Vaadin CDI Contexts

In addition to standard CDI contexts, the Vaadin CDI add-on introduces new contexts.

Vaadin CDI contexts are conceptually similar to Vaadin Spring scopes.

Normal Scopes

In CDI, most scopes are normal scopes. This means that most calls to managed beans are delegated by a client proxy to the active instance. The active instance is provided by the context.

The Vaadin CDI add-on introduces the @VaadinServiceScoped, @VaadinSessionScoped, @NormalUIScoped, @NormalRouteScoped normal scopes..

The Vaadin component hierarchy does not work properly with CDI client proxies. As a precaution, the vaadin-cdi add-on does not deploy if managed beans are found.

Pseudo Scopes

Any scope that is not a normal scope is called a pseudo scope. The standard @Dependent and @Singleton are pseudo scopes.

The Vaadin add-on additionally introduces the @UIScoped and @RouteScoped pseudo scopes.

Injection of a pseudo-scoped bean creates a direct reference to the object, but there are some limitations when not using proxies:

  • Circular referencing, for example injecting A to B and B to A, does not work.

  • Injecting into a larger scope binds the instance from the currently active smaller scope, and ignores changes in the smaller scope. For example, a @UIScoped bean after being injected into a session scope will point to the same instance (even its UI is closed) regardless of current UI.

Using Push

Vaadin contexts are usable inside the UI.access method with any push transport.

Certain default contexts from CDI, such as RequestScoped or SessionScoped, can be problematic. HttpServletRequest can’t be resolved from a WebSocket connection in CDI and that is needed for HTTP request, session, and conversation contexts. You should, therefore, use WEBSOCKET_XHR (the default), or LONG_POLLING transport mode, to avoid losing the standard contexts.

Background-thread contexts that depend on HTTP requests are not active, regardless of push.

See Asynchronous Updates for more about using push.

@VaadinServiceScoped Context

The @VaadinServiceScoped context manages the beans during the Vaadin service lifecycle. The lifecycle of the service is the same as the lifecycle of its Vaadin servlet. See Vaadin Servlet and Service for more about the Vaadin service.

For beans that are automatically picked up by VaadinService, you need to use the @VaadinServiceEnabled annotation, together with the @VaadinServiceScoped annotation. See Vaadin Service Interfaces as CDI Beans for more.

@VaadinSessionScoped Context

The @VaadinSessionScoped context manages the beans during Vaadin session lifecycle. This means that the same bean instance is used within the whole Vaadin session.

See User Session for more.

Example: Using the @VaadinSessionScoped annotation on route targets.


  1. @Route("")
  2. public class MainLayout extends Div {
  3. @Inject
  4. public MainLayout(SessionService bean){
  5. setText(bean.getText());
  6. }
  7. }
  8. @Route("editor")
  9. public class Editor extends Div {
  10. @Inject
  11. public Editor(SessionService bean){
  12. setText(bean.getText());
  13. }
  14. }
  15. @VaadinSessionScoped
  16. public class SessionService {
  17. private String uid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  18. public String getText(){
  19. return "session " + uid;
  20. }
  21. }
  • Because it is session scoped, the same instance of SessionService is used if the application is accessed from the same Vaadin session.

  • If you open the root target in one tab and the editor target in another, the text in both is the same. This is because the session is the same even though the tabs (and UI instances) are different.

@UIScoped and @NormalUIScoped Contexts

The @UIScoped and @NormalUIScoped contexts manage the beans during the UI lifecycle. Use @UIScoped for components and @NormalUIScoped for other beans.

See Loading a UI for more about the UI lifecycle.

Example: Using the @NormalUIScoped annotation on route targets.


  1. @Route("")
  2. public class MainLayout extends Div {
  3. @Inject
  4. public MainLayout(UIService bean){
  5. setText(bean.getText());
  6. }
  7. }
  8. @Route("editor")
  9. public class Editor extends Div {
  10. @Inject
  11. public Editor(UIService bean){
  12. setText(bean.getText());
  13. }
  14. }
  15. @NormalUIScoped
  16. public class UIService {
  17. private String uid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  18. public String getText(){
  19. return "ui " + uid;
  20. }
  21. }
  • Because it is UI scoped, the same UIService is used while in the same UI.

  • If you open the root target in one tab and the "editor" target in another, the text is different because the UI instances are different.

  • If you navigate to the editor instance via the router (or the UI instance which delegates navigation to the router) the text is the same.

    Example: Navigating to the "editor" target.


    1. public void edit() {
    2. getUI().get().navigate("editor");
    3. }
  • In the same UI instance, the same bean instance is used with both @UIScoped and @NormalUIScoped.

@RouteScoped and @NormalRouteScoped Contexts

The @RouteScoped and @NormalRouteScoped manage the beans during the Route lifecycle. Use @RouteScoped for components and @NormalRouteScoped for other beans.

Together with the @RouteScopeOwner annotation, both @RouteScoped and @NormalRouteScoped can be used to bind beans to router components (@Route, RouteLayout, HasErrorParameter). While the owner remains in the route chain, all beans owned by it remain in the scope.

See Defining Routes With @Route and Router Layouts and Nested Router Targets for more about route targets, route layouts, and the route chain.

Example: Using the @NormalRouteScoped annotation on route targets.


  1. @Route("")
  2. @RoutePrefix("parent")
  3. public class ParentView extends Div
  4. implements RouterLayout {
  5. @Inject
  6. public ParentView(
  7. @RouteScopeOwner(ParentView.class)
  8. RouteService routeService) {
  9. setText(routeService.getText());
  10. }
  11. }
  12. @Route(value = "child-a", layout = ParentView.class)
  13. public class ChildAView extends Div {
  14. @Inject
  15. public ChildAView(
  16. @RouteScopeOwner(ParentView.class)
  17. RouteService routeService) {
  18. setText(routeService.getText());
  19. }
  20. }
  21. @Route(value = "child-b", layout = ParentView.class)
  22. public class ChildBView extends Div {
  23. @Inject
  24. public ChildBView(
  25. @RouteScopeOwner(ParentView.class)
  26. RouteService routeService) {
  27. setText(routeService.getText());
  28. }
  29. }
  30. @NormalRouteScoped
  31. @RouteScopeOwner(ParentView.class)
  32. public class RouteService {
  33. private String uid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  34. public String getText() {
  35. return "ui " + uid;
  36. }
  37. }
  • ParentView, ChildAView, and ChildBView (paths: /parent, /parent/child-a, and /parent/child-b) use the same RouteService instance while you navigate between them. After navigating away from ParentView, the RouteService is also destroyed.

  • Even though @RouteScopeOwner is redundant because it is a CDI qualifier, you need to define it on both the bean and on the injection point.

Route components can also be @RouteScoped. In this case, @RouteScopeOwner should point to a parent layout. If you omit it, the owner itself becomes the class.

Example: Using the @RouteScoped annotation on an @Route component.


  1. @Route("scoped")
  2. @RouteScoped
  3. public class ScopedView extends Div {
  4. private void onMessage(
  5. @Observes(notifyObserver = IF_EXISTS)
  6. MessageEvent message) {
  7. setText(message.getText());
  8. }
  9. }
  • The message is delivered to the ScopedView instance that was already navigated to. If on another view, there is no instance of this bean and the message is not delivered to it.