Sub-interpreter support

While in most uses, you will only embed a single Python interpreter, there are cases where you need to create several independent interpreters in the same process and perhaps even in the same thread. Sub-interpreters allow you to do that.

The “main” interpreter is the first one created when the runtime initializes. It is usually the only Python interpreter in a process. Unlike sub-interpreters, the main interpreter has unique process-global responsibilities like signal handling. It is also responsible for execution during runtime initialization and is usually the active interpreter during runtime finalization. The PyInterpreterState_Main() function returns a pointer to its state.

You can switch between sub-interpreters using the PyThreadState_Swap() function. You can create and destroy them using the following functions:

PyThreadState* Py_NewInterpreter()

Create a new sub-interpreter. This is an (almost) totally separate environment for the execution of Python code. In particular, the new interpreter has separate, independent versions of all imported modules, including the fundamental modules builtins, __main__ and sys. The table of loaded modules (sys.modules) and the module search path (sys.path) are also separate. The new environment has no sys.argv variable. It has new standard I/O stream file objects sys.stdin, sys.stdout and sys.stderr (however these refer to the same underlying file descriptors).

The return value points to the first thread state created in the new sub-interpreter. This thread state is made in the current thread state. Note that no actual thread is created; see the discussion of thread states below. If creation of the new interpreter is unsuccessful, NULL is returned; no exception is set since the exception state is stored in the current thread state and there may not be a current thread state. (Like all other Python/C API functions, the global interpreter lock must be held before calling this function and is still held when it returns; however, unlike most other Python/C API functions, there needn’t be a current thread state on entry.)

Extension modules are shared between (sub-)interpreters as follows:

  • For modules using multi-phase initialization, e.g. PyModule_FromDefAndSpec(), a separate module object is created and initialized for each interpreter. Only C-level static and global variables are shared between these module objects.

  • For modules using single-phase initialization, e.g. PyModule_Create(), the first time a particular extension is imported, it is initialized normally, and a (shallow) copy of its module’s dictionary is squirreled away. When the same extension is imported by another (sub-)interpreter, a new module is initialized and filled with the contents of this copy; the extension’s init function is not called. Objects in the module’s dictionary thus end up shared across (sub-)interpreters, which might cause unwanted behavior (see Bugs and caveats below).

    Note that this is different from what happens when an extension is imported after the interpreter has been completely re-initialized by calling Py_FinalizeEx() and Py_Initialize(); in that case, the extension’s initmodule function is called again. As with multi-phase initialization, this means that only C-level static and global variables are shared between these modules.

void Py_EndInterpreter(PyThreadState *tstate)

Destroy the (sub-)interpreter represented by the given thread state. The given thread state must be the current thread state. See the discussion of thread states below. When the call returns, the current thread state is NULL. All thread states associated with this interpreter are destroyed. (The global interpreter lock must be held before calling this function and is still held when it returns.) Py_FinalizeEx() will destroy all sub-interpreters that haven’t been explicitly destroyed at that point.


Because sub-interpreters (and the main interpreter) are part of the same process, the insulation between them isn’t perfect —- for example, using low-level file operations like os.close() they can (accidentally or maliciously) affect each other’s open files. Because of the way extensions are shared between (sub-)interpreters, some extensions may not work properly; this is especially likely when using single-phase initialization or (static) global variables. It is possible to insert objects created in one sub-interpreter into a namespace of another (sub-)interpreter; this should be avoided if possible.

Special care should be taken to avoid sharing user-defined functions, methods, instances or classes between sub-interpreters, since import operations executed by such objects may affect the wrong (sub-)interpreter’s dictionary of loaded modules. It is equally important to avoid sharing objects from which the above are reachable.

Also note that combining this functionality with PyGILState_*() APIs is delicate, because these APIs assume a bijection between Python thread states and OS-level threads, an assumption broken by the presence of sub-interpreters. It is highly recommended that you don’t switch sub-interpreters between a pair of matching PyGILState_Ensure() and PyGILState_Release() calls. Furthermore, extensions (such as ctypes) using these APIs to allow calling of Python code from non-Python created threads will probably be broken when using sub-interpreters.