Component Syntax and API

The components syntax was updated to match the modern javascript standards avoiding any possible ambiguity.Less magic means more clarity and interoperability, Riot.js 4 components are designed to be completely future proof!

The script tag

In the previous Riot.js versions you could just extend to your component instance via this keyword in your <script> tags. This syntax sugar was removed in favor of a cleaner API relying on the standard javascript ES2018 syntax:


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p onclick={onClick}>{message}</p>
  3. <!-- optional <script> tag -->
  4. onClick() {
  5. this.message = 'hello'
  6. }
  7. </my-component>


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p onclick={onClick}>{message}</p>
  3. <!-- mandatory <script> tag -->
  4. <script>
  5. export default {
  6. onClick() {
  7. this.message = 'hello'
  8. this.update()
  9. }
  10. }
  11. </script>
  12. </my-component>

In this way your editor, and other compilers like typescript will not get confused by your components javascript logic and can be used along the way without any special concerns.

It’s worth to mention that this change was driven by the new Riot.js philosophy:

…In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch…

Notice how the use of the <script> tag becomes mandatory to split your components templates from their javascript logic.

Template shortcuts

The template shortcuts were completely removed in favor of pure and more explicit javascript expressions. Let’s see how it’s simple to achieve the same results in a cleaner way in Riot.js 4.


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p class={ active: isActive, disabled: isDisabled }>hello</p>
  3. </my-component>


  1. // riot-class-names-plugin.js
  2. /**
  3. * Convert object class constructs into strings
  4. * @param {Object} classes - class list as object
  5. * @returns {string} return only the classes having a truthy value
  6. */
  7. function classNames(classes) {
  8. return Object.entries(classes).reduce((acc, item) => {
  9. const [key, value] = item
  10. if (value) return [...acc, key]
  11. return acc
  12. }, []).join(' ')
  13. }
  14. // install the classNames plugin
  15. riot.install(function(component) {
  16. // add the classNames helper to all the riot components
  17. component.classNames = classNames
  18. return component
  19. })
  1. <my-component>
  2. <p class={
  3. classNames({
  4. active: isActive,
  5. disabled: isDisabled
  6. })
  7. }>hello</p>
  8. </my-component>

Even better, you can use the classNames directly in your components logic keeping your templates clean avoiding the use of riot.install for example:

  1. <my-component>
  2. <p class={getParagraphClasses()}>hello</p>
  3. <script>
  4. import classNames from 'classnames'
  5. export default {
  6. getParagraphClasses() {
  7. return classNames({
  8. active: this.isActive,
  9. disabled: this.isDisabled
  10. })
  11. }
  12. }
  13. </script>
  14. </my-component>

The same short cut was available for the style attribute but now in Riot.js 4 you will need to handle the style attributes by yourselves:


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p style={{ color: 'red', 'font-size': `${fontSize}px` }}>hello</p>
  3. </my-component>


  1. // riot-style-attributes-plugin.js
  2. /**
  3. * Convert object attributes constructs into strings
  4. * @param {Object} attributes - style attributes as object
  5. * @returns {string} a string with all the attributes and their values
  6. */
  7. function styleAttribute(attributes) {
  8. return Object.entries(attributes).reduce((acc, item) => {
  9. const [key, value] = item
  10. return [...acc, `${key}: ${value}`]
  11. }, []).join(';')
  12. }
  13. // install the styleAttribute plugin
  14. riot.install(function(component) {
  15. // add the styleAttribute helper to all the riot components
  16. component.styleAttribute = styleAttribute
  17. return component
  18. })
  1. <my-component>
  2. <p style={
  3. styleAttribute({
  4. color: 'red',
  5. 'font-size': `${fontSize}px`
  6. })
  7. }>hello</p>
  8. </my-component>

Now your code and your helpers will be completely customizable without relying on the framework built in.This means that you will have more freedom and less bugs coming from your third party code…and don’t forget to remember that:

…Explicit is better than implicit…


The Observable pattern was completely integrated into the previous Riot.js versions. This was an opinionated decision that might not work for all users. Riot.js 3 leaves you the decision regarding which programming pattern to use in your application and for this reason the observable helpers were completely removed from the source code in favor of a more generic approach.


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p>{message}</p>
  3. this.on('mount', function() {
  4. this.message = 'hello'
  5. this.update()
  6. })
  7. </my-component>


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p>{message}</p>
  3. <script>
  4. export default {
  5. onMounted() {
  6. this.message = 'hello'
  7. this.update()
  8. }
  9. }
  10. </script>
  11. </my-component>

Please check also the new components lifecycle events.

This change opens many new possibilities to manage your application state keeping the doors open to the nostalgic users that still prefer the observable lifecycle pattern.

  1. // riot-observable-plugin.js
  2. import observable from 'riot-observable'
  3. /**
  4. * Trigger the old observable and the new event
  5. * @param {RiotComponent} component - riot component
  6. * @param {Function} callback - lifecycle callback
  7. * @param {string} eventName - observable event name
  8. * @param {...[*]} args - event arguments
  9. * @returns {RiotComponent|undefined}
  10. */
  11. function triggerEvent(component, callback, eventName, ...args) {
  12. component.trigger(eventName, ...args)
  13. return callback.apply(component, [...args])
  14. }
  15. riot.install(function(componentAPI) {
  16. const {
  17. onBeforeMount,
  18. onMounted,
  19. onBeforeUpdate,
  20. onUpdated,
  21. onBeforeUnmount,
  22. onUnmounted
  23. } = componentAPI
  24. // make the riot component observable
  25. const component = observable(componentAPI)
  26. // remap the new event to the old ones
  27. const eventsMap = {
  28. onBeforeMount: ['before-mount', onBeforeMount],
  29. onMounted: ['mount', onMounted],
  30. onBeforeUpdate: ['before-update', onBeforeUpdate],
  31. onUpdated: ['updated', onUpdated],
  32. onBeforeUnmount: ['before-unmount', onBeforeUnmount],
  33. onUnmounted: ['unmount', onUnmounted]
  34. }
  35. Object.entries(eventsMap).forEach(([eventName, value]) => {
  36. const [oldObservableEvent, newCallback] = value
  37. component[eventName] = (...args) => triggerEvent(
  38. component, newCallback, oldObservableEvent, ...args
  39. )
  40. })
  41. return component
  42. })
  1. <my-component>
  2. <p>{message}</p>
  3. <script>
  4. export default {
  5. onMounted() {
  6. this.on('update', () => {
  7. console.log('I got updated!')
  8. })
  9. }
  10. }
  11. </script>
  12. </my-component>

Opts vs props and state

The previous Riot.js versions provided the opts key to each component. This key was renamed props and it becomes immutable: it’s a read only property frozen via Object.freeze.The props object can be only updated outside of the component that reads from it, while the new state object is updated via update calls.


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p>{opts.message}</p>
  3. </my-component>


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p>{props.message}</p>
  3. </my-component>

Refs attributes

The ref attributes were replaced by the $ and $$ component helpers preferring a functional approach over mutable properties.


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p ref='paragraph'>{message}</p>
  3. this.on('mount', function() {
  4. this.refs.paragraph.innerHTML = '<b>hello</b>'
  5. })
  6. </my-component>


  1. <my-component>
  2. <p>{message}</p>
  3. <script>
  4. export default {
  5. onMounted() {
  6. const paragraph = $('p')
  7. paragraph.innerHTML = '<b>hello</b>'
  8. }
  9. }
  10. </script>
  11. </my-component>

:warning:The new helpers will never return the children component instances but only DOM nodes

Parent and children

The parent and tags keys were heavily abused by Riot.js users. They were the source of many side effects and clear bad practice. For this reason the children/parent components created via Riot.js 4 never expose their internal API, components communicate only via props and don’t interact directly with the external world.


  1. <my-component>
  2. <my-child ref='child'/>
  3. this.on('mount', function() {
  4. this.refs.child.update({ message: 'hello' })
  5. })
  6. </my-component>


  1. <my-component>
  2. <my-child message={childMessage}/>
  3. <script>
  4. export default {
  5. onMounted() {
  6. this.childMessage = 'hello'
  7. this.update()
  8. }
  9. }
  10. </script>
  11. </my-component>

You can of course write your own riot plugin to add the ref behaviour but it’s highly not recommended:

  1. // riot-ref-plugin.js
  2. riot.install(function(component) {
  3. const { onBeforeMount } = component
  4. component.onBeforeMount = (props, state) => {
  5. if (props.ref) {
  6. props.ref(component)
  7. }
  8. onBeforeMount.apply(component, [props, state])
  9. }
  10. return component
  11. })
  1. <my-component>
  2. <my-child ref={onChildRef}/>
  3. <script>
  4. export default {
  5. onChildRef(child) {
  6. this.child = child
  7. },
  8. onMounted() {
  9. this.child.update()
  10. }
  11. }
  12. </script>
  13. </my-component>

Custom events dispatching

Listening custom events dispatched in child components can be done simply via properties:

  1. <my-component>
  2. <child on-loaded={onChildLoaded}></child>
  3. <script>
  4. export default {
  5. onChildLoaded() {
  6. console.log('the child component dispatched the on loaded event!')
  7. }
  8. }
  9. </script>
  10. </my-component>
  1. <my-child>
  2. <figure>
  3. <img src="path/to/the/image.jpg" onloaded={props.onLoaded}/>
  4. </figure>
  5. </my-child>

Virtual tags

The <virtual> tag was removed and it can’t be used anymore. Please use the <template> tag instead more info

Yield tags

The <yield> tags were replaced by the <slot>s having a more predictable behavior. Please check the slots api to understand how they work.

:warning:The yield tags expressions were previously evaluated in the context where they were injected. The slots expressions instead will be evaluated using the current context in which they will be used.