
  • Only a user with the cluster-admin Kubernetes default role assigned can configure and install Istio in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • If you have pod security policies, you will need to install Istio with the CNI enabled. For details, see this section.
  • To install Istio on an RKE2 cluster, additional steps are required. For details, see this section.
  • To install Istio in a cluster where project network isolation is enabled, additional steps are required. For details, see this section.
  1. From the Cluster Explorer, navigate to available Charts in Apps & Marketplace
  2. Select the Istio chart from the rancher provided charts
  3. If you have not already installed your own monitoring app, you will be prompted to install the rancher-monitoring app. Optional: Set your Selector or Scrape config options on rancher-monitoring app install.
  4. Optional: Configure member access and resource limits for the Istio components. Ensure you have enough resources on your worker nodes to enable Istio.
  5. Optional: Make additional configuration changes to values.yaml if needed.
  6. Optional: Add additional resources or configuration via the overlay file.
  7. Click Install.

Result: Istio is installed at the cluster level.

Additional Config Options

For more information on configuring Istio, refer to the configuration reference.