Composite Structures

Since binary formats are usually used to represent data in a way that makes it easy to map to in-memory data structures, it should come as no surprise that composite on-disk structures are usually defined in ways similar to the way programming languages define in-memory structures. Usually a composite on-disk structure will consist of a number of named parts, each of which is itself either a primitive type such as a number or a string, another composite structure, or possibly a collection of such values.

For instance, an ID3 tag defined in the 2.2 version of the specification consists of a header made up of a three-character ISO-8859-1 string, which is always “ID3”; two one-byte unsigned integers that specify the major version and revision of the specification; eight bits worth of boolean flags; and four bytes that encode the size of the tag in an encoding particular to the ID3 specification. Following the header is a list of frames, each of which has its own internal structure. After the frames are as many null bytes as are necessary to pad the tag out to the size specified in the header.

If you look at the world through the lens of object orientation, composite structures look a lot like classes. For instance, you could write a class to represent an ID3 tag.

  1. (defclass id3-tag ()
  2. ((identifier :initarg :identifier :accessor identifier)
  3. (major-version :initarg :major-version :accessor major-version)
  4. (revision :initarg :revision :accessor revision)
  5. (flags :initarg :flags :accessor flags)
  6. (size :initarg :size :accessor size)
  7. (frames :initarg :frames :accessor frames)))

An instance of this class would make a perfect repository to hold the data needed to represent an ID3 tag. You could then write functions to read and write instances of this class. For example, assuming the existence of certain other functions for reading the appropriate primitive data types, a read-id3-tag function might look like this:

  1. (defun read-id3-tag (in)
  2. (let ((tag (make-instance 'id3-tag)))
  3. (with-slots (identifier major-version revision flags size frames) tag
  4. (setf identifier (read-iso-8859-1-string in :length 3))
  5. (setf major-version (read-u1 in))
  6. (setf revision (read-u1 in))
  7. (setf flags (read-u1 in))
  8. (setf size (read-id3-encoded-size in))
  9. (setf frames (read-id3-frames in :tag-size size)))
  10. tag))

The write-id3-tag function would be structured similarly—you’d use the appropriate write-* functions to write out the values stored in the slots of the id3-tag object.

It’s not hard to see how you could write the appropriate classes to represent all the composite data structures in a specification along with read-foo and write-foo functions for each class and for necessary primitive types. But it’s also easy to tell that all the reading and writing functions are going to be pretty similar, differing only in the specifics of what types they read and the names of the slots they store them in. It’s particularly irksome when you consider that in the ID3 specification it takes about four lines of text to specify the structure of an ID3 tag, while you’ve already written eighteen lines of code and haven’t even written write-id3-tag yet.

What you’d really like is a way to describe the structure of something like an ID3 tag in a form that’s as compressed as the specification’s pseudocode yet that can also be expanded into code that defines the id3-tag class and the functions that translate between bytes on disk and instances of the class. Sounds like a job for a macro.