Carbondata Connector

## Overview

The Carbondata connector allows querying data stored in a Carbondata warehouse. Carbondata is a combination of three components:

  • Data files in carbondata storage formats that are typically stored in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
  • This metadata is only for table and column schema validation. carbondata metadata is stored along with the data files and is accessed via the Hive Metastore Service(HMS).
  • A query language called HiveQL/SparkSQL. This query language is executed on a distributed computing framework such as MapReduce or Spark.

openLooKeng only uses the first two components: the data and the metadata. It does not use HiveQL/SparkSQL or any part of Hive’s execution environment.

Note: Carbondata 2.0.1 is supported from openLooKeng


The Carbondata connector supports Apache Hadoop 2.x and above.

Create etc/catalog/ with the following contents to mount the carbondata connector as the carbondata catalog, replacing with the correct host and port for your Hive Metastore Thrift service:

  2. hive.metastore.uri=thrift://

HDFS Configuration

For basic setups, openLooKeng configures the HDFS client automatically and does not require any configuration files. In some cases, such as when using federated HDFS or NameNode high availability, it is necessary to specify additional HDFS client options in order to access HDFS cluster. To do so, add the hive.config.resources property to reference your HDFS config files:

  1. hive.config.resources=/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml,/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml,/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml,/etc/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml

Only specify additional configuration files if necessary for setup. It is also recommended reducing the configuration files to have the minimum set of required properties, as additional properties may cause problems.

The configuration files must exist on all openLooKeng nodes. If user is referencing existing Hadoop config files, make sure to copy them to any openLooKeng nodes that are not running Hadoop.

HDFS Username and Permissions

Before running any CREATE TABLE or CREATE TABLE AS statements for Carbondata tables, openLooKeng should have access to Hive and HDFS. The Hive warehouse directory is specified by the configuration variable hive.metastore.warehouse.dir in hive-site.xml, and the default value is /user/hive/warehouse.

When not using Kerberos with HDFS, openLooKeng will access HDFS using the OS user of the openLooKeng process. For example, if openLooKeng is running as nobody, it will access HDFS as nobody. You can override this username by setting the HADOOP_USER_NAME system property in the openLooKeng JVM Config, replacing hdfs_user with the appropriate username:

  1. -DHADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs_user

The hive user generally works, since Hive is often started with the hive user and this user has access to the Hive warehouse.

Whenever you change the user which openLooKeng is using to access HDFS, remove /tmp/openlookeng-*,/tmp/presto-*,/tmp/hetu-* on HDFS, as new user may not have access to the existing temporary directories.

Accessing Hadoop clusters protected with Kerberos authentication

Kerberos authentication is supported for both HDFS and the Hive metastore. However, Kerberos authentication by ticket cache is not yet supported.

The properties that apply to Carbondata connector security are listed in the Carbondata Configuration Properties table. Please see the Hive Security Configuration section for a more detailed discussion of the security options.

Carbondata Configuration Properties

Property NameDescriptionDefault the location of the storage for carbondata warehouse. If not specified, it uses default hive warehouse path, i.e /user/hive/warehouse/${hive.metastore.warehouse.dir} /
hive.metastoreThe type of Hive metastore to use. openLooKeng currently supports the default Hive Thrift metastore (thrift).thrift
hive.config.resourcesA comma-separated list of HDFS configuration files. These files must exist on the machines running openLooKeng. Example: /etc/hdfs-site.xml
hive.hdfs.authentication.typeHDFS authentication type. Possible values are NONE or KERBEROS.NONE
hive.hdfs.impersonation.enabledEnable HDFS end user impersonation.false
hive.hdfs.presto.principalThe Kerberos principal that openLooKeng will use when connecting to HDFS.
hive.hdfs.presto.keytabHDFS client keytab location.
hive.collect-column-statistics-on-writeEnables automatic column level statistics collection on write. See Table Statistics for details.true

Hive Thrift Metastore Configuration Properties

Property NameDescription
hive.metastore.uriThe URI(s) of the Hive metastore to connect to using the Thrift protocol. If multiple URIs are provided, the first URI is used by default and the rest of the URIs are fallback metastores. This property is required. Example: thrift:// or thrift://,thrift://
hive.metastore.usernameThe username openLooKeng will use to access the Hive metastore.
hive.metastore.authentication.typeHive metastore authentication type. Possible values are NONE or KERBEROS (defaults to NONE).
hive.metastore.service.principalThe Kerberos principal of the Hive metastore service.
hive.metastore.client.principalThe Kerberos principal that openLooKeng will use when connecting to the Hive metastore service.
hive.metastore.client.keytabHive metastore client keytab location.

Table Statistics

When writing data, the Carbondata connector always collects basic statistics (numFiles, numRows, rawDataSize, totalSize) and by default will also collect column level statistics:

Column TypeNull-CountDistinct values countMin/Max


The Carbondata connector supports querying and manipulating Carbondata tables and schemas (databases). Most operations can be performed using openLooKeng, while some uncommon operations will need to be performed using Spark::Carbondata directly.

Create Table

Create a new table orders:

  1. CREATE TABLE orders (
  2. orderkey bigint,
  3. orderstatus varchar,
  4. totalprice double,
  5. orderdate varchar
  6. );

Supported properties

locationSpecified directory is used to store table data.
If absent, default file system location will be used.

Create a new table orders at specified location:

  1. CREATE TABLE orders_with_store_location (
  2. orderkey bigint,
  3. orderstatus varchar,
  4. totalprice double,
  5. orderdate varchar
  6. )
  7. WITH ( location = '/store/path' );


  • If path is not fully qualified domain name, it will be stored in default file system.

Create Table as Select

Creates a new table based on the output of a SELECT statement

  1. CREATE TABLE delivered_orders
  2. AS SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'Delivered';
  1. CREATE TABLE backup_orders
  2. WITH ( location = '/backup/store/path' )
  3. AS SELECT * FROM orders_with_store_location;


Load additional rows into the orders table:

  1. INSERT INTO orders
  2. VALUES (BIGINT '101', 'Ready', 1000.25, '2020-06-08');

Load additional rows into the orders table by overwriting the existing rows:

  2. VALUES (BIGINT '101', 'Delivered', 1040.25, '2020-06-26');

Load additional rows into the orders table with values from another table;

  1. INSERT INTO orders
  2. SELECT * FROM delivered_orders;


Update all rows of table orders:

  1. UPDATE orders SET orderstatus = 'Ready';

Update orders with filter condition:

  1. UPDATE orders SET orderstatus = 'Delivered'
  2. WHERE totalprice >1000 AND totalprice < 2000;


Delete all rows in table orders::

  1. DELETE FROM orders;

Delete table orders with filter condition::

  1. DELETE FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'Not Available';

Drop Table

Drop an existing table.

  1. DROP TABLE orders;

Carbondata Connector Limitations

The following operations are not supported currently with Carbondata connector:

  • sort_by, bucketed_by and partitioned_by table properties are not supported while CREATE TABLE.
  • Materialized views are not supported.
  • Complex data types such as Arrays, Lists and Maps are not supported.
  • Alter table usage is not supported.
  • Operation on partitioned tables is not supported.