typing —- 类型提示支持

3.5 新版功能.

源码: Lib/typing.py


Python 运行时不强制执行函数和变量类型注解,但这些注解可用于类型检查器、IDE、静态检查器等第三方工具。

This module provides runtime support for type hints as specified by PEP 484, PEP 526, PEP 544, PEP 586, PEP 589, PEP 591, PEP 612 and PEP 613. The most fundamental support consists of the types Any, Union, Tuple, Callable, TypeVar, and Generic. For full specification please see PEP 484. For a simplified introduction to type hints see PEP 483.


  1. def greeting(name: str) -> str:
  2. return 'Hello ' + name

greeting 函数中,参数 name 的类型是 str,返回类型也是 str。子类型也可以当作参数。


把类型赋给别名,就可以定义类型别名。本例中,Vectorlist[float] 相同,可互换:

  1. Vector = list[float]
  2. def scale(scalar: float, vector: Vector) -> Vector:
  3. return [scalar * num for num in vector]
  4. # typechecks; a list of floats qualifies as a Vector.
  5. new_vector = scale(2.0, [1.0, -4.2, 5.4])


  1. from collections.abc import Sequence
  2. ConnectionOptions = dict[str, str]
  3. Address = tuple[str, int]
  4. Server = tuple[Address, ConnectionOptions]
  5. def broadcast_message(message: str, servers: Sequence[Server]) -> None:
  6. ...
  7. # The static type checker will treat the previous type signature as
  8. # being exactly equivalent to this one.
  9. def broadcast_message(
  10. message: str,
  11. servers: Sequence[tuple[tuple[str, int], dict[str, str]]]) -> None:
  12. ...

注意,None 是一种类型提示特例,已被 type(None) 取代。


Use the NewType helper class to create distinct types:

  1. from typing import NewType
  2. UserId = NewType('UserId', int)
  3. some_id = UserId(524313)


  1. def get_user_name(user_id: UserId) -> str:
  2. ...
  3. # typechecks
  4. user_a = get_user_name(UserId(42351))
  5. # does not typecheck; an int is not a UserId
  6. user_b = get_user_name(-1)

UserId 类型的变量可执行所有 int 操作,但返回结果都是 int 类型。这种方式允许在预期 int 时传入 UserId,还能防止意外创建无效的 UserId

  1. # 'output' is of type 'int', not 'UserId'
  2. output = UserId(23413) + UserId(54341)

Note that these checks are enforced only by the static type checker. At runtime, the statement Derived = NewType('Derived', Base) will make Derived a class that immediately returns whatever parameter you pass it. That means the expression Derived(some_value) does not create a new class or introduce much overhead beyond that of a regular function call.

更确切地说,在运行时,some_value is Derived(some_value) 表达式总为 True。

It is invalid to create a subtype of Derived:

  1. from typing import NewType
  2. UserId = NewType('UserId', int)
  3. # Fails at runtime and does not typecheck
  4. class AdminUserId(UserId): pass

However, it is possible to create a NewType based on a ‘derived’ NewType:

  1. from typing import NewType
  2. UserId = NewType('UserId', int)
  3. ProUserId = NewType('ProUserId', UserId)

同时,ProUserId 的类型检查也可以按预期执行。

详见 PEP 484


回顾上文,类型别名声明了两种彼此 等价 的类型。 Alias = Original 时,静态类型检查器认为 AliasOriginal 完全等价。 这种方式适用于简化复杂类型签名。

反之,NewType 声明把一种类型当作另一种类型的 子类型Derived = NewType('Derived', Original) 时,静态类型检查器把 Derived 当作 Original子类 ,即,Original 类型的值不能用在预期 Derived 类型的位置。这种方式适用于以最小运行时成本防止逻辑错误。

3.5.2 新版功能.

在 3.10 版更改: NewType is now a class rather than a function. There is some additional runtime cost when calling NewType over a regular function. However, this cost will be reduced in 3.11.0.


预期特定签名回调函数的框架可以用 Callable[[Arg1Type, Arg2Type], ReturnType] 实现类型提示。


  1. from collections.abc import Callable
  2. def feeder(get_next_item: Callable[[], str]) -> None:
  3. # Body
  4. def async_query(on_success: Callable[[int], None],
  5. on_error: Callable[[int, Exception], None]) -> None:
  6. # Body

无需指定调用签名,用省略号字面量替换类型提示里的参数列表: Callable[..., ReturnType],就可以声明可调对象的返回类型。

Callables which take other callables as arguments may indicate that their parameter types are dependent on each other using ParamSpec. Additionally, if that callable adds or removes arguments from other callables, the Concatenate operator may be used. They take the form Callable[ParamSpecVariable, ReturnType] and Callable[Concatenate[Arg1Type, Arg2Type, ..., ParamSpecVariable], ReturnType] respectively.

在 3.10 版更改: Callable now supports ParamSpec and Concatenate. See PEP 612 for more information.


The documentation for ParamSpec and Concatenate provide examples of usage in Callable.



  1. from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
  2. def notify_by_email(employees: Sequence[Employee],
  3. overrides: Mapping[str, str]) -> None: ...

typing 模块中新推出的 TypeVar 工厂函数实现泛型参数化。

  1. from collections.abc import Sequence
  2. from typing import TypeVar
  3. T = TypeVar('T') # Declare type variable
  4. def first(l: Sequence[T]) -> T: # Generic function
  5. return l[0]



  1. from typing import TypeVar, Generic
  2. from logging import Logger
  3. T = TypeVar('T')
  4. class LoggedVar(Generic[T]):
  5. def __init__(self, value: T, name: str, logger: Logger) -> None:
  6. self.name = name
  7. self.logger = logger
  8. self.value = value
  9. def set(self, new: T) -> None:
  10. self.log('Set ' + repr(self.value))
  11. self.value = new
  12. def get(self) -> T:
  13. self.log('Get ' + repr(self.value))
  14. return self.value
  15. def log(self, message: str) -> None:
  16. self.logger.info('%s: %s', self.name, message)

Generic[T] 是定义类 LoggedVar 的基类,该类使用单类型参数 T。在该类体内,T 是有效的类型。

Generic 基类定义了 __class_getitem__() ,因此,LoggedVar[t] 也是有效类型:

  1. from collections.abc import Iterable
  2. def zero_all_vars(vars: Iterable[LoggedVar[int]]) -> None:
  3. for var in vars:
  4. var.set(0)


  1. from typing import TypeVar, Generic
  2. ...
  3. T = TypeVar('T')
  4. S = TypeVar('S', int, str)
  5. class StrangePair(Generic[T, S]):
  6. ...

Generic 类型变量的参数应各不相同。下列代码就是无效的:

  1. from typing import TypeVar, Generic
  2. ...
  3. T = TypeVar('T')
  4. class Pair(Generic[T, T]): # INVALID
  5. ...

Generic 支持多重继承:

  1. from collections.abc import Sized
  2. from typing import TypeVar, Generic
  3. T = TypeVar('T')
  4. class LinkedList(Sized, Generic[T]):
  5. ...


  1. from collections.abc import Mapping
  2. from typing import TypeVar
  3. T = TypeVar('T')
  4. class MyDict(Mapping[str, T]):
  5. ...

比如,本例中 MyDict 调用的单参数,T

未指定泛型类的类型参数时,每个位置的类型都预设为 Any。下例中,MyIterable 不是泛型,但却隐式继承了 Iterable[Any]

  1. from collections.abc import Iterable
  2. class MyIterable(Iterable): # Same as Iterable[Any]


  1. from collections.abc import Iterable
  2. from typing import TypeVar
  3. S = TypeVar('S')
  4. Response = Iterable[S] | int
  5. # Return type here is same as Iterable[str] | int
  6. def response(query: str) -> Response[str]:
  7. ...
  8. T = TypeVar('T', int, float, complex)
  9. Vec = Iterable[tuple[T, T]]
  10. def inproduct(v: Vec[T]) -> T: # Same as Iterable[tuple[T, T]]
  11. return sum(x*y for x, y in v)

在 3.7 版更改: Generic 不再支持自定义元类。

User-defined generics for parameter expressions are also supported via parameter specification variables in the form Generic[P]. The behavior is consistent with type variables’ described above as parameter specification variables are treated by the typing module as a specialized type variable. The one exception to this is that a list of types can be used to substitute a ParamSpec:

  1. >>> from typing import Generic, ParamSpec, TypeVar
  2. >>> T = TypeVar('T')
  3. >>> P = ParamSpec('P')
  4. >>> class Z(Generic[T, P]): ...
  5. ...
  6. >>> Z[int, [dict, float]]
  7. __main__.Z[int, (<class 'dict'>, <class 'float'>)]

Furthermore, a generic with only one parameter specification variable will accept parameter lists in the forms X[[Type1, Type2, ...]] and also X[Type1, Type2, ...] for aesthetic reasons. Internally, the latter is converted to the former and are thus equivalent:

  1. >>> class X(Generic[P]): ...
  2. ...
  3. >>> X[int, str]
  4. __main__.X[(<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>)]
  5. >>> X[[int, str]]
  6. __main__.X[(<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>)]

Do note that generics with ParamSpec may not have correct __parameters__ after substitution in some cases because they are intended primarily for static type checking.

在 3.10 版更改: Generic can now be parameterized over parameter expressions. See ParamSpec and PEP 612 for more details.

抽象基类可作为用户定义的泛型类的基类,且不会与元类冲突。现已不再支持泛型元类。参数化泛型的输出结果会被缓存,typing 模块的大多数类型都可哈希、可进行等价对比。

Any 类型

Any 是一种特殊的类型。静态类型检查器认为所有类型均与 Any 兼容,同样,Any 也与所有类型兼容。

也就是说,可对 Any 类型的值执行任何操作或方法调用,并赋值给任意变量:

  1. from typing import Any
  2. a = None # type: Any
  3. a = [] # OK
  4. a = 2 # OK
  5. s = '' # type: str
  6. s = a # OK
  7. def foo(item: Any) -> int:
  8. # Typechecks; 'item' could be any type,
  9. # and that type might have a 'bar' method
  10. item.bar()
  11. ...

注意,Any 类型的值赋给更精确的类型时,不执行类型检查。例如,把 a 赋给 s,在运行时,即便 s 已声明为 str 类型,但接收 int 值时,静态类型检查器也不会报错。

此外,未指定返回值与参数类型的函数,都隐式地默认使用 Any

  1. def legacy_parser(text):
  2. ...
  3. return data
  4. # A static type checker will treat the above
  5. # as having the same signature as:
  6. def legacy_parser(text: Any) -> Any:
  7. ...
  8. return data

需要混用动态与静态类型代码时,此操作把 Any 当作 应急出口

Anyobject 的区别。与 Any 相似,所有类型都是 object 的子类型。然而,与 Any 不同,object 不可逆:object 不是 其它类型的子类型。

就是说,值的类型是 object 时,类型检查器几乎会拒绝所有对它的操作,并且,把它赋给更精确的类型变量(或返回值)属于类型错误。例如:

  1. def hash_a(item: object) -> int:
  2. # Fails; an object does not have a 'magic' method.
  3. item.magic()
  4. ...
  5. def hash_b(item: Any) -> int:
  6. # Typechecks
  7. item.magic()
  8. ...
  9. # Typechecks, since ints and strs are subclasses of object
  10. hash_a(42)
  11. hash_a("foo")
  12. # Typechecks, since Any is compatible with all types
  13. hash_b(42)
  14. hash_b("foo")

使用 object,说明值能以类型安全的方式转为任何类型。使用 Any,说明值是动态类型。

名义子类型 vs 结构子类型

PEP 484 最初只是把 Python 静态类型系统定义为应用 名义子类型。即,当且仅当 AB 的子类时,才能在预期 B 类时应用 A 类。

此项要求以前也适用于抽象基类,例如,Iterable 。这种方式的问题在于,定义类时必须显式说明,既不 Pythonic,也不是动态类型式 Python 代码的惯用写法。例如,下列代码就遵从了 PEP 484 的规范:

  1. from collections.abc import Sized, Iterable, Iterator
  2. class Bucket(Sized, Iterable[int]):
  3. ...
  4. def __len__(self) -> int: ...
  5. def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int]: ...

PEP 544 允许用户在类定义时不显式说明基类,从而解决了这一问题,静态类型检查器隐式认为 Bucket 既是 Sized 的子类型,又是 Iterable[int] 的子类型。这就是 结构子类型 (又称为静态鸭子类型):

  1. from collections.abc import Iterator, Iterable
  2. class Bucket: # Note: no base classes
  3. ...
  4. def __len__(self) -> int: ...
  5. def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int]: ...
  6. def collect(items: Iterable[int]) -> int: ...
  7. result = collect(Bucket()) # Passes type check

此外,结构子类型的优势在于,通过继承特殊类 Protocol ,用户可以定义新的自定义协议(见下文中的例子)。




本模块定义了一些类型,作为标准库中已有的类的子类,从而可以让 Generic 支持 [] 中的类型变量。Python 3.9 中,这些标准库的类已支持 [] ,因此,这些类型就变得冗余了。

Python 3.9 弃用了这些冗余类型,但解释器并未提供相应的弃用警告。标记弃用类型的工作留待支持 Python 3.9 及以上版本的类型检查器实现。

Python 3.9.0 发布五年后的首个 Python 发行版将从 typing 模块中移除这些弃用类型。详见 PEP 585标准集合的类型提示泛型》。



这些类型可用于类型注解,但不支持 []



  • 所有类型都与 Any 兼容。

  • Any 与所有类型都兼容。



  1. from typing import NoReturn
  2. def stop() -> NoReturn:
  3. raise RuntimeError('no way')

3.5.4 新版功能.

3.6.2 新版功能.


Special annotation for explicitly declaring a type alias. For example:

  1. from typing import TypeAlias
  2. Factors: TypeAlias = list[int]

See PEP 613 for more details about explicit type aliases.

3.10 新版功能.


可用于类型注解,且支持 [] ,每种形式都有其独特的句法。


元组类型; Tuple[X, Y] 是二项元组类型,第一个元素的类型是 X,第二个元素的类型是 Y。空元组的类型可写为 Tuple[()]

例:Tuple[T1, T2] 是二项元组,类型变量分别为 T1 和 T2。Tuple[int, float, str] 是由整数、浮点数、字符串组成的三项元组。

可用省略号字面量指定同质变长元组,例如,Tuple[int, ...]TupleTuple[Any, ...] 等价,也与 tuple 等价。

3.9 版后已移除: builtins.tuple 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type


Union type; Union[X, Y] is equivalent to X | Y and means either X or Y.

To define a union, use e.g. Union[int, str] or the shorthand int | str. Details:

  • 参数必须是某种类型,且至少有一个。

  • 联合类型之联合类型会被展平,例如:

    1. Union[Union[int, str], float] == Union[int, str, float]
  • 单参数之联合类型就是该参数自身,例如:

    1. Union[int] == int # The constructor actually returns int
  • 冗余的参数会被跳过,例如:

    1. Union[int, str, int] == Union[int, str] == int | str
  • 比较联合类型,不涉及参数顺序,例如:

    1. Union[int, str] == Union[str, int]
  • You cannot subclass or instantiate a Union.

  • 不支持 Union[X][Y] 这种写法。

在 3.7 版更改: 在运行时,不要移除联合类型中的显式子类。

在 3.10 版更改: Unions can now be written as X | Y. See union type expressions.



Optional[X] is equivalent to X | None (or Union[X, None]).

注意,可选类型与含默认值的可选参数不同。含默认值的可选参数不需要在类型注解上添加 Optional 限定符,因为它仅是可选的。例如:

  1. def foo(arg: int = 0) -> None:
  2. ...

另一方面,显式应用 None 值时,不管该参数是否可选, Optional 都适用。例如:

  1. def foo(arg: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
  2. ...

在 3.10 版更改: Optional can now be written as X | None. See union type expressions.


可调类型; Callable[[int], str] 是把(int)转为 str 的函数。


没有说明可选参数或关键字参数的句法;这类函数类型很少用作回调类型。Callable[..., ReturnType] (省略号字面量)可用于为接受任意数量参数,并返回 ReturnType 的可调对象提供类型提示。纯 Callable 等价于 Callable[..., Any],进而等价于 collections.abc.Callable

Callables which take other callables as arguments may indicate that their parameter types are dependent on each other using ParamSpec. Additionally, if that callable adds or removes arguments from other callables, the Concatenate operator may be used. They take the form Callable[ParamSpecVariable, ReturnType] and Callable[Concatenate[Arg1Type, Arg2Type, ..., ParamSpecVariable], ReturnType] respectively.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Callable 现已支持 []。 详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

在 3.10 版更改: Callable now supports ParamSpec and Concatenate. See PEP 612 for more information.


The documentation for ParamSpec and Concatenate provide examples of usage with Callable.


Used with Callable and ParamSpec to type annotate a higher order callable which adds, removes, or transforms parameters of another callable. Usage is in the form Concatenate[Arg1Type, Arg2Type, ..., ParamSpecVariable]. Concatenate is currently only valid when used as the first argument to a Callable. The last parameter to Concatenate must be a ParamSpec.

For example, to annotate a decorator with_lock which provides a threading.Lock to the decorated function, Concatenate can be used to indicate that with_lock expects a callable which takes in a Lock as the first argument, and returns a callable with a different type signature. In this case, the ParamSpec indicates that the returned callable’s parameter types are dependent on the parameter types of the callable being passed in:

  1. from collections.abc import Callable
  2. from threading import Lock
  3. from typing import Any, Concatenate, ParamSpec, TypeVar
  4. P = ParamSpec('P')
  5. R = TypeVar('R')
  6. # Use this lock to ensure that only one thread is executing a function
  7. # at any time.
  8. my_lock = Lock()
  9. def with_lock(f: Callable[Concatenate[Lock, P], R]) -> Callable[P, R]:
  10. '''A type-safe decorator which provides a lock.'''
  11. global my_lock
  12. def inner(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
  13. # Provide the lock as the first argument.
  14. return f(my_lock, *args, **kwargs)
  15. return inner
  16. @with_lock
  17. def sum_threadsafe(lock: Lock, numbers: list[float]) -> float:
  18. '''Add a list of numbers together in a thread-safe manner.'''
  19. with lock:
  20. return sum(numbers)
  21. # We don't need to pass in the lock ourselves thanks to the decorator.
  22. sum_threadsafe([1.1, 2.2, 3.3])

3.10 新版功能.


  • PEP 612 — Parameter Specification Variables (the PEP which introduced ParamSpec and Concatenate).

  • ParamSpec and Callable.

class typing.Type(Generic[CT_co])

C 注解的变量可以接受类型 C 的值。反之,用 Type[C] 注解的变量可以接受类自身的值 — 准确地说,是接受 C类对象,例如:

  1. a = 3 # Has type 'int'
  2. b = int # Has type 'Type[int]'
  3. c = type(a) # Also has type 'Type[int]'

注意,Type[C] 为协变量:

  1. class User: ...
  2. class BasicUser(User): ...
  3. class ProUser(User): ...
  4. class TeamUser(User): ...
  5. # Accepts User, BasicUser, ProUser, TeamUser, ...
  6. def make_new_user(user_class: Type[User]) -> User:
  7. # ...
  8. return user_class()

Type[C] 为协变量的意思是指, C 的所有子类都应使用与 C 相同的构造器签名及类方法签名。类型检查器应标记违反此项规定的内容,但也应允许符合指定基类构造器调用的子类进行构造器调用。PEP 484 修订版将来可能会调整类型检查器对这种特例的处理方式。

Type 合法的参数仅有类、Any类型变量 以及上述类型的联合类型。例如:

  1. def new_non_team_user(user_class: Type[BasicUser | ProUser]): ...

Type[Any] 等价于 Type,进而等价于 Python 元类架构的根基,type

3.5.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: builtins.type 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type



  1. def validate_simple(data: Any) -> Literal[True]: # always returns True
  2. ...
  3. MODE = Literal['r', 'rb', 'w', 'wb']
  4. def open_helper(file: str, mode: MODE) -> str:
  5. ...
  6. open_helper('/some/path', 'r') # Passes type check
  7. open_helper('/other/path', 'typo') # Error in type checker

Literal[...] 不能创建子类。在运行时,任意值均可作为 Literal[...] 的类型参数,但类型检查器可以对此加以限制。字面量类型详见 PEP 586

3.8 新版功能.

在 3.9.1 版更改: Literal 现在能去除形参的重复。 Literal 对象的相等性比较不再依赖顺序。 现在如果有某个参数不为 hashableLiteral 对象在相等性比较期间将引发 TypeError



PEP 526 所述,打包在 ClassVar 内的变量注解是指,给定属性应当用作类变量,而不应设置在类实例上。用法如下:

  1. class Starship:
  2. stats: ClassVar[dict[str, int]] = {} # class variable
  3. damage: int = 10 # instance variable

ClassVar 仅接受类型,也不能使用下标。

ClassVar 本身不是类,不应用于 isinstance()issubclass()ClassVar 不改变 Python 运行时行为,但可以用于第三方类型检查器。例如,类型检查器会认为以下代码有错:

  1. enterprise_d = Starship(3000)
  2. enterprise_d.stats = {} # Error, setting class variable on instance
  3. Starship.stats = {} # This is OK

3.5.3 新版功能.



  1. MAX_SIZE: Final = 9000
  2. MAX_SIZE += 1 # Error reported by type checker
  3. class Connection:
  4. TIMEOUT: Final[int] = 10
  5. class FastConnector(Connection):
  6. TIMEOUT = 1 # Error reported by type checker

这些属性没有运行时检查。详见 PEP 591

3.8 新版功能.


PEP 593灵活函数和变量注解)里引入的类型,可以用上下文特定元数据(Annotated 的参数可变,也可能用它的多个组成部分)装饰现有的类型。具体来说,就是类型提示 Annotated[T, x] 用元数据 x 注解类型 T。静态分析或运行时都能使用该元数据。库(或工具)处理类型提示 Annotated[T, x] 时,在元数据 x 不涉及特殊逻辑的情况下,可忽略该类型提示,仅把它当作类型 T。与 typing 模块中现有的 no_type_check 功能不同,该功能完全禁用了函数或类的类型检查注解,而 Annotated 类型则允许对 T 进行静态类型检查(例如,通过 mypy 或 Pyre,可安全地忽略 x),也可以在特定应用程序中实现 x 的运行时访问。

毕竟,如何解释注解(如有)由处理 Annotated 类型的工具/库负责。工具/库处理 Annotated 类型时,扫描所有注解以确定是否需要进行处理(例如,使用 isinstance())。



Annotated 类型支持把多个相同(或不同)的单个(或多个)类型注解置于任意节点。因此,使用这些注解的工具/库要负责处理潜在的重复项。例如,执行值范围分析时,应允许以下操作:

  1. T1 = Annotated[int, ValueRange(-10, 5)]
  2. T2 = Annotated[T1, ValueRange(-20, 3)]

传递 include_extras=Trueget_type_hints() ,即可在运行时访问额外的注解。


  • Annotated 的第一个参数必须是有效类型。

  • 支持多个类型标注(Annotated 支持可变参数):

    1. Annotated[int, ValueRange(3, 10), ctype("char")]
  • 调用 Annotated 至少要有两个参数(Annotated[int] 是无效的)

  • 注解的顺序会被保留,且影响等价检查:

    1. Annotated[int, ValueRange(3, 10), ctype("char")] != Annotated[
    2. int, ctype("char"), ValueRange(3, 10)
    3. ]
  • 嵌套 Annotated 类型会被展平,元数据从最内层注解依序展开:

    1. Annotated[Annotated[int, ValueRange(3, 10)], ctype("char")] == Annotated[
    2. int, ValueRange(3, 10), ctype("char")
    3. ]
  • 不移除注解重复项:

    1. Annotated[int, ValueRange(3, 10)] != Annotated[
    2. int, ValueRange(3, 10), ValueRange(3, 10)
    3. ]
  • Annotated 可用于嵌套或泛型别名:

    1. T = TypeVar('T')
    2. Vec = Annotated[list[tuple[T, T]], MaxLen(10)]
    3. V = Vec[int]
    4. V == Annotated[list[tuple[int, int]], MaxLen(10)]

3.9 新版功能.


Special typing form used to annotate the return type of a user-defined type guard function. TypeGuard only accepts a single type argument. At runtime, functions marked this way should return a boolean.

TypeGuard aims to benefit type narrowing — a technique used by static type checkers to determine a more precise type of an expression within a program’s code flow. Usually type narrowing is done by analyzing conditional code flow and applying the narrowing to a block of code. The conditional expression here is sometimes referred to as a “type guard”:

  1. def is_str(val: str | float):
  2. # "isinstance" type guard
  3. if isinstance(val, str):
  4. # Type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``str``
  5. ...
  6. else:
  7. # Else, type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``float``.
  8. ...

Sometimes it would be convenient to use a user-defined boolean function as a type guard. Such a function should use TypeGuard[...] as its return type to alert static type checkers to this intention.

Using -> TypeGuard tells the static type checker that for a given function:

  1. The return value is a boolean.

  2. If the return value is True, the type of its argument is the type inside TypeGuard.


    1. def is_str_list(val: List[object]) -> TypeGuard[List[str]]:
    2. '''Determines whether all objects in the list are strings'''
    3. return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)
    4. def func1(val: List[object]):
    5. if is_str_list(val):
    6. # Type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``List[str]``.
    7. print(" ".join(val))
    8. else:
    9. # Type of ``val`` remains as ``List[object]``.
    10. print("Not a list of strings!")

If is_str_list is a class or instance method, then the type in TypeGuard maps to the type of the second parameter after cls or self.

In short, the form def foo(arg: TypeA) -> TypeGuard[TypeB]: ..., means that if foo(arg) returns True, then arg narrows from TypeA to TypeB.


TypeB need not be a narrower form of TypeA — it can even be a wider form. The main reason is to allow for things like narrowing List[object] to List[str] even though the latter is not a subtype of the former, since List is invariant. The responsibility of writing type-safe type guards is left to the user.

TypeGuard also works with type variables. For more information, see PEP 647 (User-Defined Type Guards).

3.10 新版功能.



class typing.Generic



  1. class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):
  2. def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
  3. ...
  4. # Etc.


  1. X = TypeVar('X')
  2. Y = TypeVar('Y')
  3. def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[X, Y], key: X, default: Y) -> Y:
  4. try:
  5. return mapping[key]
  6. except KeyError:
  7. return default

class typing.TypeVar



  1. T = TypeVar('T') # Can be anything
  2. A = TypeVar('A', str, bytes) # Must be str or bytes

类型变量主要是为静态类型检查器提供支持,用于泛型类型与泛型函数定义的参数。有关泛型类型,详见 Generic。泛型函数的写法如下:

  1. def repeat(x: T, n: int) -> Sequence[T]:
  2. """Return a list containing n references to x."""
  3. return [x]*n
  4. def longest(x: A, y: A) -> A:
  5. """Return the longest of two strings."""
  6. return x if len(x) >= len(y) else y

本质上,后例的签名重载了 (str, str) -> str(bytes, bytes) -> bytes。注意,参数是 str 子类的实例时,返回类型仍是纯 str

在运行时,isinstance(x, T) 会触发 TypeError 异常。一般而言,isinstance()issubclass() 不应与类型搭配使用。

通过 covariant=Truecontravariant=True 可以把类型变量标记为协变量或逆变量。详见 PEP 484。默认情况下,类型变量是不变量。类型变量还可以用 bound=<type> 指定上限。这里的意思是,(显式或隐式地)取代类型变量的实际类型必须是限定类型的子类,详见 PEP 484

class typing.ParamSpec(name, **, bound=None, covariant=False, contravariant=False*)

Parameter specification variable. A specialized version of type variables.


  1. P = ParamSpec('P')

Parameter specification variables exist primarily for the benefit of static type checkers. They are used to forward the parameter types of one callable to another callable — a pattern commonly found in higher order functions and decorators. They are only valid when used in Concatenate, or as the first argument to Callable, or as parameters for user-defined Generics. See Generic for more information on generic types.

For example, to add basic logging to a function, one can create a decorator add_logging to log function calls. The parameter specification variable tells the type checker that the callable passed into the decorator and the new callable returned by it have inter-dependent type parameters:

  1. from collections.abc import Callable
  2. from typing import TypeVar, ParamSpec
  3. import logging
  4. T = TypeVar('T')
  5. P = ParamSpec('P')
  6. def add_logging(f: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
  7. '''A type-safe decorator to add logging to a function.'''
  8. def inner(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
  9. logging.info(f'{f.__name__} was called')
  10. return f(*args, **kwargs)
  11. return inner
  12. @add_logging
  13. def add_two(x: float, y: float) -> float:
  14. '''Add two numbers together.'''
  15. return x + y

Without ParamSpec, the simplest way to annotate this previously was to use a TypeVar with bound Callable[..., Any]. However this causes two problems:

  1. The type checker can’t type check the inner function because *args and **kwargs have to be typed Any.

  2. cast() may be required in the body of the add_logging decorator when returning the inner function, or the static type checker must be told to ignore the return inner.

  • args

  • kwargs

    Since ParamSpec captures both positional and keyword parameters, P.args and P.kwargs can be used to split a ParamSpec into its components. P.args represents the tuple of positional parameters in a given call and should only be used to annotate *args. P.kwargs represents the mapping of keyword parameters to their values in a given call, and should be only be used to annotate **kwargs. Both attributes require the annotated parameter to be in scope. At runtime, P.args and P.kwargs are instances respectively of ParamSpecArgs and ParamSpecKwargs.

Parameter specification variables created with covariant=True or contravariant=True can be used to declare covariant or contravariant generic types. The bound argument is also accepted, similar to TypeVar. However the actual semantics of these keywords are yet to be decided.

3.10 新版功能.


Only parameter specification variables defined in global scope can be pickled.




Arguments and keyword arguments attributes of a ParamSpec. The P.args attribute of a ParamSpec is an instance of ParamSpecArgs, and P.kwargs is an instance of ParamSpecKwargs. They are intended for runtime introspection and have no special meaning to static type checkers.

Calling get_origin() on either of these objects will return the original ParamSpec:

  1. P = ParamSpec("P")
  2. get_origin(P.args) # returns P
  3. get_origin(P.kwargs) # returns P

3.10 新版功能.


AnyStr 类型变量的定义为 AnyStr = TypeVar('AnyStr', str, bytes)


  1. def concat(a: AnyStr, b: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
  2. return a + b
  3. concat(u"foo", u"bar") # Ok, output has type 'unicode'
  4. concat(b"foo", b"bar") # Ok, output has type 'bytes'
  5. concat(u"foo", b"bar") # Error, cannot mix unicode and bytes

class typing.Protocol(Generic)

Protocol 类的基类。Protocol 类的定义如下:

  1. class Proto(Protocol):
  2. def meth(self) -> int:
  3. ...


  1. class C:
  2. def meth(self) -> int:
  3. return 0
  4. def func(x: Proto) -> int:
  5. return x.meth()
  6. func(C()) # Passes static type check

详见 PEP 544。Protocol 类用 runtime_checkable() (见下文)装饰,忽略类型签名,仅检查给定属性是否存在,充当简要的运行时协议。

Protocol 类可以是泛型,例如:

  1. class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
  2. def meth(self) -> T:
  3. ...

3.8 新版功能.


用于把 Protocol 类标记为运行时协议。

该协议可以与 isinstance()issubclass() 一起使用。应用于非协议的类时,会触发 TypeError。该指令支持简易结构检查,与 collections.abcIterable 非常类似,只擅长做一件事。 例如:

  1. @runtime_checkable
  2. class Closable(Protocol):
  3. def close(self): ...
  4. assert isinstance(open('/some/file'), Closable)


runtime_checkable() will check only the presence of the required methods, not their type signatures. For example, ssl.SSLObject is a class, therefore it passes an issubclass() check against Callable. However, the ssl.SSLObject.__init__() method exists only to raise a TypeError with a more informative message, therefore making it impossible to call (instantiate) ssl.SSLObject.

3.8 新版功能.



class typing.NamedTuple

collections.namedtuple() 的类型版本。


  1. class Employee(NamedTuple):
  2. name: str
  3. id: int


  1. Employee = collections.namedtuple('Employee', ['name', 'id'])


  1. class Employee(NamedTuple):
  2. name: str
  3. id: int = 3
  4. employee = Employee('Guido')
  5. assert employee.id == 3


生成的类具有 __annotations__ 这个附加属性,提供了映射字段名与字段类型的字典。(字段名在 _fields 属性内,默认值在 _field_defaults 属性内,这两项都是命名元组 API 的组成部分。)

NamedTuple 子类也支持文档字符串与方法:

  1. class Employee(NamedTuple):
  2. """Represents an employee."""
  3. name: str
  4. id: int = 3
  5. def __repr__(self) -> str:
  6. return f'<Employee {self.name}, id={self.id}>'


  1. Employee = NamedTuple('Employee', [('name', str), ('id', int)])

在 3.6 版更改: 添加了对 PEP 526 中变量注解句法的支持。

在 3.6.1 版更改: 添加了对默认值、方法、文档字符串的支持。

在 3.8 版更改: _field_types__annotations__ 属性现已使用常规字典,不再使用 OrderedDict 实例。

在 3.9 版更改: 移除了 _field_types 属性, 改用具有相同信息,但更标准的 __annotations__ 属性。

class typing.NewType(name, tp)

A helper class to indicate a distinct type to a typechecker, see NewType. At runtime it returns an object that returns its argument when called. Usage:

  1. UserId = NewType('UserId', int)
  2. first_user = UserId(1)

3.5.2 新版功能.

在 3.10 版更改: NewType is now a class rather than a function.

class typing.TypedDict(dict)

把类型提示添加至字典的特殊构造器。在运行时,它是纯 dict

TypedDict 声明一个字典类型,该类型预期所有实例都具有一组键集,其中,每个键都与对应类型的值关联。运行时不检查此预期,而是由类型检查器强制执行。用法如下:

  1. class Point2D(TypedDict):
  2. x: int
  3. y: int
  4. label: str
  5. a: Point2D = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'label': 'good'} # OK
  6. b: Point2D = {'z': 3, 'label': 'bad'} # Fails type check
  7. assert Point2D(x=1, y=2, label='first') == dict(x=1, y=2, label='first')

The type info for introspection can be accessed via Point2D.__annotations__, Point2D.__total__, Point2D.__required_keys__, and Point2D.__optional_keys__. To allow using this feature with older versions of Python that do not support PEP 526, TypedDict supports two additional equivalent syntactic forms:

  1. Point2D = TypedDict('Point2D', x=int, y=int, label=str)
  2. Point2D = TypedDict('Point2D', {'x': int, 'y': int, 'label': str})

By default, all keys must be present in a TypedDict. It is possible to override this by specifying totality. Usage:

  1. class Point2D(TypedDict, total=False):
  2. x: int
  3. y: int

This means that a Point2D TypedDict can have any of the keys omitted. A type checker is only expected to support a literal False or True as the value of the total argument. True is the default, and makes all items defined in the class body required.

更多示例与 TypedDict 的详细规则,详见 PEP 589

3.8 新版功能.



class typing.Dict(dict, MutableMapping[KT, VT])

dict 的泛型版本。适用于注解返回类型。注解参数时,最好使用 Mapping 等抽象容器类型。


  1. def count_words(text: str) -> Dict[str, int]:
  2. ...

3.9 版后已移除: builtins.dict 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.List(list, MutableSequence[T])

list 的泛型版本。适用于注解返回类型。注解参数时,最好使用 SequenceIterable 等抽象容器类型。


  1. T = TypeVar('T', int, float)
  2. def vec2(x: T, y: T) -> List[T]:
  3. return [x, y]
  4. def keep_positives(vector: Sequence[T]) -> List[T]:
  5. return [item for item in vector if item > 0]

3.9 版后已移除: builtins.list 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Set(set, MutableSet[T])

builtins.set 的泛型版本。适用于注解返回类型。注解参数时,最好使用 AbstractSet 等抽象容器类型。

3.9 版后已移除: builtins.set 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.FrozenSet(frozenset, AbstractSet[T_co])

builtins.frozenset 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: builtins.frozenset 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type


Tuple 是一种特殊形式。

collections 对应类型

class typing.DefaultDict(collections.defaultdict, MutableMapping[KT, VT])

collections.defaultdict 的泛型版本。

3.5.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.defaultdict 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.OrderedDict(collections.OrderedDict, MutableMapping[KT, VT])

collections.OrderedDict 的泛型版本。

3.7.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.OrderedDict 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.ChainMap(collections.ChainMap, MutableMapping[KT, VT])

collections.ChainMap 的泛型版本。

3.5.4 新版功能.

3.6.1 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.ChainMap 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Counter(collections.Counter, Dict[T, int])

collections.Counter 的泛型版本。

3.5.4 新版功能.

3.6.1 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.Counter 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Deque(deque, MutableSequence[T])

collections.deque 的泛型版本。

3.5.4 新版功能.

3.6.1 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.deque 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type


class typing.IO

class typing.TextIO

class typing.BinaryIO

泛型类型 IO[AnyStr] 及其子类 TextIO(IO[str])BinaryIO(IO[bytes]) 表示 I/O 流的类型,例如 open() 所返回的对象。

Deprecated since version 3.8, will be removed in version 3.12: The typing.io namespace is deprecated and will be removed. These types should be directly imported from typing instead.

class typing.Pattern

class typing.Match

这些类型对应的是从 re.compile()re.match() 返回的类型。 这些类型(及相应的函数)是 AnyStr 中的泛型并可通过编写 Pattern[str], Pattern[bytes], Match[str]Match[bytes] 来具体指定。

Deprecated since version 3.8, will be removed in version 3.12: The typing.re namespace is deprecated and will be removed. These types should be directly imported from typing instead.

3.9 版后已移除: re 模块中的 PatternMatch 类现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Text

Textstr 的别名。提供了对 Python 2 代码的向下兼容:Python 2 中,Textunicode 的别名。

使用 Text 时,值中必须包含 unicode 字符串,以兼容 Python 2 和 Python 3:

  1. def add_unicode_checkmark(text: Text) -> Text:
  2. return text + u' \u2713'

3.5.2 新版功能.


collections.abc 对应的容器

class typing.AbstractSet(Sized, Collection[T_co])

collections.abc.Set 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Set 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.ByteString(Sequence[int])

collections.abc.ByteString 的泛型版本。

该类型代表了 bytesbytearraymemoryview 等字节序列类型。

作为该类型的简称,bytes 可用于标注上述任意类型的参数。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.ByteString 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Collection(Sized, Iterable[T_co], Container[T_co])

collections.abc.Collection 的泛型版本。

3.6.0 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Collection 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Container(Generic[T_co])

collections.abc.Container 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Container 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.ItemsView(MappingView, Generic[KT_co, VT_co])

collections.abc.ItemsView 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.ItemsView 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.KeysView(MappingView[KT_co], AbstractSet[KT_co])

collections.abc.KeysView 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.KeysView 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Mapping(Sized, Collection[KT], Generic[VT_co])

collections.abc.Mapping 的泛型版本。用法如下:

  1. def get_position_in_index(word_list: Mapping[str, int], word: str) -> int:
  2. return word_list[word]

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Mapping 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.MappingView(Sized, Iterable[T_co])

collections.abc.MappingView 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.MappingView 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.MutableMapping(Mapping[KT, VT])

collections.abc.MutableMapping 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.MutableMapping 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.MutableSequence(Sequence[T])

collections.abc.MutableSequence 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.MutableSequence 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.MutableSet(AbstractSet[T])

collections.abc.MutableSet 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.MutableSet 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Sequence(Reversible[T_co], Collection[T_co])

collections.abc.Sequence 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Sequence 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.ValuesView(MappingView[VT_co])

collections.abc.ValuesView 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.ValuesView 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

collections.abc 对应的其他类型

class typing.Iterable(Generic[T_co])

collections.abc.Iterable 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Iterable 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Iterator(Iterable[T_co])

collections.abc.Iterator 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Iterator 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Generator(Iterator[T_co], Generic[T_co, T_contra, V_co])

生成器可以由泛型类型 Generator[YieldType, SendType, ReturnType] 注解。例如:

  1. def echo_round() -> Generator[int, float, str]:
  2. sent = yield 0
  3. while sent >= 0:
  4. sent = yield round(sent)
  5. return 'Done'

注意,与 typing 模块里的其他泛型不同, GeneratorSendType 属于逆变行为,不是协变行为,也是不变行为。

如果生成器只产生值,可将 SendTypeReturnType 设为 None

  1. def infinite_stream(start: int) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
  2. while True:
  3. yield start
  4. start += 1

此外,还可以把生成器的返回类型注解为 Iterable[YieldType]Iterator[YieldType]

  1. def infinite_stream(start: int) -> Iterator[int]:
  2. while True:
  3. yield start
  4. start += 1

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Generator 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Hashable

collections.abc.Hashable 的别名。

class typing.Reversible(Iterable[T_co])

collections.abc.Reversible 的泛型版本。

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Reversible 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Sized

collections.abc.Sized 的别名。


class typing.Coroutine(Awaitable[V_co], Generic[T_co, T_contra, V_co])

collections.abc.Coroutine 的泛型版本。类型变量的差异和顺序与 Generator 的内容相对应,例如:

  1. from collections.abc import Coroutine
  2. c = None # type: Coroutine[list[str], str, int]
  3. ...
  4. x = c.send('hi') # type: list[str]
  5. async def bar() -> None:
  6. x = await c # type: int

3.5.3 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Coroutine 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.AsyncGenerator(AsyncIterator[T_co], Generic[T_co, T_contra])

异步生成器可由泛型类型 AsyncGenerator[YieldType, SendType] 注解。例如:

  1. async def echo_round() -> AsyncGenerator[int, float]:
  2. sent = yield 0
  3. while sent >= 0.0:
  4. rounded = await round(sent)
  5. sent = yield rounded

与常规生成器不同,异步生成器不能返回值,因此没有 ReturnType 类型参数。 与 Generator 类似,SendType 也属于逆变行为。

如果生成器只产生值,可将 SendType 设置为 None

  1. async def infinite_stream(start: int) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
  2. while True:
  3. yield start
  4. start = await increment(start)

此外,可用 AsyncIterable[YieldType]AsyncIterator[YieldType] 注解生成器的返回类型:

  1. async def infinite_stream(start: int) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
  2. while True:
  3. yield start
  4. start = await increment(start)

3.6.1 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.AsyncGenerator 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.AsyncIterable(Generic[T_co])

collections.abc.AsyncIterable 的泛型版本。

3.5.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.AsyncIterable 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.AsyncIterator(AsyncIterable[T_co])

collections.abc.AsyncIterator 的泛型版本。

3.5.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.AsyncIterator 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.Awaitable(Generic[T_co])

collections.abc.Awaitable 的泛型版本。

3.5.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: collections.abc.Awaitable 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type


class typing.ContextManager(Generic[T_co])

contextlib.AbstractContextManager 的泛型版本。

3.5.4 新版功能.

3.6.0 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: contextlib.AbstractContextManager 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type

class typing.AsyncContextManager(Generic[T_co])

contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager 的泛型版本。

3.5.4 新版功能.

3.6.2 新版功能.

3.9 版后已移除: contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager 现已支持 []。详见 PEP 585Generic Alias Type


这些协议由 runtime_checkable() 装饰。

class typing.SupportsAbs

含抽象方法 __abs__ 的抽象基类,是其返回类型里的协变量。

class typing.SupportsBytes

含抽象方法 __bytes__ 的抽象基类。

class typing.SupportsComplex

含抽象方法 __complex__ 的抽象基类。

class typing.SupportsFloat

含抽象方法 __float__ 的抽象基类。

class typing.SupportsIndex

含抽象方法 __index__ 的抽象基类。

3.8 新版功能.

class typing.SupportsInt

含抽象方法 __int__ 的抽象基类。

class typing.SupportsRound

含抽象方法 __round__ 的抽象基类,是其返回类型的协变量。


typing.cast(typ, val)




@overload 装饰器可以修饰支持多个不同参数类型组合的函数或方法。@overload - 装饰定义的系列必须紧跟一个非 @overload-装饰定义(用于同一个函数/方法)。@overload-装饰定义仅是为了协助类型检查器, 因为该装饰器会被非 @overload-装饰定义覆盖,后者用于运行时,而且会被类型检查器忽略。在运行时直接调用 @overload 装饰的函数会触发 NotImplementedError。下面的重载示例给出了比联合类型或类型变量更精准的类型:

  1. @overload
  2. def process(response: None) -> None:
  3. ...
  4. @overload
  5. def process(response: int) -> tuple[int, str]:
  6. ...
  7. @overload
  8. def process(response: bytes) -> str:
  9. ...
  10. def process(response):
  11. <actual implementation>

详见 PEP 484,与其他类型语义进行对比。



  1. class Base:
  2. @final
  3. def done(self) -> None:
  4. ...
  5. class Sub(Base):
  6. def done(self) -> None: # Error reported by type checker
  7. ...
  8. @final
  9. class Leaf:
  10. ...
  11. class Other(Leaf): # Error reported by type checker
  12. ...

这些属性没有运行时检查。详见 PEP 591

3.8 新版功能.



用作类或函数的 decorator。用于类时,递归地应用于该类中定义的所有方法,(但不影响超类或子类中定义的方法)。



让其他装饰器具有 no_type_check() 效果的装饰器。

本装饰器用 no_type_check() 里的装饰函数打包其他装饰器。




  1. @type_check_only
  2. class Response: # private or not available at runtime
  3. code: int
  4. def get_header(self, name: str) -> str: ...
  5. def fetch_response() -> Response: ...



typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns=None, localns=None, include_extras=False)


一般情况下,与 obj.__annotations__ 相同。此外,可通过在 globalslocals 命名空间里进行评估,以此来处理编码为字符串字面量的前向引用。如有需要,在默认值设置为 None 时,可为函数或方法注解添加 Optional[t]。对于类 C,则返回由所有 __annotations__C.__mro__ 逆序合并而成的字典。

本函数以递归地方式用 T 替换所有 Annotated[T, ...], 除非将 include_extras 的值设置为 True (详见 Annotated)。例如:

  1. class Student(NamedTuple):
  2. name: Annotated[str, 'some marker']
  3. get_type_hints(Student) == {'name': str}
  4. get_type_hints(Student, include_extras=False) == {'name': str}
  5. get_type_hints(Student, include_extras=True) == {
  6. 'name': Annotated[str, 'some marker']
  7. }


get_type_hints() does not work with imported type aliases that include forward references. Enabling postponed evaluation of annotations (PEP 563) may remove the need for most forward references.

在 3.9 版更改: PEP 593 的组成部分,添加了 include_extras 参数。




For a typing object of the form X[Y, Z, ...] these functions return X and (Y, Z, ...). If X is a generic alias for a builtin or collections class, it gets normalized to the original class. If X is a union or Literal contained in another generic type, the order of (Y, Z, ...) may be different from the order of the original arguments [Y, Z, ...] due to type caching. For unsupported objects return None and () correspondingly. Examples:

  1. assert get_origin(Dict[str, int]) is dict
  2. assert get_args(Dict[int, str]) == (int, str)
  3. assert get_origin(Union[int, str]) is Union
  4. assert get_args(Union[int, str]) == (int, str)

3.8 新版功能.


Check if a type is a TypedDict.


  1. class Film(TypedDict):
  2. title: str
  3. year: int
  4. is_typeddict(Film) # => True
  5. is_typeddict(list | str) # => False

3.10 新版功能.

class typing.ForwardRef

用于字符串前向引用的内部类型表示的类。 例如,List["SomeClass"] 会被隐式转换为 List[ForwardRef("SomeClass")]。 这个类不应由用户来实例化,但可以由内省工具使用。


PEP 585 泛型类型例如 list["SomeClass"] 将不会被隐式地转换为 list[ForwardRef("SomeClass")] 因而将不会自动解析为 list[SomeClass]

3.7.4 新版功能.



被第三方静态类型检查器假定为 True 的特殊常量。 在运行时为 False。 用法如下:

  2. import expensive_mod
  3. def fun(arg: 'expensive_mod.SomeType') -> None:
  4. local_var: expensive_mod.AnotherType = other_fun()

第一个类型注解必须用引号标注,才能把它当作“前向引用”,从而在解释器运行时中隐藏 expensive_mod 引用。局部变量的类型注释不会被评估,因此,第二个注解不需要用引号引起来。


Python 3.7 或更高版本中使用 from __future__ import 时,函数定义时不处理注解, 而是把注解当作字符串存在 __annotations__ 里,这样就不必为注解使用引号。(详见 PEP 563)。

3.5.2 新版功能.