Creating a Simple Component Using the Element API

In this section, we demonstrate how to create a simple component using the Element API and a single DOM element.

Example: Creating a TextField component based on an <input> element.


  1. @Tag("input")
  2. public class TextField extends Component {
  3. public TextField(String value) {
  4. getElement().setProperty("value",value);
  5. }
  6. }
  • The root element is:

    • Created automatically (by the Component class) based on the @Tag annotation.

    • Accessed using the getElement() method.

    • Used to set the initial value of the field.

You can use predefined constants in the @Tag annotation. For example, the @Tag(“input”) annotation is equivalent to @Tag(Tag.INPUT). There are constants for most, but not all, tag names.

Adding an API

To make the component easier to use, you can add an API to get and set the value.

Example: Adding an API using the @Synchronize annotation.


  1. @Synchronize("change")
  2. public String getValue() {
  3. return getElement().getProperty("value");
  4. }
  5. public void setValue(String value) {
  6. getElement().setProperty("value", value);
  7. }
  • Adding the @Synchronize annotation to the getter ensures that the browser sends property changes to the server.

  • The annotation defines the name of the DOM event that triggers synchronization, in this case a change event.

  • Changes to the input element cause the updated value property (deduced from the getter name) to be sent to the server.

The @Synchronize annotation can specify multiple events and override the name of the property, if necessary.
The @Synchronize annotation only maps events that originate from the root element, or are bubbled to the root element. For example, if you have an <input> element inside a <div> element, @Synchronize only maps events from the <div> element.

See Using API Helpers to Define Component Properties for an alternative, and simpler, way to address properties and attributes.

Overriding Default Disabled Behavior

The setEnabled method is available for all components that implement the HasEnabled interface.

The setEnabled method is also available for all components that implement the HasValue, HasComponents or Focusable interfaces.

By default, disabling a component adds a disabled property to the client element. You can modify this by overriding the Component:onEnabledStateChanged(boolean) method.

Example: Overriding the default disabled behavior to ensure items are updated in a component requiring a custom disabled marking.


  1. @Override
  2. public void onEnabledStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
  3. setDisabled(!enabled);
  4. refreshButtons();
  5. }