
  1. SHOW STATS FOR table
  2. SHOW STATS FOR ( SELECT * FROM table [ WHERE condition ] )
  3. SHOW STATS FOR ( SELECT col1, col2,... colN FROM table [ WHERE condition ] )


SHOW STATS FOR table: Show statistics for a specific table. It provides information about the number of rows, number of nulls, minimum and maximum values, number of distinct values, and average length for each column in the table.

SHOW STATS FOR ( query ): Show statistics for the result of a specific query. It provides the same information as SHOW STATS FOR table, but for the result set of the query instead of a single table.

Any statistics that are not populated or unavailable on the data source are returned as NULL. Any additional statistics collected on the data source other than those listed below are not included in the output of the SHOW STATS command.

The summary row does not correspond to any specific column so the column_name value for the summary row is NULL.

The following table lists the returned columns and what statistics they represent.






The name of the column

NULL in the table summary row.


The total size in bytes of all of the values in the column

NULL in the table summary row. Available for columns of string data types with variable widths.


The estimated number of distinct values in the column

NULL in the table summary row.


The portion of the values in the column that are NULL

NULL in the table summary row.


The estimated number of rows in the table

NULL in column statistic rows.


The lowest value found in this column

NULL in the table summary row. Available for columns of DATE, integer, floating-point, and fixed-precision data types.


The highest value found in this column

NULL in the table summary row. Available for columns of DATE, integer, floating-point, and fixed-precision data types.