Using Clojure tools

The clojure command provided by Clojure tools can be used to evaluate code, run Clojure applications and start a command line REPL.

Clojure tools on the command line can be used for evaluating an expressions or running Clojure from files as scripts.

Editors and Clojure tools

Clojure code is developed using a clojure aware editor which uses the clojure command to start a REPL service.

The editor connects to the REPL (via nREPL or SocketREPL) which evaluates any code expressions sent to the REPL and returns the results instantly in the editor.

Other tools

The Clojure Inspector provides a simple GUI tool to show to show the result from evaluating Clojure code.

The REBL data browser show the results in a GUI of any Clojure code that is evaluated as you are developing.

What version of Clojure CLI tools are installed?

The deps.edn file allows you to specify a particular version of the Clojure language the REPL and project use. You can also evaluate *clojure-version* in a REPL to see which version of the Clojure language is being used.

clj -Sdescribe will show you the version of the Clojure CLI tools that is currently installed.

clojure cli tools - describe install version

clj -Sverbose will also show the version of Clojure CLI tools used before it runs a REPL