The Banzai Cloud Logging operator now powers Rancher’s logging solution in place of the former, in-house solution.

For an overview of the changes in v2.5, see this section. For information about migrating from Logging V1, see this page.

Enabling Logging

You can enable the logging for a Rancher managed cluster by going to the Apps page and installing the logging app.

  1. In the Rancher UI, go to the cluster where you want to install logging and click Cluster Explorer.
  2. Click Apps.
  3. Click the rancher-logging app.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Helm chart README and click Install.

Result: The logging app is deployed in the cattle-logging-system namespace.

Uninstall Logging

  1. From the Cluster Explorer, click Apps & Marketplace.
  2. Click Installed Apps.
  3. Go to the cattle-logging-system namespace and check the boxes for rancher-logging and rancher-logging-crd.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Confirm Delete.

Result rancher-logging is uninstalled.


For more information about how the logging application works, see this section.

Role-based Access Control

Rancher logging has two roles, logging-admin and logging-view. For more information on how and when to use these roles, see this page.

Configuring Logging Custom Resources

To manage Flows, ClusterFlows, Outputs, and ClusterOutputs, go to the Cluster Explorer in the Rancher UI. In the upper left corner, click Cluster Explorer > Logging.

Flows and ClusterFlows

For help with configuring Flows and ClusterFlows, see this page.

Outputs and ClusterOutputs

For help with configuring Outputs and ClusterOutputs, see this page.

Configuring the Logging Helm Chart

For a list of options that can be configured when the logging application is installed or upgraded, see this page.

Windows Support

As of Rancher v2.5.8, logging support for Windows clusters has been added and logs can be collected from Windows nodes.

For details on how to enable or disable Windows node logging, see this section.

Clusters with Windows workers support exporting logs from Linux nodes, but Windows node logs are currently unable to be exported. Only Linux node logs are able to be exported.

To allow the logging pods to be scheduled on Linux nodes, tolerations must be added to the pods. Refer to the Working with Taints and Tolerations section for details and an example.

Working with a Custom Docker Root Directory

For details on using a custom Docker root directory, see this section.

Working with Taints and Tolerations

For information on how to use taints and tolerations with the logging application, see this page.

Logging V2 with SELinux

Available as of v2.5.8

For information on enabling the logging application for SELinux-enabled nodes, see this section.

Additional Logging Sources

By default, Rancher collects logs for control plane components and node components for all cluster types. In some cases additional logs can be collected. For details, see this section.


The cattle-logging Namespace Being Recreated

If your cluster previously deployed logging from the Cluster Manager UI, you may encounter an issue where its cattle-logging namespace is continually being recreated.

The solution is to delete all and custom resources from the cluster specific namespace in the management cluster. The existence of these custom resources causes Rancher to create the cattle-logging namespace in the downstream cluster if it does not exist.

The cluster namespace matches the cluster ID, so we need to find the cluster ID for each cluster.

  1. In your web browser, navigate to your cluster(s) in either the Cluster Manager UI or the Cluster Explorer UI.
  2. Copy the <cluster-id> portion from one of the URLs below. The <cluster-id> portion is the cluster namespace name.
  1. # Cluster Management UI
  2. https://<your-url>/c/<cluster-id>/
  3. # Cluster Explorer UI (Dashboard)
  4. https://<your-url>/dashboard/c/<cluster-id>/

Now that we have the <cluster-id> namespace, we can delete the CRs that cause cattle-logging to be continually recreated. Warning: ensure that logging, the version installed from the Cluster Manager UI, is not currently in use.

  1. kubectl delete -n <cluster-id>
  2. kubectl delete -n <cluster-id>