
Most programs have dependencies on some libraries. If you have ever managed
dependencies by hand, you know how much of a pain this can be. Luckily, the Rust
ecosystem comes standard with cargo! cargo can manage dependencies for a

To create a new Rust project,

  1. # A binary
  2. cargo new foo
  3. # OR A library
  4. cargo new --lib foo

For the rest of this chapter, I will assume we are making a binary, rather than
a library, but all of the concepts are the same.

After the above commands, you should see something like this:

  1. foo
  2. ├── Cargo.toml
  3. └── src
  4. └──

The is the root source file for your new project — nothing new there.
The Cargo.toml is the config file for cargo for this project (foo). If you
look inside it, you should see something like this:

  1. [package]
  2. name = "foo"
  3. version = "0.1.0"
  4. authors = ["mark"]
  5. [dependencies]

The name field under package determines the name of the project. This is
used by if you publish the crate (more later). It is also the name
of the output binary when you compile.

The version field is a crate version number using Semantic

The authors field is a list of authors used when publishing the crate.

The dependencies section lets you add a dependency for your project.

For example, suppose that I want my program to have a great CLI. You can find
lots of great packages on (the official Rust
package registry). One popular choice is clap.
As of this writing, the most recent published version of clap is 2.27.1. To
add a dependency to our program, we can simply add the following to our
Cargo.toml under dependencies: clap = "2.27.1". And of course, extern crate clap in, just like normal. And that’s it! You can start using
clap in your program.

cargo also supports other types of dependencies. Here is just
a small sampling:

  1. [package]
  2. name = "foo"
  3. version = "0.1.0"
  4. authors = ["mark"]
  5. [dependencies]
  6. clap = "2.27.1" # from
  7. rand = { git = "" } # from online repo
  8. bar = { path = "../bar" } # from a path in the local filesystem

cargo is more than a dependency manager. All of the available
configuration options are listed in the format specification of

To build our project we can execute cargo build anywhere in the project
directory (including subdirectories!). We can also do cargo run to build and
run. Notice that these commands will resolve all dependencies, download crates
if needed, and build everything, including your crate. (Note that it only
rebuilds what it has not already built, similar to make).

Voila! That’s all there is to it!