Is the value valid?

clojure.spec.alpha/valid? takes two arguments

  • a specification
  • a value to test against the specification

clojure.spec.alpha/valid? is a predicate function.

true is returned if the value meets the specification, otherwise false is returned.

Require the Clojure spec library

Set the namespace for the page and require clojure.spec.alpha library, setting the alias to spec

  1. (ns practicalli.clojure.specifications
  2. (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]))

Using valid?

If the value is valid then a boolean true is returned. Experiment with different values and predicate functions.

  1. (spec/valid? even? 180)
  1. (spec/valid? string? "Am I a valid string")

using custom predicate functions

Create fn definitions to use as predicate functions. Any function that returns true or false can be used.

  1. (spec/valid? (fn [value] (> value 1024)) 8080)

The custom predicate function may also be written in the shorter form of a fn definition

  1. (spec/valid? #(> % 1024) 8080)

Use def to bind names to custom predicate functions if they are used more than once in the code base.

In this example a name is bound to a function that checks if a port is within the range of IANA registered networking ports#Common_port_numbers).

  1. (def registered-port-range?
  2. "Network port number within IANA registered port range"
  3. #(and (> % 1024) #(< % 49151) )
  4. (spec/valid? registered-port-range? 8080)