Thread Local Storage Support

The Python interpreter provides low-level support for thread-local storage (TLS) which wraps the underlying native TLS implementation to support the Python-level thread local storage API (threading.local). The CPython C level APIs are similar to those offered by pthreads and Windows: use a thread key and functions to associate a void* value per thread.

The GIL does not need to be held when calling these functions; they supply their own locking.

Note that Python.h does not include the declaration of the TLS APIs, you need to include pythread.h to use thread-local storage.


None of these API functions handle memory management on behalf of the void* values. You need to allocate and deallocate them yourself. If the void* values happen to be PyObject*, these functions don’t do refcount operations on them either.

Thread Specific Storage (TSS) API

TSS API is introduced to supersede the use of the existing TLS API within the CPython interpreter. This API uses a new type Py_tss_t instead of int to represent thread keys.

3.7 新版功能.


“A New C-API for Thread-Local Storage in CPython” (PEP 539)


This data structure represents the state of a thread key, the definition of which may depend on the underlying TLS implementation, and it has an internal field representing the key’s initialization state. There are no public members in this structure.

When Py_LIMITED_API is not defined, static allocation of this type by Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT is allowed.


This macro expands to the initializer for Py_tss_t variables. Note that this macro won’t be defined with Py_LIMITED_API.

Dynamic Allocation

Dynamic allocation of the Py_tss_t, required in extension modules built with Py_LIMITED_API, where static allocation of this type is not possible due to its implementation being opaque at build time.

Py_tss_t* PyThread_tss_alloc()

Return a value which is the same state as a value initialized with Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT, or NULL in the case of dynamic allocation failure.

void PyThread_tss_free(Py_tss_t *key)

Free the given key allocated by PyThread_tss_alloc(), after first calling PyThread_tss_delete() to ensure any associated thread locals have been unassigned. This is a no-op if the key argument is NULL.


A freed key becomes a dangling pointer, you should reset the key to NULL.


The parameter key of these functions must not be NULL. Moreover, the behaviors of PyThread_tss_set() and PyThread_tss_get() are undefined if the given Py_tss_t has not been initialized by PyThread_tss_create().

int PyThread_tss_is_created(Py_tss_t *key)

Return a non-zero value if the given Py_tss_t has been initialized by PyThread_tss_create().

int PyThread_tss_create(Py_tss_t *key)

Return a zero value on successful initialization of a TSS key. The behavior is undefined if the value pointed to by the key argument is not initialized by Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT. This function can be called repeatedly on the same key — calling it on an already initialized key is a no-op and immediately returns success.

void PyThread_tss_delete(Py_tss_t *key)

Destroy a TSS key to forget the values associated with the key across all threads, and change the key’s initialization state to uninitialized. A destroyed key is able to be initialized again by PyThread_tss_create(). This function can be called repeatedly on the same key — calling it on an already destroyed key is a no-op.

int PyThread_tss_set(Py_tss_t key*, void value*)

Return a zero value to indicate successfully associating a void* value with a TSS key in the current thread. Each thread has a distinct mapping of the key to a void* value.

void* PyThread_tss_get(Py_tss_t *key)

Return the void* value associated with a TSS key in the current thread. This returns NULL if no value is associated with the key in the current thread.

Thread Local Storage (TLS) API

3.7 版后已移除: This API is superseded by Thread Specific Storage (TSS) API.


This version of the API does not support platforms where the native TLS key is defined in a way that cannot be safely cast to int. On such platforms, PyThread_create_key() will return immediately with a failure status, and the other TLS functions will all be no-ops on such platforms.


int PyThread_create_key()

void PyThread_delete_key(int key)

int PyThread_set_key_value(int key, void *value)

void* PyThread_get_key_value(int key)

void PyThread_delete_key_value(int key)

void PyThread_ReInitTLS()