Code Repositories

Code repositories

All source is organised under two repositories on GitHub: openfaas and openfaas-incubator.

OpenFaaS org

OpenFaaS started as a single mono-repo called faas and has been broken out into separate repositories in the openfaas organisation.

For this reason you should always collate statistics from the openfaas organisation, rather than the repository of a single component, which would provide invalid data. So whether counting issues, PRs, contributors, stars, or any other metric, use the whole organisation.

certifierEnd-to-end tests written in Go for verifying OpenFaaS with Swarm or Kubernetes after a release, this also runs through CI for the faas repo
docsOfficial docs repository for this site - i.e.
faasMain repository for project issues, suggestions, documentation and roadmap/backlog items. Also includes UI portal and API gateway
faas-netesKubernetes provider for OpenFaaS contains YAML and helm for deployment
faas-swarmDocker Swarm provider for OpenFaaS contains a stack file for deployment
faas-cliCLI for operating with OpenFaaS similar to kubectl or docker CLI
templatesOfficial templates for OpenFaaS CLI used to scaffold a new function
nats-queue-workerAsynchronous processing for deferred / queued work with OpenFaaS, based upon NATS Streaming
mediaPress-kit and media for the project branding and swag
openfaas.github.ioSource for and blog
openfaas-cloudOpenFaaS Cloud - portable, multi-user Serverless Functions powered by GitOps
workshopPractical training and hands-on labs for learning OpenFaaS

OpenFaaS Incubator

The openfaas-incubator organisation contains projects which are under active development.

Some people have wrongly assumed that the "incubator" organisation means that these projects have a special status, or that they are unsuitable for production. Projects that are unsuitable for production usage will say so in their readme file as part of the project status.

of-watchdogThe OpenFaaS watchdog re-written with mode-abstractions for both STDIO & HTTP
faas-idlerScale OpenFaaS functions to zero replicas after specified period of inactivity
openfaas-operatorThe OpenFaaS CRD Operator for Kubernetes
kafka-connectorThe Kafka connector connects OpenFaaS functions to Kafka topics
ofc-bootstrap"one-click" CLI to install OpenFaaS Cloud on Kubernetes
ingress-operatorProvides FunctionIngress CRD for Custom Domains on Kubernetes
connector-sdkBuild your own event connectors for OpenFaaS
vcenter-connectorTrigger OpenFaaS Functions from events in VMware vCenter
faas-federationFederate two OpenFaaS installations into one API
faas-memoryAn OpenFaaS Provider example using memory for state.

Training & tutorials

workshop-vscodeRun a Kubernetes workshop with VSCode in the browser
openfaas-linkerd2Lightweight Serverless on Kubernetes with mTLS and traffic-splitting with Linkerd2
openfaas-function-authExamples of authentication in OpenFaaS Serverless functions.


node10-express-templateNode.js 10 Express template providing additional context and control over the HTTP response from your function
node10-express-serviceTemplate with Node.js and Express.js exposed fully
node8-express-templateNode.js 8 template for OpenFaaS with HTTP via Express.js
golang-http-templateGolang template providing additional control over the HTTP request and response.
powershell-httpPowerShell HTTP template
ruby-httpA Ruby HTTP template for OpenFaaS
python-flask-templateOpenFaaS templates for Python 2.7/3.6 with Flask
python3-debianTemplate for Python3 on Debian for data-science / compiled pip modules
perl-templatePerl template for OpenFaaS