using the tail command by running:

    1. $ sudo tail -f /var/log/containers/*

Manually gathering logs without SSH access to your host(s)

Manually gather logs in situations where must-gather or automated collection methods do not work.

If you do not have SSH access to your node, you can access the systems journal to investigate what is happening on your host.


  • Your OKD installation must be complete.

  • Your API service is still functional.

  • You have system administrator privileges.


  1. Access journald unit logs under /var/log by running:

    1. $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u kubelet
  2. Access host file paths under /var/log by running:

    1. $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=openshift-apiserver

Getting debug information from the installation program

You can use any of the following actions to get debug information from the installation program.

  • Look at debug messages from a past installation in the hidden .openshift_install.log file. For example, enter:

    1. $ cat ~/<installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log (1)
    1For installation_directory, specify the same directory you specified when you ran ./openshift-install create cluster.
  • Change to the directory that contains the installation program and re-run it with --log-level=debug:

    1. $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir=<installation_directory> --log-level=debug (1)
    1For installation_directory, specify the same directory you specified when you ran ./openshift-install create cluster.