Query Serving

    Errors a users might encounter while querying Vitess

    Error NumberError StateMessageMeaning
    1105HY000INSERT not supported when targeting a key range: %sWhen targeting a range of shards, Vitess doesn’t know which shard to send the INSERT to, so this is not supported.
    1450HY000Changing schema from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ is not allowedChanging schema from rename command is not valid
    114942000aggregate functions take a single argument ‘%s’This function only takes a single argument.
    1238HY000Variable ‘%s’ is a read only variableTried changing a read-only system variable
    1105HY000column has duplicate set values: ‘%v’Cannot assign multiple values to a column in an update statement
    123142000unexpected value type for ‘%s’: %vSome system variables require a specific type to be used
    1192HY000Can’t execute the given command because you have an active transactionThe provided statement cannot be executed inside a transaction.
    123142000invalid transaction_mode: %sValid transaction_mode values are ‘SINGLE’, ‘MULTI’ or ‘TWOPC’
    123142000invalid workload: %sValid workload values are ‘OLTP’, ‘OLAP’ or ‘DBA’
    123142000invalid DDL strategy: %sValid DDL strategies are gh-ost, pt-osc
    169022003%s value is out of range in %v [+,-,*,/] %vArithmetic operation lead to out of range value for the type
    104742000connection ID and transaction ID do not existThe session is pointing to a transaction and/or reserved connection that is not valid
    1105HY000%d is not a booleanTried setting a system variable to a value that could not be converted a boolean value
    1105HY000%s is not a sequenceThe given table is not a sequence table
    1105HY000%s: system setting is not supportedTried reading or setting a system variable that is not supported
    1105HY000%v cannot be converted to a go typeThis type can’t be represented as a golang value
    1105HY0002pc is not enabledThis functionality requires 2PC. Read more about ‘transaction_mode’ to learn how to enable it.
    1105HY000Destination can only be a single shard for statement: %s, got: %vThis statement type can only be executed against a single shard. You need to change the target string so a single shard in targeted.
    1105HY000GTIDSet Mismatch: requested source position:%v, current target vrep position: %vThe requested GTIDSet does not exist in the vrep stream.
    1105HY000No targetTODO https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/blob/9542883311c0849c645cfb1b5c77ac761990b31b/go/vt/vttablet/tabletserver/state_manager.go#L376
    1105HY000Unexpected error, DestinationKeyspaceID mapping to multiple shardsThis is an internal error. If you see this error, please report it as a bug.
    1105HY000auto sequence generation can happen through single shard only, it is getting routed to %d shardsA sequence query has to be routed to a single shard, but this query was not.
    1105HY000cannot mix scope and user defined variablesIf you use the SET GLOBAL form, specify the variable without any @ symbols
    1105HY000cannot use scope and @@If you use the SET GLOBAL form, specify the variable without any @ symbols
    1105HY000column has duplicate set values: ‘%v’An UPDATE query should only list a column to be updated once
    1105HY000could not parse value: ‘%s’Tried parsing a value as a number but failed
    1105HY000disallowed due to rule: %sThe query was not permitted to execute because the session was lacking permissions to do so
    1105HY000expression is too complex ‘%v’An expression was used that is not recognized by Vitess. Arithmetics and function calls are examples of expressions that are too complex in this context.
    1105HY000invalid increment for sequence %s: %dTODO
    1105HY000invalid keyspace %v does not match expected %vTODO
    1105HY000invalid shard %v does not match expected %vTODO
    1105HY000invalid table name: %sThe table name contains invalid characters
    1105HY000is not a booleanThis error will be returned if you try to set a variable to a value that can’t be converted to a boolean value.
    1105HY000negative number cannot be converted to unsigned: %dThe column or variable is expecting an unsigned int, and negative numbers invalid here.
    1105HY000query arguments missing for %sArgument expected but was missing.
    1105HY000require autocommit to be 1: got %sConnection needs autocommit to be enabled, but it was not.
    1105HY000require sql_auto_is_null to be 0: got %sVitess requires the connection not use the auto_col functionality
    1105HY000require sql_mode to be STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES: got ‘%s’Vitess requires the connection to be in STRICT mode; either or both of these settings need to be enabled.
    1105HY000unexpected rows from reading sequence %s (possible mis-route): %dThe sequence table used returned invalid results.
    1105HY000unsigned number overflows int64 value: %dTried to convert an unsigned integer into a signed integer, and the value overflows