OpenFaaS Community

Community resources

Blog posts, upcoming/past events and code examples are available on the community resources page indexed by year.

Be counted: If you're speaking or have spoken about OpenFaaS or have a book, tutorial, blog post or workshop, please let the community know by raising a pull request to have it listed on this page.

Slack Workspace

OpenFaaS has its own Slack workspace, which you are welcome to join.

Various channels are available for discussing how to use and contribute to OpenFaaS, additional sub-communities include:

  • #kubernetes - all topics Kubernetes
  • #arm-and-pi - ARM / Raspberry Pi
  • #derek - GitHub automation through Derek
  • #general - containers, programming, source-control and other related topics to OpenFaaS
  • #inlets - tunnels for your local endpointsNotes:

Members of the Slack workspace may be able to provide community-level support, but it's easy for topics to get depending on the time of posting and how detailed the question/comment is. If you do not receive a response to your message then please try again and note the following advice.

It can be difficult to keep up with messages in the busier channels, therefore you are asked to keep your questions, comments and suggestions concise and to use threads in Slack.

Join Slack now

Sign-up to join the OpenFaaS Slack workspace using this form.

Insiders Track and GitHub Sponsors

Find out how you can join 80+ other developers in supporting the work of OpenFaaS, which is supported for free by a community of volunteers.

Become an Insider via GitHub Sponsors

Social media

Slack vs. GitHub issues

The GitHub repositories can be a rich source of information, but you are encouraged to ask your support questions through Slack and keep the issue tracker for flagging issues with the code or release and for proposing features to support your use-case.


  • How do I become a contributor?Anyone is invited to contribute to the project in-line with the contribution guide - you can also read the guide for ideas on how to get involved. We invite new contributors to join our Slack community. We would also ask you to propose any changes or contributions ahead of time, especially when there is no issue or proposal already tracking it.

Start here: Contribute to the project


For stickers, swag, media or press-kit information head over to openfaas/media

Please use statistics across the whole GitHub organisation for numbers of contributors, GitHub stars, forks and other activity. OpenFaaS does not operate a mono-repo, so taking statistics just from the (faas) repository is misrepresentation.

See also: OpenFaaS Organisation statistics.