PGSQL Config

Describe the postgres you want with pgsql config

Pigsty has 100+ config parameters for describing a PostgreSQL cluster. However, users usually only need to care about a few parameters in identity params and business objects: the former expresses the database cluster “Who is it? Where is it?” and the latter represents the database “What does it look like? What’s in it?”.

The params on the PostgreSQL are divided into seven main sections:

  • PG_IDENTITY: Defining the identity of a PostgreSQL cluster.
  • PG_BUSINESS: Customized cluster templates: users, databases, services, privilege rules.
  • PG_INSTALL: Install PostgreSQL pkgs, extension plugins, and prepare dir and tool scripts.
  • PG_BOOTSTRP: Generate config template, pull up PostgreSQL cluster, build M-S replication, and enable connection pooling.
  • PG_PROVISION: PGSQL cluster template provisioning, creating users and databases, configuring privileges role HBA, mode and extensions.
  • PG_EXPORTER: PGSQL-exporter, database, and connection pool config monitoring component.
  • PG_SERVICE: Expose the PostgreSQL service, install the LB HAProxy, enable VIP, and configure DNS.
500pg_clusterPG_IDENTITYstringCPG Cluster Name
501pg_shardPG_IDENTITYstringCPG Shard Name (Reserve)
502pg_sindexPG_IDENTITYintCPG Shard Index (Reserve)
503gp_rolePG_IDENTITYenumCgp role of this PG cluster
504pg_rolePG_IDENTITYenumIPG Instance Role
505pg_seqPG_IDENTITYintIPG Instance Sequence
506pg_instancesPG_IDENTITY{port:ins}IPG instance on this node
507pg_upstreamPG_IDENTITYstringIPG upstream IP
508pg_offline_queryPG_IDENTITYboolIallow offline query?
509pg_backupPG_IDENTITYboolImake base backup on this ins?
510pg_weightPG_IDENTITYintIrelative weight in LB
511pg_hostnamePG_IDENTITYboolC/Iset PG ins name as hostname
512pg_preflight_skipPG_IDENTITYboolC/Askip preflight param validation
520pg_usersPG_BUSINESSuser[]Cbusiness users definition
521pg_databasesPG_BUSINESSdatabase[]Cbusiness databases definition
522pg_services_extraPG_BUSINESSservice[]Cad hoc service definition
523pg_hba_rules_extraPG_BUSINESSrule[]Cad hoc HBA rules
524pgbouncer_hba_rules_extraPG_BUSINESSrule[]Cad hoc pgbouncer HBA rules
525pg_admin_usernamePG_BUSINESSstringGadmin user’s name
526pg_admin_passwordPG_BUSINESSstringGadmin user’s password
527pg_replication_usernamePG_BUSINESSstringGreplication user’s name
528pg_replication_passwordPG_BUSINESSstringGreplication user’s password
529pg_monitor_usernamePG_BUSINESSstringGmonitor user’s name
530pg_monitor_passwordPG_BUSINESSstringGmonitor user’s password
540pg_dbsuPG_INSTALLstringCos dbsu for postgres
541pg_dbsu_uidPG_INSTALLintCdbsu UID
542pg_dbsu_sudoPG_INSTALLenumCsudo priv mode for dbsu
543pg_dbsu_homePG_INSTALLpathChome dir for dbsu
544pg_dbsu_ssh_exchangePG_INSTALLboolCexchange dbsu ssh keys?
545pg_versionPG_INSTALLintCmajor PG version to be installed
546pgdg_repoPG_INSTALLboolCadd official PGDG repo?
547pg_add_repoPG_INSTALLboolCadd extra upstream PG repo?
548pg_bin_dirPG_INSTALLpathCPG binary dir
549pg_packagesPG_INSTALLstring[]CPG packages to be installed
550pg_extensionsPG_INSTALLstring[]CPG extension pkgs to be installed
560pg_safeguardPG_BOOTSTRAPboolC/Adisable pg instance purge
561pg_cleanPG_BOOTSTRAPboolC/Apurge existing pgsql during init
562pg_dataPG_BOOTSTRAPpathCpg data dir
563pg_fs_mainPG_BOOTSTRAPpathCpg main data disk mountpoint
564pg_fs_bkupPG_BOOTSTRAPpathCpg backup disk mountpoint
565pg_dummy_filesizePG_BOOTSTRAPsizeC/pg/dummy file size
566pg_listenPG_BOOTSTRAPipCpg listen IP
567pg_portPG_BOOTSTRAPintCpg listen port
568pg_localhostPG_BOOTSTRAPippathpg’s UnixSocket address
580patroni_enabledPG_BOOTSTRAPboolCIs patroni & postgres enabled?
581patroni_modePG_BOOTSTRAPenumCpatroni working mode
582pg_dcs_typePG_BOOTSTRAPenumGdcs to be used consul/etcd
583pg_namespacePG_BOOTSTRAPpathCnamespace for patroni
584patroni_portPG_BOOTSTRAPintCpatroni listen port (8080)
585patroni_watchdog_modePG_BOOTSTRAPenumCpatroni watchdog policy
586pg_confPG_BOOTSTRAPstringCpatroni template
587pg_libsPG_BOOTSTRAPstringCdefault preload shared database
588pg_delayPG_BOOTSTRAPintervalIapply delay for standby leader
589pg_checksumPG_BOOTSTRAPboolCenable data checksum
590pg_encodingPG_BOOTSTRAPenumCcharacter encoding
592pg_lc_collatePG_BOOTSTRAPenumCcollate rule of locale
593pg_lc_ctypePG_BOOTSTRAPenumCctype of locale
594pgbouncer_enabledPG_BOOTSTRAPboolCis pgbouncer enabled
595pgbouncer_portPG_BOOTSTRAPintCpgbouncer listen port
596pgbouncer_poolmodePG_BOOTSTRAPenumCpgbouncer pooling mode
597pgbouncer_max_db_connPG_BOOTSTRAPintCmax connection per database
600pg_provisionPG_PROVISIONboolCprovision template to pgsql?
601pg_initPG_PROVISIONstringCpath to postgres init script
602pg_default_rolesPG_PROVISIONrole[]G/Clist or global default roles/users
603pg_default_privilegsPG_PROVISIONstring[]G/Clist of default privileges
604pg_default_schemasPG_PROVISIONstring[]G/Clist of default modes
605pg_default_extensionsPG_PROVISIONextension[]G/Clist of default extensions
606pg_reloadPG_PROVISIONboolAreload config?
607pg_hba_rulesPG_PROVISIONrule[]G/Cglobal HBA rules
608pgbouncer_hba_rulesPG_PROVISIONrule[]G/Cglobal pgbouncer HBA rules
620pg_exporter_configPG_EXPORTERstringCpg_exporter config path
621pg_exporter_enabledPG_EXPORTERboolCpg_exporter enabled ?
622pg_exporter_portPG_EXPORTERintCpg_exporter listen address
623pg_exporter_paramsPG_EXPORTERstringC/Iextra params for pg_exporter url
624pg_exporter_urlPG_EXPORTERstringC/Imonitor target pgurl (overwrite)
625pg_exporter_auto_discoveryPG_EXPORTERboolC/Ienable auto-database-discovery?
626pg_exporter_exclude_databasePG_EXPORTERstringC/Iexcluded list of databases
627pg_exporter_include_databasePG_EXPORTERstringC/Iincluded list of databases
628pg_exporter_optionsPG_EXPORTERstringC/Icli args for pg_exporter
629pgbouncer_exporter_enabledPG_EXPORTERboolCpgbouncer_exporter enabled ?
630pgbouncer_exporter_portPG_EXPORTERintCpgbouncer_exporter listen addr?
631pgbouncer_exporter_urlPG_EXPORTERstringC/Itarget pgbouncer url (overwrite)
632pgbouncer_exporter_optionsPG_EXPORTERstringC/Icli args for pgbouncer exporter
640pg_servicesPG_SERVICEservice[]G/Cglobal service definition
641haproxy_enabledPG_SERVICEboolC/Ihaproxy enabled ?
642haproxy_reloadPG_SERVICEboolAhaproxy reload instead of reset
643haproxy_auth_enabledPG_SERVICEboolG/Cenable auth for haproxy admin ?
644haproxy_admin_usernamePG_SERVICEstringGhaproxy admin user name
645haproxy_admin_passwordPG_SERVICEstringGhaproxy admin password
646haproxy_exporter_portPG_SERVICEintChaproxy exporter listen port
647haproxy_client_timeoutPG_SERVICEintervalChaproxy client timeout
648haproxy_server_timeoutPG_SERVICEintervalChaproxy server timeout
649vip_modePG_SERVICEenumCvip working mode
650vip_reloadPG_SERVICEboolAreload vip configuration
651vip_addressPG_SERVICEstringCvip address used by cluster
652vip_cidrmaskPG_SERVICEintCvip network CIDR length
653vip_interfacePG_SERVICEstringCvip network interface name
654dns_modePG_SERVICEenumCcluster DNS mode
655dns_selectorPG_SERVICEstringCcluster DNS ins selector


pg_cluster, pg_role, pg_seq belong to identity params .

In addition to the IP, these three parameters are the minimum set of parameters necessary to define a new set of clusters. A typical example is shown below:

  1. pg-test:
  2. hosts:
  3. {pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica}
  4. {pg_seq: 2, pg_role: primary}
  5. {pg_seq: 3, pg_role: replica}
  6. vars:
  7. pg_cluster: pg-test

All other params can be inherited from the global config or the default config, but the identity params must be explicitly specified and manually assigned. The current PGSQL identity params are as follows:

pg_clusterstringCPG database cluster name
pg_seqnumberIPG database ins serial number
pg_roleenumIPG database ins role
pg_shardstringCPG database slice set cluster name (placeholder)
pg_sindexnumberCPG database slice set cluster number (placeholder)
  • pg_cluster: It identifies the name of the cluster, which is configured at the cluster level.
  • pg_role: Configured at the instance level, identifies the role of the ins. Only the primary role will be handled specially. If not filled in, the default is the replica role and the special delayed and offline roles.
  • pg_seq: Used to identify the ins within the cluster, usually with an integer number incremented from 0 or 1, which is not changed once it is assigned.
  • {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ pg_seq }} is used to uniquely identify the ins, i.e. pg_instance.
  • {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ pg_role }} is used to identify the services within the cluster, i.e. pg_service.
  • pg_shard and pg_sindex are used for horizontally sharding clusters, reserved for Citus and Greenplum multicluster management.


PG cluster name, type: string, level: cluster, no default. A mandatory parameter must be provided by the user.

The cluster name will be used as the namespace for the resources within the cluster. The naming needs to follow a specific naming pattern: [a-z][a-z0-9-]* to be compatible with the requirements of different constraints on the identity.


Shard to which the PG cluster belongs (reserved), type: string, level: cluster, No default.

Only sharding clusters require this parameter to be set. When multiple clusters serve the same business in a horizontally sharded fashion, Pigsty refers to this group of clusters as a Sharding Cluster.

pg_shard is the name of the shard set cluster to which the cluster belongs. A shard set cluster can be specified with any name, but Pigsty recommends a meaningful naming pattern.

For example, a cluster participating in a sharded cluster can use the shard cluster name pg_shard + shard + the cluster’s shard number pg_sindex to form the cluster name:

  1. shard: test
  2. pg-testshard1
  3. pg-testshard2
  4. pg-testshard3
  5. pg-testshard4


PG cluster’s slice number (reserved), type: int, level: C, no default.

The sharded cluster’s slice number, used in conjunction with pg_shard is usually assigned sequentially starting from 0 or 1. Only sharded clusters require this param to be set.


Current role of PG cluster in GP, type: enum, level: C, default value:

Greenplum/MatrixDB-specific to specify the role this PG cluster plays in a GP deployment. The optional values are :

  • master: Facilitator Nodes
  • segment: Data Nodes

Identity parameter, cluster level parameter, and mandatory parameter when deploying GPSQL.


PG instance role, type: enum, level: I, no default, mandatory parameter, must be provided by the user.

Roles for PG ins, default roles include primary, replica, and offline.

  • primary: Primary, there must be one and only one member of the cluster as primary.
  • replica: Replica for carrying online read-only traffic.
  • offline: Offline replica for taking on offline read-only traffic, such as statistical analysis/ETL/personal queries, etc.

Identity params, required params, and instance-level params.


PG ins serial number, type: int, level: I, no default value, mandatory parameter, must be provided by the user.

A serial number of the database ins, unique within the cluster, is used to distinguish and identify different instances within the cluster, assigned starting from 0 or 1.


All PG instances on the current node, type: {port:ins}, level: I, default value:

This parameter can be used to describe when the node is deployed by more than one PG ins, such as Greenplum’s Segments, or when using monly mode to supervise existing ins. pg_instances is an array of objects with keys as ins ports and values as a dictionary whose contents can be parameters of any PGSQL board, see MatrixDB deploy for details.


The replicated upstream node of the instance, type: string, level: I, the default value is null.

Ins-level config entry with IP or hostname to indicate the upstream node for stream replication.

  • When configuring this parameter for a replica, the IP filled in must be another node within the cluster. Instances will be stream replicated from that node, and this option can be used to build cascaded replication.

  • When this parameter is configured for the primary of the cluster, it means that the entire cluster will run as a Standby Cluster, receiving changes from upstream nodes. The primary in the cluster will play the role of standby leader.

Using this parameter flexibly, you can build a standby cluster, complete the splitting of the sharded cluster, and realize the delayed cluster.


Allow offline queries, type: bool, level: I, default value: false.

When set to true, the user group dbrole_offline can connect to the ins and perform offline queries, regardless of the role of the current ins.

More practical for cases with a small number of ins (one primary & one replica), the user can mark the only replica as pg_offline_query = true, thus accepting ETL, slow queries with interactive access.


Store cold standbys on the ins, type: bool, level: I, default value: false.

Not implemented, the tag bit is reserved and the ins node with this tag is used to store the base cold standby.


The relative weight of the ins in load balancing, type: int, level: I, default value: 100.

When adjusting the relative weight of an instance in service, this parameter can be modified at the instance level and applied to take effect as described in SOP: Cluster Traffic Adjustment.


Set PG ins name to HOSTNAME, type: bool, level: C/I, default value: false, which is true by default in the demo.

Use the PG ins name and cluster name as the node’s name and cluster name when initializing the nodean , disabled by default.

When using the node: PG 1:1 exclusive deploy mode, you can assign the identity of the PG ins to the node, making the node consistent with the PG’s monitor identity.


Skip preflight param validation, type: bool, level: C/A, default value: false.

If not initializing a new cluster, the task of Patroni and Postgres initialization can be completely skipped with this parameter.


Users need to focus on this part of the parameters to declare their required database objects on behalf of the business.

Customized cluster templates: users, databases, services, privilege patterns.

Special DB users, it is recommended to change these user passwords in the production env.


Business user definition, type: user[], level: C, default value is an empty array.

Used to define business users at the cluster level, each object in the array defines a user or role, a complete user definition is as follows:

  1. pg_users: # define business users/roles on this cluster, array of user definition
  2. # define admin user for meta database (This user are used for pigsty app deployment by default)
  3. - name: dbuser_meta # required, `name` is the only mandatory field of a user definition
  4. password: md5d3d10d8cad606308bdb180148bf663e1 # md5 salted password of 'DBUser.Meta'
  5. # optional, plain text and md5 password are both acceptable (prefixed with `md5`)
  6. login: true # optional, can login, true by default (new biz ROLE should be false)
  7. superuser: false # optional, is superuser? false by default
  8. createdb: false # optional, can create database? false by default
  9. createrole: false # optional, can create role? false by default
  10. inherit: true # optional, can this role use inherited privileges? true by default
  11. replication: false # optional, can this role do replication? false by default
  12. bypassrls: false # optional, can this role bypass row level security? false by default
  13. pgbouncer: true # optional, add this user to pgbouncer user-list? false by default (production user should be true explicitly)
  14. connlimit: -1 # optional, user connection limit, default -1 disable limit
  15. expire_in: 3650 # optional, now + n days when this role is expired (OVERWRITE expire_at)
  16. expire_at: '2030-12-31' # optional, YYYY-MM-DD 'timestamp' when this role is expired (OVERWRITTEN by expire_in)
  17. comment: pigsty admin user # optional, comment string for this user/role
  18. roles: [dbrole_admin] # optional, belonged roles. default roles are: dbrole_{admin,readonly,readwrite,offline}
  19. parameters: # optional, role level parameters with `ALTER ROLE SET`
  20. log_min_duration_statements: 1000
  21. search_path: public # key value config parameters according to postgresql documentation (e.g: use pigsty as default search_path)
  22. - {name: dbuser_view , password: DBUser.Viewer ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_readonly], comment: read-only viewer for meta database}
  23. # define additional business users for prometheus & grafana (optional)
  24. - {name: dbuser_grafana , password: DBUser.Grafana ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin], comment: admin user for grafana database }
  25. - {name: dbuser_prometheus , password: DBUser.Prometheus ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin], comment: admin user for prometheus database }
  • Each user or role must specify a name and the rest of the fields are optional, a name must be unique in this list.
  • password is optional, if left blank then no password is set, you can use the MD5 ciphertext password.
  • login, superuser, createdb, createrole, inherit, replication and bypassrls are all boolean types used to set user attributes. If not set, the system defaults are used.
  • Users are created by CREATE USER, so they have the login attribute by default. If the role is created, you need to specify login: false.
  • expire_at and expire_in are used to control the user expiration time. expire_at uses a date timestamp in the shape of YYYY-mm-DD. expire_in uses the number of days to expire from now, and overrides the expire_at option if expire_in exists.
  • New users are not added to the Pgbouncer user list by default, and pgbouncer: true must be explicitly defined for the user to be added to the Pgbouncer user list.
  • Users/roles are created sequentially, and users defined later can belong to the roles defined earlier.
  • Users can add default privilegs groups for business users via the roles field:
    • dbrole_readonly: Default production read-only user with global read-only privileges. (Read-only production access)
    • dbrole_offline: Default offline read-only user with read-only access on a specific ins. (offline query, personal account, ETL)
    • dbrole_readwrite: Default production read/write user with global CRUD privileges. (Regular production use)
    • dbrole_admin: Default production management user with the privilege to execute DDL changes. (Admin User)

Configure pgbouncer: true for the production account to allow it to access through the connection pool; regular users should not access the database through the connection pool.


Business database definition, type: database[], level: C, default value is an empty array.

Used to define business users at the cluster level, each object in the array defines a business database, a complete database definition as follows:

  1. pg_databases: # define business databases on this cluster, array of database definition
  2. # define the default `meta` database
  3. - name: meta # required, `name` is the only mandatory field of a database definition
  4. baseline: cmdb.sql # optional, database sql baseline path, (relative path among ansible search path, e.g files/)
  5. owner: postgres # optional, database owner, postgres by default
  6. template: template1 # optional, which template to use, template1 by default
  7. encoding: UTF8 # optional, database encoding, UTF8 by default. (MUST same as template database)
  8. locale: C # optional, database locale, C by default. (MUST same as template database)
  9. lc_collate: C # optional, database collate, C by default. (MUST same as template database)
  10. lc_ctype: C # optional, database ctype, C by default. (MUST same as template database)
  11. tablespace: pg_default # optional, default tablespace, 'pg_default' by default.
  12. allowconn: true # optional, allow connection, true by default. false will disable connect at all
  13. revokeconn: false # optional, revoke public connection privilege. false by default. (leave connect with grant option to owner)
  14. pgbouncer: true # optional, add this database to pgbouncer database list? true by default
  15. comment: pigsty meta database # optional, comment string for this database
  16. connlimit: -1 # optional, database connection limit, default -1 disable limit
  17. schemas: [pigsty] # optional, additional schemas to be created, array of schema names
  18. extensions: # optional, additional extensions to be installed: array of schema definition `{name,schema}`
  19. - {name: adminpack, schema: pg_catalog} # install adminpack to pg_catalog and install postgis to public
  20. - {name: postgis, schema: public} # if schema is omitted, extension will be installed according to search_path.

In each DB definition, the DB name is mandatory and the rest are optional.

  • name: Database name, Must.
  • owner: Database owner, default is postgres
  • template: The template used for database creation, default is template1.
  • encoding: The default character encoding of the database, which is UTF8 by default, is consistent with the ins by default. It is recommended not to configure and modify it.
  • locale: The default localization rule for the database, which defaults to C, is recommended not to be configured to be consistent with the instance.
  • lc_collate: The default localized string sorting rule for the database, which is set the same as the instance by default, should not be modified and must be consistent with the DB template. It is strongly recommended not to configure, or configure to C.
  • lc_ctype: The default LOCALE of the database, by default, is the same as the ins setting, do not modify or set it, it must be consistent with the DB template. Configure to C or en_US.UTF8.
  • allowconn: Allow database connection, default is true, not recommended to change.
  • revokeconn: Reclaim privilege to connect to the database. The default is false. To be true, the PUBLIC CONNECT privilege on the database will be reclaimed. Only the default user (dbsu|monitor|admin|replicator|owner) can connect. In addition, the admin|owner will have GRANT OPTION, which can give other users connection privileges.
  • tablespace: The tablespace associated with the database, the default is pg_default.
  • connlimit: Database connection limit, default is -1, i.e. no limit.
  • extensions: An array of objects, each of which defines an extension in the database, and its installed mode.
  • parameters: K-V objects, each K-V defines a parameter that needs to be modified against the database via ALTER DATABASE.
  • pgbouncer: Boolean option to join this database to Pgbouncer or not. All databases are joined to Pgbouncer unless pgbouncer: false is explicitly specified.
  • comment: Database note information.


Cluster Proprietary Service Definition, Type: service[], Level: C, Default:

Used to define additional services at the cluster level, each object in the array defines a service, a complete service definition is as follows:

  1. - name: default # service's actual name is {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ }}
  2. src_ip: "*" # service bind ip address, * for all, vip for cluster virtual ip address
  3. src_port: 5436 # bind port, mandatory
  4. dst_port: postgres # target port: postgres|pgbouncer|port_number , pgbouncer(6432) by default
  5. check_method: http # health check method: only http is available for now
  6. check_port: patroni # health check port: patroni|pg_exporter|port_number , patroni by default
  7. check_url: /primary # health check url path, / as default
  8. check_code: 200 # health check http code, 200 as default
  9. selector: "[]" # instance selector
  10. haproxy: # haproxy specific fields
  11. maxconn: 3000 # default front-end connection
  12. balance: roundrobin # load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default)
  13. default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'

Each cluster can define multiple services, each containing any number of cluster members. Services are distinguished by port, name, and src_port are mandatory and must be unique within the array.


  • Name(

    The full name of the service is prefixed by the cluster name and suffixed by, connected by -. For example, the service with name=primary in the pg-test cluster has the full-service name pg-test-primary.

  • Port(service.port

    In Pigsty, services are exposed to the public by default in the form of NodePort, so exposing the port is mandatory. However, if you use an external LB service access scheme, you can also differentiate the services in other ways.

  • Selector(service.selector

    The selector specifies the ins members of the service, in the form of JMESPath, filtering variables from all cluster ins members. The default [] selector will pick all cluster members.


  • Backup Selector(service.selector

    The optional backup selector service.selector_backup selects or marks the list of ins used for service backup, i.e. the backup ins take over the service only when all other members of the cluster fail. For example, the primary ins can be added to the replica service’s alternative set, so that the primary can still carry the cluster’s read-only traffic when all replicas fail.

  • Source IP(service.src_ip

    Indicates the IP used externally by the service. The default is *, which is all IPs on the local. Using vip will use the vip_address variable to take the value, or you can fill in the specific IP supported by the NIC.

  • Host port(service.dst_port

    Which port on the target ins will the service’s traffic be directed to? postgres will point to the port the database is listening on, pgbouncer will point to the port the connection pool is listening on, or you can fill in a fixed port.

  • Health Check method(service.check_method:

    How does the service check the health status of the instance? Currently, only HTTP is supported.

  • Health Check Port(service.check_port:

    Which port of the service check-ins gets the health status of the ins? patroni will get it from Patroni (default 8008), pg_exporter will get it from PG Exporter (default 9630), or you can fill in a custom port.

  • Health Check Path(service.check_url:

    The service performs HTTP checks using the URL PATH. / is used as a health check by default, and PG Exporter and Patroni provide a variety of health checks that can be used to differentiate between primary & replica traffic. For example, /primary will only return success for the primary, and /replica will only return success for the replica. /read-only will return success for any instance that supports read-only (including the primary).

  • Health Check Code(service.check_code:

    The code expected by the HTTP health check, default is 200.

  • Haproxy Specific Placement(service.haproxy

    Proprietary config entries for service provisioning software (HAproxy).

    • <service>.haproxy

    These parameters are now defined in service, using service.haproxy to override the parameter config of the ins.

    • maxconn

    HAProxy maximum number of front and back-end connections, default is 3000.

    • balance

    In the algorithm used by haproxy LB, the optional policy is roundrobin, and leastconn, the default is roundrobin.

    • default_server_options

    Default options for Haproxy backend server ins:

    'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'


Cluster/ins specific HBA rule, Type: rule[], Level: C, Default:

Set the client IP black and white list rules for the database. An array of objects, each of which represents a rule, each of which consists of three parts:

  • title: Rule headings, which are converted to comments in the HBA file
  • role: Apply for roles, common means apply to all instances, other values (e.g. replica, offline) will only be installed to matching roles. For example, role='replica' means that this rule will only be applied to instances with pg_role == 'replica'.
  • rules: Array of strings, each record represents a rule that will eventually be written to pg_hba.conf.

As a special case, the HBA rule for role == 'offline' is additionally installed on instance of pg_offline_query == true.

pg_hba_rules is similar, but is typically used for global uniform HBA rule settings, and pg_hba_rules_extra will append to pg_hba.conf in the same way.

If you need to completely overwrite the cluster’s HBA rules and do not want to inherit the global HBA config, you should configure pg_hba_rules at the cluster level and override the global config.


Pgbounce HBA rule, type: rule[], level: C, default value is an empty array.

Similar to pg_hba_rules_extra for extra config of Pgbouncer’s HBA rules at the cluster level.


PG admin user, type: string, level: G, default value: "dbuser_dba".

The DB username is used to perform PG management tasks (DDL changes), with superuser privileges by default.


PG admin user password, type: string, level: G, default value: "DBUser.DBA".

The database user password used to perform PG management tasks (DDL changes) must be in plaintext. The default is DBUser.DBA and highly recommended changes!

It is highly recommended to change this parameter when deploying in production envs!


PG replication user’s name, type: string, level: G, default value: "replicator".

For performing PostgreSQL stream replication, it is recommended to keep global consistency.


PG’s Replication User Password, type: string, level: G, default value: "DBUser.Replicator".

The password of the database user used to perform PostgreSQL stream replication must be in plaintext. The default is DBUser.Replicator.

It is highly recommended to change this parameter when deploying in production envs!


PG monitor user, type: string, level: G, default value: "dbuser_monitor".

The database user name is used to perform PostgreSQL and Pgbouncer monitoring tasks.


PG monitor user password, type: string, level: G, default value: "DBUser.Monitor".

The password of the database user used to perform PostgreSQL and Pgbouncer monitoring tasks, must be in plaintext.

It is highly recommended to change this parameter when deploying in production envs!


PG Install is responsible for completing the installation of all PostgreSQL dependencies on a machine with the base software. The user can configure the name, ID, privileges, and access of the dbsu, configure the sources used for the installation, configure the installation address, the version to be installed, and the required pkgs and extensions plugins.

Such parameters only need to be modified when upgrading a major version of the database as a whole. Users can specify the software version to be installed via pg_version and override it at the cluster level to install different database versions for different clusters.


PG OS dbsu, type: string, level: C, default value: "postgres", not recommended to modify.

When installing Greenplum / MatrixDB, modify this parameter to the corresponding recommended value: gpadmin|mxadmin.


dbsu UID, type: int, level: C, default value: 26.

UID of the dbsu is used by the database by default. The default value is 26, consistent with the official RPM pkg-config of PG under CentOS, no modification is recommended.


Sudo privilege for dbsu, type: enum, level: C, default value: "limit".

  • none: No Sudo privilege
  • limit: Limited sudo privilege to execute systemctl commands for database-related components, default.
  • all: Full sudo privilege, password required.
  • nopass: Full sudo privileges without a password (not recommended).

The database superuser pg_dbsu has restricted sudo privilege by default: limit.


Home dir of dbsu pg_dbsu, type: path, level: C, default value: "/var/lib/pgsql".


Exchange the SSH key of dbsu pg_dbsu between executing machines. Type: bool, Level: C, Default: true.


Installed major PG version, type: int, level: C, default value: 14.

The current instance’s installed a major PG version. Default is 14, supported as low as 10.

Note that PostgreSQL physical stream replication cannot span major versions, please configure this variable at the global/cluster level to ensure that all ins within the entire cluster have the same major version number.


Add the official PG repo? , type: bool, level: C, default value: false.

Use this option to download and install PostgreSQL-related pkgs directly from official Internet repos without local repos.


Add PG-related upstream repos? , type: bool, level: C, default value: false

If used, the official PGDG repo will be added before installing PostgreSQL.


PG binary dir, type: path, level: C, default value: "/usr/pgsql/bin".

The default value is a softlink created manually during the installation process, pointing to the specific Postgres version dir installed.

For example /usr/pgsql -> /usr/pgsql-14. For more details, please see FHS.


List of installed PG pkgs, type: string[], level: C, default value:

  1. - postgresql${pg_version}*
  2. - postgis32_${pg_version}*
  3. - citus_${pg_version}*
  4. - timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}
  5. - pgbouncer pg_exporter pgbadger pg_activity node_exporter consul haproxy vip-manager
  6. - patroni patroni-consul patroni-etcd python3 python3-psycopg2 python36-requests python3-etcd
  7. - python3-consul python36-urllib3 python36-idna python36-pyOpenSSL python36-cryptography

${pg_version} in the package will be replaced with the actual installed PostgreSQL version pg_version.

When you specify a special pg_version for a particular cluster, you can adjust this parameter at the cluster level accordingly (e.g. some extensions did not exist when PG14 beta was installed).


PG plugin list, type: string[], level: C, default value:

  1. pg_repack_${pg_version}
  2. pg_qualstats_${pg_version}
  3. pg_stat_kcache_${pg_version}
  4. pg_stat_monitor_${pg_version}
  5. wal2json_${pg_version}"

${pg_version} will be replaced with the major PG version number pg_version.


On a machine with Postgres, create a set of databases.

  • Cluster identity definition, clean up existing ins, make dir, copy tools and scripts, configure environment variables.
  • Render Patroni config templates, and pull up primary and replica using Patroni.
  • Configure Pgbouncer, initialize the business users and database, and register the database and data source services to DCS.

With pg_conf you can use the default cluster templates (OLTP / OLAP / CRIT / TINY). If you create a custom template, you can clone the default config in roles/postgres/templates and adapt it after modifying. Please refer to customize pgsql cluster for details.


Assure that any running pg instance will not be purged by any pgsql playbook., level: C/A, default: false

Check SafeGuard for details.


Remove existing pg during node init? level: C/A, default: false

This allows the removal of any running pg instance during pgsql.yml, which makes it a true idempotent playbook.

It’s a dangerous option so you’d better disable it by default and use it with -e CLI args.

This parameter not working when pg_safeguard is set to true


PG data dir, type: path, level: C, default value: "/pg/data", not recommended to change.


PG main data disk mountpoint, type: path, level: C, default value: "/data".

Pigsty’s default dir structure assumes that there is a main data disk mountpoint on the system that holds the DB dir along with another state.


PG backup disk mountpoint, type: path, level: C, default value: "/data/backups".

Pigsty’s default dir structure assumes that there is a backup data disk mountpoint on the system that holds backup and archive data. However, users can also specify a sub-dir on the primary data disk as the backup disk home mountpoint.


Size of the file /pg/dummy, type: size, level: C, default value: "64MiB".

A placeholder file is a pre-allocated empty file that takes up disk space. When the disk is full, removing the placeholder file can free up some space, it is recommended to use 4GiB, and 8GiB for production env.


PG listen IP address, type: ip, level: C, default value: "".

PG listen to IP address, default all IPv4, if you want to include all IPv6, you can use *.


PG listen to Port, type: int, level: C, default value: 5432, not recommended to change.


PG’s UnixSocket dir, type: ip|path, level: C, default value: "/var/run/postgresql".

The Unix socket dir holds the Unix socket files for PostgreSQL and Pgbouncer, which are accessed through the local Unix socket when the client does not specify an IP to access the database.


Enabled Patroni, type: bool, level: C, default value: true.

If disable, Pigsty will skip pulling up patroni. This option is used when setting up extra staff for an existing ins.


Patroni work mode, type: enum, level: C, default value: "default".

  • default: Enable Patroni to enter HA auto-switching mode.
  • pause: Enable Patroni to automatically enter maintenance mode after completing initialization (no automatic M-S S switching).
  • remove: Initialize the cluster with Patroni and remove Patroni after initialization.


Which type of DCS to be used, type: enum, hierarchy: G, default value: "consul".

There are two available options: consul and etcd.

consul_enabled or etcd_enabled should be true if default internal DCS are used.


DCS namespace used by Patroni, type: path, level: C, default value: "/pg".


Patroni listens to port, type: int, level: C, default value: 8008.

The Patroni API server listens to the port for service and health checks to the public by default.


Patroni Watchdog mode, type: enum, level: C, default value: "automatic".

When an M-S switchover occurs, Patroni will try to shut down the primary before elevating the replica. If the primary is still not shut down within the specified time, Patroni will use the Linux kernel module softdog to fence shutdown according to the config.

  • off: No using watchdog.
  • automatic: Enable watchdog if the kernel has softdog enabled, not forced, default behavior.
  • required: Force watchdog, or refuse to start if softdog is not enabled on the system.

Enabling Watchdog means that the system prioritizes ensuring data consistency and drops availability. If availability is more important to your system, it is recommended to turn off Watchdog on the meta node.


Patroni’s template, type: string, level: C, default value: "tiny.yml"

The Patroni template was used to pull up the Postgres cluster. Pigsty has 4 pre-built templates:

  • oltp.yml Regular OLTP template, default config.
  • olap.ymlOLAP templates to improve parallelism, optimize for throughput, and optimize for long-running queries.
  • crit.yml Core business templates, based on OLTP templates optimized for security, data integrity, using synchronous replication, forced to enable data checksum.
  • tiny.yml Micro templates optimized for low-resource scenarios have demo clusters running in VMs.


Shared database loaded by PG, type: string, level: C, default value: "timescaledb, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain".

Fill in the string of the shared_preload_libraries parameter in the Patroni template to control the dynamic database that PG starts preloading. In the current version, the following databases are loaded by default: timescaledb, pg_stat_statements, auand to_explain.

If Citus support is enabled by default, you need to modify this parameter by adding citus to the first position: citus, timescaledb, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain.


Apply delay for delayed standby cluster, type: interval, level: I, default: 0

Specify a recovery min apply delay for Delayed Replica, can only be set on standby cluster initialization.


Enable data checksums? , type: bool, class: C , default: "false"

Data checksum is enforced when using crit template.


PG character set encoding, type: enum, level: C, default value: "UTF8". It is not recommended to modify this parameter if there is no special need.


The locale for PG, type: enum, level: C, default value: "C".

It is not recommended to modify this parameter if there is no special need, improper sorting rules may have a significant impact on database performance.


Collate rule of locale, type: enum, level: C, default value: "C".

Users can implement the localization sorting function by COLLATE expression, wrong localization sorting rule may cause exponential performance loss for some operations, please modify this parameter when you ensure there is a localization requirement.


C-type of locale, type: enum, level: C, default value: "en_US.UTF8"

Some PG extensions (pg_trgm) require extra character classification definitions to work properly for internationalized characters, so Pigsty will use the en_US.UTF8 character set definition by default, and it is not recommended to modify this parameter.


Enable Pgbouncer, type: bool, level: C, default value: true.


Pgbouncer listen port, type: int, level: C, default value: 6432.


Pgbouncer pooling mode, type: int, level: C, default value: 6432.

  • transaction, Transaction-level connection pooling, by default, has good performance but affects the use of PreparedStatements with some other session-level features.
  • session, Session-level connection pooling for maximum compatibility.
  • statements, Statement-level join pooling, consider using this pattern if the queries are all point-and-click.


Max connection per database, type: int, level: C, default value: 100.

When using Transaction Pooling mode, the number of active server connections is usually in single digits. If Session Pooling mode is used, this parameter can be increased appropriately.


PG_BOOTSTRAP is responsible for creating a completely new set of Postgres clusters, while PG_PROVISION is responsible for creating the default objects in this new set of database clusters, including:

  • Basic roles: read-only role, read-write role, admin role
  • Basic users: replica user, dbsu, monitor user, the admin user
  • Default privileges in the template database
  • Default mode
  • Default Extensions
  • HBA black and white list rules

Pigsty provides rich customization options, if you want to further customize the PG cluster, you can see Customize: PGSQL Cluster.


Provision template to pgsql (app template), type: bool, level: C, default: true.

Provision of the PostgreSQL cluster. Setting to false will skip the tasks defined by pg_provision. Note, however, that the creation of the four default dbsu, replication user, admin user, and monitor user is not affected by this.


Custom PG init script, type: string, level: C, default value: "pg-init".

The path to pg-inits Shell script, which defaults to pg-init, is copied to /pg/bin/pg-init and then executed.

The default pg-init is just a wrapper for the SQL command:

  1. # system default roles
  2. psql postgres -qAXwtf /pg/tmp/pg-init-roles.sql
  3. # system default template
  4. psql template1 -qAXwtf /pg/tmp/pg-init-template.sql
  5. # make postgres same as templated database (optional)
  6. psql postgres -qAXwtf /pg/tmp/pg-init-template.sql

Users can add their cluster init logic in a custom pg-init script.


List or global default roles/users, type: role[], level: G/C, default value:

  1. # - default roles - #
  2. pg_default_roles:
  3. # default roles
  4. - { name: dbrole_readonly , login: false , comment: role for global read-only access } # production read-only role
  5. - { name: dbrole_readwrite , login: false , roles: [dbrole_readonly], comment: role for global read-write access } # production read-write role
  6. - { name: dbrole_offline , login: false , comment: role for restricted read-only access (offline instance) } # restricted-read-only role
  7. - { name: dbrole_admin , login: false , roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readwrite] , comment: role for object creation } # production DDL change role
  8. # default users
  9. - { name: postgres , superuser: true , comment: system superuser } # system dbsu, name is designated by `pg_dbsu`
  10. - { name: dbuser_dba , superuser: true , roles: [dbrole_admin] , comment: system admin user } # admin dbsu, name is designated by `pg_admin_username`
  11. - { name: replicator , replication: true , bypassrls: true , roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly] , comment: system replicator } # replicator
  12. - { name: dbuser_monitor , roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly] , comment: system monitor user , parameters: {log_min_duration_statement: 1000 } } # monitor user
  13. - { name: dbuser_stats , password: DBUser.Stats , roles: [dbrole_offline] , comment: business offline user for offline queries and ETL } # ETL user

This parameter defines the default role and default user in PostgreSQL in the form of an array of objects, which are defined in the same form as in pg_users.


List of default privilegs, type: string[], level: G/C, default value:

  1. pg_default_privileges:
  2. - GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMAS TO dbrole_readonly
  3. - GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO dbrole_readonly
  4. - GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readonly
  5. - GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_readonly
  6. - GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMAS TO dbrole_offline
  7. - GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO dbrole_offline
  8. - GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_offline
  9. - GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_offline
  10. - GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLES TO dbrole_readwrite
  11. - GRANT USAGE, UPDATE ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  13. - GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMAS TO dbrole_admin

Please refer to default privilege for details.


List of default schemas, type: string[], hierarchy: G/C, default value: [monitor].

Pigsty creates a schema named monitor for installing monitoring extensions by default.


List of defalut extensions, array of objects, type extension[], hierarchy: G/C, default value:

  1. pg_default_extensions:
  2. - { name: 'pg_stat_statements', schema: 'monitor' }
  3. - { name: 'pgstattuple', schema: 'monitor' }
  4. - { name: 'pg_qualstats', schema: 'monitor' }
  5. - { name: 'pg_buffercache', schema: 'monitor' }
  6. - { name: 'pageinspect', schema: 'monitor' }
  7. - { name: 'pg_prewarm', schema: 'monitor' }
  8. - { name: 'pg_visibility', schema: 'monitor' }
  9. - { name: 'pg_freespacemap', schema: 'monitor' }
  10. - { name: 'pg_repack', schema: 'monitor' }
  11. - name: postgres_fdw
  12. - name: file_fdw
  13. - name: btree_gist
  14. - name: btree_gin
  15. - name: pg_trgm
  16. - name: intagg
  17. - name: intarray

If the extension does not specify a schema field, the extension will install to the corresponding schema based on the current search_path, e.g., public.


Reload Database Config (HBA), type: bool, level: A, default value: true.

When set to true, Pigsty will execute the pg_ctl reload application immediately after generating HBA rules.

When generating the pg_hba.conf file and manually comparing it before applying it to take effect, you can specify -e pg_reload=false to disable it.


PostgreSQL global HBA rule, type: rule[], hierarchy: G/C, default value:

  1. pg_hba_rules:
  2. - title: allow meta node password access
  3. role: common
  4. rules:
  5. - host all all md5
  6. - title: allow intranet admin password access
  7. role: common
  8. rules:
  9. - host all +dbrole_admin md5
  10. - host all +dbrole_admin md5
  11. - host all +dbrole_admin md5
  12. - title: allow intranet password access
  13. role: common
  14. rules:
  15. - host all all md5
  16. - host all all md5
  17. - host all all md5
  18. - title: allow local read-write access (local production user via pgbouncer)
  19. role: common
  20. rules:
  21. - local all +dbrole_readwrite md5
  22. - host all +dbrole_readwrite md5
  23. - title: allow read-only user (stats, personal) password directly access
  24. role: replica
  25. rules:
  26. - local all +dbrole_readonly md5
  27. - host all +dbrole_readonly md5

This parameter is formally identical to pg_hba_rules_extra, and it is recommended to configure a uniform pg_hba_rules globally and use pg_hba_rules_extra for extra customization. The rules in both parameters are applied sequentially, with the latter taking higher priority.


PgbouncerL global HBA rule, type: rule[], level: G/C, default value:

  1. pgbouncer_hba_rules:
  2. - title: local password access
  3. role: common
  4. rules:
  5. - local all all md5
  6. - host all all md5
  7. - title: intranet password access
  8. role: common
  9. rules:
  10. - host all all md5
  11. - host all all md5
  12. - host all all md5

The default Pgbouncer HBA rules are simple:

  1. Allow login from local with password
  2. Allow password login from the intranet network break

Users can customize it.


PG Exporter for monitoring Postgres with Pgbouncer connection pools.


PG-exporter config file, type: string, level: C, default value: "pg_exporter.yml".

The default config file used by pg_exporter defines the database and connection pool monitor metrics in Pigsty. The default is pg_exporter.yml.

The PG-exporter config file used by Pigsty is supported by default from PostgreSQL 10.0 and is currently supported up to the latest PG 14 release. There are several of optional templates.


Enable PG-exporter, type: bool, level: C, default value: true.

Whether to install and configure pg_exporter, when false, the config of pg_exporter on the current node will be skipped, and this Exporter will be skipped when registering monitoring targets.


PG-exposure listen to Port, type: int, level: C, default value: 9630.


Extra params for PG-exporter URL , type: string, level: C/I, default value: "sslmode=disable".


Monitor target pgurl(override), type: string, level: C/I, default value: "".

The PG URL used by PG-exporter to connect to the database should be the URL to access the postgres managed database, which is configured as an environment variable in /etc/default/pg_exporter.

Optional param, defaults to the empty string, if the pg_exporter_url option is configured, the URL will be used directly as the monitor target pgurl. Otherwise, Pigsty will generate the target URL for monitoring using the following rule:

The above params will be stitched together in the following manner:

  1. postgres://{{ pg_monitor_username }}:{{ pg_monitor_password }}@:{{ pg_port }}/postgres{% if pg_exporter_params != '' %}?{{ pg_exporter_params }}{% if pg_localhost != '' %}&host={{ pg_localhost }}{% endif %}{% endif %}

If the pg_exporter_url param is specified, Exporter will use that connection string directly.

Note: When only a specific business database needs to be monitored, you can use the PGURL of that database directly. if you need to monitor all business databases on a particular database ins, it is recommended to use the PGURL of the meta database postgres.


Auto-database-discovery, type: bool, level: C/I, default value: true.

Enable auto-database-discovery, enabled by default. When enabled, PG Exporter automatically detects changes to the list of databases and creates a crawl connection for each database.

When off, monitoring of objects in the library is not available.

Note that if you have many databases (100+) or a very large number of objects in the database (several k, a dozen), please carefully evaluate the overhead incurred by object monitoring.


DB auto-discovery exclusion list, type: string, level: C/I, default value: "template0,template1,postgres".

Database name list, when auto-database-discovery is enabled, databases in this list will not be monitored (excluded from monitor objects).


Auto-database-discovery capsule list, type: string, level: C/I, default value: "".

Database name list, when auto-database-discovery is enabled, databases that are not in this column table will not be monitored.


Cli args for PG-exporter , type: string, level: C/I, default value:"--log.level=info --log.format=\"logger:syslog?appname=pg_exporter&local=7\"".


Pgbouncer-exporter enabled, type: bool, level: C, default value: true.


PGB-exporter listens to Port, type: int, level: C, default value: 9631.


Monitor target pgurl, type: string, level: C/I, default value: "".

The DB’s URL used by PGBouncer Exporter to connect, should be the URL to access the pgbouncer managed database. An optional parameter, default is the empty string.

Pigsty generates the target URL for monitoring by default using the following rules, if the pgbouncer_exporter_url option is configured, this URL will be used directly as the connection string.

  1. PG_EXPORTER_URL='postgres://{{ pg_monitor_username }}:{{ pg_monitor_password }}@:{{ pgbouncer_port }}/pgbouncer?host={{ pg_localhost }}&sslmode=disable'

This option is configured as an environment variable in /etc/default/pgbouncer_exporter.


Cli args for PGB Exporter, type: string, level: C/I, default value: "--log.level=info --log.format=\"logger:syslog?appname=pgbouncer_exporter&local=7\".

The INFO level log is about to be typed into syslog.


Listen to PostgreSQL service, install the load balancer HAProxy, enable VIP, and configure DNS.


Global generic PG service definition, type: []service, level: G, default value:

  1. pg_services: # how to expose postgres service in cluster?
  2. - name: primary # service name {{ pg_cluster }}-primary
  3. src_ip: "*"
  4. src_port: 5433
  5. dst_port: pgbouncer # 5433 route to pgbouncer
  6. check_url: /primary # primary health check, success when instance is primary
  7. selector: "[]" # select all instance as primary service candidate
  8. - name: replica # service name {{ pg_cluster }}-replica
  9. src_ip: "*"
  10. src_port: 5434
  11. dst_port: pgbouncer
  12. check_url: /read-only # read-only health check. (including primary)
  13. selector: "[]" # select all instance as replica service candidate
  14. selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]"
  15. - name: default # service's actual name is {{ pg_cluster }}-default
  16. src_ip: "*" # service bind ip address, * for all, vip for cluster virtual ip address
  17. src_port: 5436 # bind port, mandatory
  18. dst_port: postgres # target port: postgres|pgbouncer|port_number , pgbouncer(6432) by default
  19. check_method: http # health check method: only http is available for now
  20. check_port: patroni # health check port: patroni|pg_exporter|port_number , patroni by default
  21. check_url: /primary # health check url path, / as default
  22. check_code: 200 # health check http code, 200 as default
  23. selector: "[]" # instance selector
  24. haproxy: # haproxy specific fields
  25. maxconn: 3000 # default front-end connection
  26. balance: roundrobin # load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default)
  27. default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'
  28. - name: offline # service name {{ pg_cluster }}-offline
  29. src_ip: "*"
  30. src_port: 5438
  31. dst_port: postgres
  32. check_url: /replica # offline MUST be a replica
  33. selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]" # instances with pg_role == 'offline' or instance marked with 'pg_offline_query == true'
  34. selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]" # replica are used as backup server in offline service

An array consisting of service definition objects that define the services listened to the public. The form is consistent with pg_service_extra.


Enable Haproxy, type: bool, tier: C/I, default value: true.

Pigsty deploys Haproxy on all database nodes by default, enabling Haproxy LB only on specific instance/nodes by overriding ins-level variables.


Reload Haproxy config, type: bool, level: A, default value: true.

If turned off, Pigsty will not perform Reload operation after rendering the HAProxy config file, and users can check it by themselves.


Enable auth for Haproxy, type: bool, level: G/C, default value: false.

Not enabled by default, we recommend enabling it in production envs or adding access control to Nginx or other access layers.


HAproxy admin user name, type: string, level: G, default value: "admin".


HAproxy admin user password, type: string, level: G, default value: "pigsty".


HAproxy-exporter listen port, type: int, tier: C, default value: 9101.


HAproxy client timeout, type: interval, level: C, default value: "24h".


HAproxy server timeout, type: interval, level: C, default value: "24h".


VIP mode: none, type: enum, level: C, default value: "none".

  • none: No VIP setting, default option.
  • l2: Layer 2 VIP bound to the primary (requires all members to be in the same Layer 2 network broadcast domain).
  • l4: Reserved value for traffic distribution via an external L4 load balancer. (not included in Pigsty’s current implementation).

VIPs are used to ensure the HA of reading and writing services with LBs. When using L2 VIPs, Pigsty’s VIPs are hosted by a vip-manager and will be bound to the cluster primary.

This means that it is always possible to access the cluster primary through a VIP, or the LB on the primary through a VIP (which may have performance pressure).

Note that when using Layer 2 VIP, you must ensure that the VIP candidate ins are under the same Layer 2 network (VLAN, switch).


Overloaded VIP config, type: bool, level: A, default value: true.


VIP address used by the cluster, type: string, level: C, default value.


Network CIDR mask length for VIP address, type: int, level: C, default value.


Network CIDR mask length for VIP address, type: int, level: C, default value.


DNS config mode (reserved parameter), type: enum, level: C, default value.


DNS resolution object selector (reserved parameter), type: string, level: C, default value.

Last modified 2022-06-04: fii en docs batch 2 (61bf601)