Comparisons with Other No-Bundler Solutions


Snowpack is also a no-bundle native ESM dev server that is very similar in scope to Vite. Aside from different implementation details, the two projects share a lot in terms of technical advantages over traditional tooling. Vite’s dependency pre-bundling is also inspired by Snowpack v1 (now esinstall). Some of the main differences between the two projects are:

Production Build Handling

Snowpack’s default build output is unbundled: it transforms each file into separate built modules, which can then be fed into different “optimizers” that perform the actual bundling. The benefit of this is that you can choose between different end-bundlers (e.g. webpack, Rollup, or even ESbuild), the downside is that it’s a bit of a fragmented experience - for example, the esbuild optimizer is still unstable, the Rollup optimizer is not officially maintained, and different optimizers have different output and configurations.

Vite opts to have a deeper integration with one single bundler (Rollup) in order to provide a more streamlined experience. The reason for going with Rollup is because we believe for the foreseeable future, Rollup offers the best balance between maturity, extensibility, build speed, and output bundle size. Vite supports a Universal Plugin API that extends Rollup’s plugin interface, and offers more build features such as multi-page support and library mode.

First Class Vue Support

Vite was initially created to serve as the future foundation of Vue.js tooling. Although as of 2.0 Vite is now fully framework-agnostic, the official Vue plugin still provides first-class support for Vue’s Single File Component format, covering all advanced features such as template asset reference resolving, <script setup>, <style module>, custom blocks and more. In addition, Vite provides fine-grained HMR for Vue SFCs. For example, updating the <template> or <style> of an SFC will perform hot updates without resetting its state.


WMR by the Preact team provides a similar feature set, and Vite 2.0’s support for Rollup’s plugin interface is inspired by it.

WMR is mainly designed for Preact projects, and offers more integrated features such as pre-rendering. In terms of scope, it’s closer to a Preact meta framework, with the same emphasis on compact size as Preact itself. If you are using Preact, WMR is likely going to offer a more fine-tuned experience. However, it’s unlikely for WMR to prioritize support for other frameworks.


@web/dev-server (previously es-dev-server) is a great project and Vite 1.0’s Koa-based server setup was inspired by it.

@web/dev-server is a bit lower-level in terms of scope. It does not provide out-of-the-box framework integrations, and requires manually setting up a Rollup configuration for the production build. However, its parent project does provide a collection of excellent Rollup plugins.

Overall, Vite is a more opinionated / higher-level tool that aims to provide a more streamlined workflow compared to @web/dev-server. That said, the @web umbrella project contains many other excellent tools that may benefit Vite users as well.