chunk —- Read IFF chunked data


This module provides an interface for reading files that use EA IFF 85 chunks.1 This format is used in at least the Audio Interchange File Format(AIFF/AIFF-C) and the Real Media File Format (RMFF). The WAVE audio file formatis closely related and can also be read using this module.


8n数据字节,其中 n 是前一字段中给出的大小
8 + n0 或 1如果 n 为奇数且使用块对齐,则需要填充字节


The size field (a 32-bit value, encoded using big-endian byte order) gives thesize of the chunk data, not including the 8-byte header.

Usually an IFF-type file consists of one or more chunks. The proposed usage ofthe Chunk class defined here is to instantiate an instance at the startof each chunk and read from the instance until it reaches the end, after which anew instance can be instantiated. At the end of the file, creating a newinstance will fail with an EOFError exception.

  • class chunk.Chunk(file, align=True, bigendian=True, inclheader=False)
  • Class which represents a chunk. The file argument is expected to be afile-like object. An instance of this class is specifically allowed. Theonly method that is needed is read(). If the methodsseek() and tell() are present and don'traise an exception, they are also used.If these methods are present and raise an exception, they are expected to nothave altered the object. If the optional argument align is true, chunksare assumed to be aligned on 2-byte boundaries. If align is false, noalignment is assumed. The default value is true. If the optional argumentbigendian is false, the chunk size is assumed to be in little-endian order.This is needed for WAVE audio files. The default value is true. If theoptional argument inclheader is true, the size given in the chunk headerincludes the size of the header. The default value is false.

Chunk 对象支持下列方法:

  • getname()
  • Returns the name (ID) of the chunk. This is the first 4 bytes of thechunk.

  • getsize()

  • Returns the size of the chunk.

  • close()

  • Close and skip to the end of the chunk. This does not close theunderlying file.

The remaining methods will raise OSError if called after theclose() method has been called. Before Python 3.3, they used toraise IOError, now an alias of OSError.

  • isatty()
  • Returns False.

  • seek(pos, whence=0)

  • Set the chunk's current position. The whence argument is optional anddefaults to 0 (absolute file positioning); other values are 1(seek relative to the current position) and 2 (seek relative to thefile's end). There is no return value. If the underlying file does notallow seek, only forward seeks are allowed.

  • tell()

  • Return the current position into the chunk.

  • read(size=-1)

  • Read at most size bytes from the chunk (less if the read hits the end ofthe chunk before obtaining size bytes). If the size argument isnegative or omitted, read all data until the end of the chunk. An emptybytes object is returned when the end of the chunk is encounteredimmediately.

  • skip()

  • Skip to the end of the chunk. All further calls to read() for thechunk will return b''. If you are not interested in the contents ofthe chunk, this method should be called so that the file points to thestart of the next chunk.


  • 1
  • "EA IFF 85" Standard for Interchange Format Files, Jerry Morrison, ElectronicArts, January 1985.