VTTablet YAML configuration

Tabletserver YAML parameters

<< VTTablet with RBR mode


This issue is an expansion of #5791, and covers the details of how we’ll use yaml to implement a hierarchy of parameters for initializing and customizing TabletServer components within a process.

Using the yaml approach, we intend to solve the following problems:

  • Multiple tablet servers need to exist within a process.
  • Badly named command line parameters: The new yaml specifications will have simpler and easier to remember parameter names.
  • Sections for improved readability.
  • Unreasonable default values: The new specs will introduce a simplified approach that will save the user from tweaking too many variables without knowing their consequences.
  • Repetition: If multiple TabletServers have to share the same parameter values, they should not be repeated.
  • Backward compatibility: The system must be backward compatible.

Proposed Approach

We will introduce two new command-line options that will be specified like this:

  1. -defaults=defaults.yaml -tablets=tablets.yaml

The defaults option allows the user to specify the default settings for all tablets. The “tablets” option allows the user to specify tablet specific options.

We’ll provide predefined “defaults” files that people can use as starting points. We’ll start with something simple like small.yaml, medium.yaml, and large.yaml.


We explored the use of protobufs for converting to and from yaml. However, the protobuf JSON implementation, which was required to correctly parse enums, was unable to preserve the original values for sub-objects. This was a showstopper for making defaults work.

The existing tabletenv.TabletConfig data structure will be converted into a struct with the new names and appropriate JSON tags.

Detailed specification

The following section lists all the properties that can be specified in a yaml file along with the existing defaults.

During implementation, we’ll need to decide between creating a universal protobuf that represents this structure vs converting the original one into something more usable.

Convention used: same as the one followed by kubernetes, and we’ll be making use of https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/yaml for the implementation.

Note that certain properties (like tabletID) are only applicable to tablet-specific files.

  1. tabletID: zone-1234
  2. init:
  3. dbName: # init_db_name_override
  4. keyspace: # init_keyspace
  5. shard: # init_shard
  6. tabletType: # init_tablet_type
  7. timeoutSeconds: 60 # init_timeout
  8. db:
  9. socket: # db_socket
  10. host: # db_host
  11. port: 0 # db_port
  12. charSet: # db_charset
  13. flags: 0 # db_flags
  14. flavor: # db_flavor
  15. sslCa: # db_ssl_ca
  16. sslCaPath: # db_ssl_ca_path
  17. sslCert: # db_ssl_cert
  18. sslKey: # db_ssl_key
  19. serverName: # db_server_name
  20. connectTimeoutMilliseconds: 0 # db_connect_timeout_ms
  21. app:
  22. user: vt_app # db_app_user
  23. password: # db_app_password
  24. useSsl: true # db_app_use_ssl
  25. preferSocket: true
  26. dba:
  27. user: vt_dba # db_dba_user
  28. password: # db_dba_password
  29. useSsl: true # db_dba_use_ssl
  30. preferSocket: true
  31. filtered:
  32. user: vt_filtered # db_filtered_user
  33. password: # db_filtered_password
  34. useSsl: true # db_filtered_use_ssl
  35. preferSocket: true
  36. repl:
  37. user: vt_repl # db_repl_user
  38. password: # db_repl_password
  39. useSsl: true # db_repl_use_ssl
  40. preferSocket: true
  41. appdebug:
  42. user: vt_appdebug # db_appdebug_user
  43. password: # db_appdebug_password
  44. useSsl: true # db_appdebug_use_ssl
  45. preferSocket: true
  46. allprivs:
  47. user: vt_allprivs # db_allprivs_user
  48. password: # db_allprivs_password
  49. useSsl: true # db_allprivs_use_ssl
  50. preferSocket: true
  51. oltpReadPool:
  52. size: 16 # queryserver-config-pool-size
  53. timeoutSeconds: 0 # queryserver-config-query-pool-timeout
  54. idleTimeoutSeconds: 1800 # queryserver-config-idle-timeout
  55. prefillParallelism: 0 # queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism
  56. maxWaiters: 50000 # queryserver-config-query-pool-waiter-cap
  57. olapReadPool:
  58. size: 200 # queryserver-config-stream-pool-size
  59. timeoutSeconds: 0 # queryserver-config-query-pool-timeout
  60. idleTimeoutSeconds: 1800 # queryserver-config-idle-timeout
  61. prefillParallelism: 0 # queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism
  62. maxWaiters: 0
  63. txPool:
  64. size: 20 # queryserver-config-transaction-cap
  65. timeoutSeconds: 1 # queryserver-config-txpool-timeout
  66. idleTimeoutSeconds: 1800 # queryserver-config-idle-timeout
  67. prefillParallelism: 0 # queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism
  68. maxWaiters: 50000 # queryserver-config-txpool-waiter-cap
  69. oltp:
  70. queryTimeoutSeconds: 30 # queryserver-config-query-timeout
  71. txTimeoutSeconds: 30 # queryserver-config-transaction-timeout
  72. maxRows: 10000 # queryserver-config-max-result-size
  73. warnRows: 0 # queryserver-config-warn-result-size
  74. hotRowProtection:
  75. mode: disable|dryRun|enable # enable_hot_row_protection, enable_hot_row_protection_dry_run
  76. # Default value is same as txPool.size.
  77. maxQueueSize: 20 # hot_row_protection_max_queue_size
  78. maxGlobalQueueSize: 1000 # hot_row_protection_max_global_queue_size
  79. maxConcurrency: 5 # hot_row_protection_concurrent_transactions
  80. consolidator: enable|disable|notOnMaster # enable-consolidator, enable-consolidator-replicas
  81. heartbeatIntervalMilliseconds: 0 # heartbeat_enable, heartbeat_interval
  82. shutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 0 # transaction_shutdown_grace_period
  83. passthroughDML: false # queryserver-config-passthrough-dmls
  84. streamBufferSize: 32768 # queryserver-config-stream-buffer-size
  85. queryCacheSize: 5000 # queryserver-config-query-cache-size
  86. schemaReloadIntervalSeconds: 1800 # queryserver-config-schema-reload-time
  87. watchReplication: false # watch_replication_stream
  88. terseErrors: false # queryserver-config-terse-errors
  89. messagePostponeParallelism: 4 # queryserver-config-message-postpone-cap
  90. cacheResultFields: true # enable-query-plan-field-caching
  91. # The following flags are currently not supported.
  92. # enforce_strict_trans_tables
  93. # queryserver-config-strict-table-acl
  94. # queryserver-config-enable-table-acl-dry-run
  95. # queryserver-config-acl-exempt-acl
  96. # enable-tx-throttler
  97. # tx-throttler-config
  98. # tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells
  99. # enable_transaction_limit
  100. # enable_transaction_limit_dry_run
  101. # transaction_limit_per_user
  102. # transaction_limit_by_username
  103. # transaction_limit_by_principal
  104. # transaction_limit_by_component
  105. # transaction_limit_by_subcomponent

There are also other global parameters. VTTablet has a total of 405 flags. We may have to later move some of them into these yamls.


We’ll use the unified tabletenv.TabletConfig data structure to load defaults as well as tablet-specific values. The following changes will be made:

  • TabletConfig will be changed to match the above specifications.
  • The existing flags will be changed to update the values in a global TabletConfig.
  • In case of type mismatch (like time.Duration vs a “Seconds” variable), an extra step will be performed after parsing to convert the flag variables into TabletConfig members.
  • The code will be changed to honor the new TabletConfig members.
  • After the flag.Parse step, a copy of the global Config will be used as input to load the defaults file. This means that any command line flags that are not overridden in the yaml files will be preserved. This behavior is needed to support backward compatibility in case we decide to move more flags into the yaml.
  • For each tablet entry, we create a copy of the result TabletConfig and read the tablet yaml into those, which will set the tablet-specific values. This will then be used to instantiate a TabletServer.

The exact format of the tablets.yaml file is not fully finalized. Our options are to allow a list of files where each is for a single tablet, or, to require only one file containing a dictionary of tablet-specific overrides.

<< VTTablet with RBR mode