
A Riot component is a combination of layout (HTML) and logic (javascript). Here are the basic rules:

  • Each .riot file can contain the logic for only a single component
  • HTML is defined first and the logic is enclosed inside a <script> tag.
  • Custom components can be empty, HTML only or javascript only
  • All template expressions are “just javascript™️”: <pre>{ JSON.stringify(props) }</pre>
  • The this keyword is optional: <p>{ name }</p> is valid as <p>{ }</p>
  • Quotes are optional: <foo bar={ baz }> is valid as <foo bar="{ baz }">.
  • Boolean attributes (checked, selected, etc.) are ignored when the expression value is falsy: <input checked={ undefined }> becomes <input>.
  • All attribute names must be lowercase. This is due to browser specification.
  • Standard HTML tags (label, table, a, etc.) can also be customized, but not necessarily a wise thing to do.
  • Tag definition root may also have attributes: <my-component onclick={ click } class={ props.class }>.