PostgreSQL ER Model

ER Model about PostgreSQL Database

ER Model

In Pigsty, PostgreSQL has four types of core entities.


  • Cluster is the basic autonomous unit, uniquely identified by user designation, expressing business meaning, and serving as a top-level namespace.
  • The clusters contain a series of Nodes at the hardware level, i.e., physical machines and VMs (or Pods) that IP can uniquely identify.
  • The cluster contains a series of Instances at the software level, i.e., software servers, which can be uniquely identified by IP: Port.
  • The cluster contains a series of Services at the service level, i.e., accessible domains and ports that can be uniquely identified by domains.

Entity - 图1

Naming Pattern

  • Cluster naming can use any name that satisfies the DNS domain name specification, not with a dot ( [a-zA-Z0-9-]+).
  • Node naming uses the cluster name as a prefix, followed by -and an ordinal integer number.
  • Instance naming can be consistent with the node naming, i.e., ${cluster}-${seq}.
  • Service naming also uses the cluster name as the prefix, followed by - to connect the service specifics, such as primary, replica, offline, delayed, etc.

Take the test database cluster pg-test for a sandbox as an example.

  • One cluster: The database cluster for testing is named pg-test.
  • Two roles: primary and replica.
  • Three instances: The cluster consists of three database instances: pg-test-1, pg-test-2, pg-test-3.
  • Three nodes: The cluster is deployed on three nodes:,, and
  • Four services:

ER Model

In Pigsty, PostgreSQL has four types of core entities.


  • Cluster is the basic autonomous unit, uniquely identified by user designation, expressing business meaning, and serving as a top-level namespace.
  • The clusters contain a series of Nodes at the hardware level, i.e., physical machines and VMs (or Pods) that IP can uniquely identify.
  • The cluster contains a series of Instances at the software level, i.e., software servers, which can be uniquely identified by IP: Port.
  • The cluster contains a series of Services at the service level, i.e., accessible domains and ports that can be uniquely identified by domains.

Entity - 图2

Naming Pattern

  • Cluster naming can use any name that satisfies the DNS domain name specification, not with a dot ( [a-zA-Z0-9-]+).
  • Node naming uses the cluster name as a prefix, followed by -and an ordinal integer number.
  • Instance naming can be consistent with the node naming, i.e., ${cluster}-${seq}.
  • Service naming also uses the cluster name as the prefix, followed by - to connect the service specifics, such as primary, replica, offline, delayed, etc.

Take the test database cluster pg-test for a sandbox as an example.

  • One cluster: The database cluster for testing is named pg-test.
  • Two roles: primary and replica.
  • Three instances: The cluster consists of three database instances: pg-test-1, pg-test-2, pg-test-3.
  • Three nodes: The cluster is deployed on three nodes:,, and
  • Four services:


A cluster is the basic autonomous business unit, which means that the cluster can provide services as a whole. Note that cluster here is a software-level concept, not to be confused with PG Cluster (database set cluster, i.e., a data directory containing multiple PGs of a singleton) or Node Cluster (machine cluster).

A cluster is one of the basic management units, and an organizational unit is used to unify various sources. A PG cluster may include.

  • Three physical machine nodes
  • One primary instance provides database read and writes services to.
  • Two replica instances provide read-only copies of the database.
  • Two exposed services: read-write service, and read-only copy service.

Cluster Naming Pattern

Each cluster has a unique identity. In this case, a database cluster named pg-test is defined.

The cluster name is similar to the role of a namespace. All sources belonging to this cluster will use this namespace.

The cluster identity (cls) must be unique within a set of environments, and naming patterns that conform to the DNS standard RFC1034 is recommended.

A good cluster name should use only lowercase letters, numbers, and the hyphen -and use letter starters.

  1. cluster_name := [a-z][a-z0-9-]*

Cluster naming should not include the dot. A popular naming pattern uses dot-separated hierarchical identities, such as This naming is simple, but the number of domain hierarchies is not controllable. The most intuitive example is Pods in Kubernetes, where Pod naming patterns do not allow.

Connotation of cluster naming is recommended by-separated two-paragraph and three-paragraph names.

  1. <cluster type>-<business>-<business line>

Typical cluster names include: pg-meta, pg-test-fin, pg-infrastructure-biz.


An instance refers to a specific database server, which can be a single process, a group of processes, or several associated containers within a Pod. The critical elements of an instance are.

  • Can be uniquely identified by the instance identity (ins).
  • Can handle requests (regardless of whether the request is received from a database, a connection pool, or a load balancer).

Instance Naming Pattern

Instances belong to clusters, and each instance has its unique identity within the cluster. The instance identity ins is recommended to use a naming pattern consistent with Kubernetes Pods: i.e., cluster name linked to an ordinal integer number in increments from 0/1 <cls>-<seq>.

Pigsty names the database instances in a cluster by default, increasing order starting from 1. For example, the database cluster pg-test has three database instances: pg-test-1, pg-test-2, and pg-test-3.

Once the instance name ins is assigned immutable, the instance will be used for the entire lifetime of the cluster.

In addition, with a singleton deployment, the database instance and the machine node can use each other’s identities.


A Node is an abstraction of a hardware resource, usually referring to a working machine, whether a physical machine (bare metal), a VM or a Pod in Kubernetes.

Note that Node in Kubernetes is an abstraction of hardware sources, but in reality, the concept of Node is similar to the concept of Pod in Kubernetes.

The key features of a Node are.

  • Nodes are abstractions of hardware sources that can run software services and deploy database instances.
  • Nodes can use IP as unique identities.

Node Naming Pattern

Pigsty uses ip as the node’s unique identity. If the machine has more than one IP, the actual access IP specified in the inventory will prevail. The hostname nodename, database instance identity ins, and node identity ip correspond to each other in Pigsty and can be cross-used as identities for database instances, machine nodes, and HAProxy load balancers.

The node naming is consistent with the database instance and remains the same throughout the cluster’s life.


A service is a named abstraction of a software service (e.g., Postgres, Redis). Services have various implementations, but the key elements are:

  • An addressable and accessible service name for providing access:
    • A DNS domain name (pg-test-primary)
    • An Nginx/Haproxy Port
  • Service traffic routing and load balancing mechanism for deciding which instance handles requests:
    • DNS L7: DNS resolution records
    • HTTP Proxy: Nginx/Ingress L7: Nginx Upstream Config
    • TCP Proxy: Haproxy L4: Haproxy Backend Config
    • Kubernetes: Ingress: Pod Selector.
    • The service also needs to decide which component will handle the request: the connection pool, or the database itself.

For more information about services, see the chapter Services.

Service Naming Pattern

The service identity (svc) consists of cls as a namespace and (role) as the service bearer.

In a PostgreSQL cluster, instances have different identities: primary, replica, standby, offline, and delayed. Different instances will provide different services; direct connection to the database and access to the database through connection pools are services of varying nature. It is common to use the role of the service target to identify the service, e.g., in the database cluster pg-test.

  • A service that points to the primary connection pool (primary) role instance is called pg-test-primary.
  • A service that points to a replica connection pool (replica) role is called pg-test-replica.
  • A service that points to an (offline) is called pg-test-offline.
  • A service that points to a (standby) is called pg-test-standby.

Note that services are not enough to divide pairs of instances. The same service can point to multiple instances. However, the same instance can also handle requests from different services.

Last modified 2022-06-06: fix offline links (cd122f7)