Framework Basics

In order to integrate smoothly with existing Vitess configuration mechanisms (including flags, vttablet‘s YAML-based configuration, /debug/env endpoints, etc) we have introduced a thin framework on top of viper, which:

  • Requires values to be Configured.
  • Separates static values (which do not change at runtime even if the config-file they were loaded from is updated) from dynamic values.

Configure Options

In order to properly configure a value for use, Configure needs to know, broadly speaking, three things:

  1. The key name being bound.
  2. What “things” it should be bound to (i.e. other keys via aliases, environment variables, and flag names), as well as if it has a default value.
  3. How to Get it out of a viper.

Configure, therefore, has the following signature:

  1. func Configure[T any](key string, options Options[T]) Value[T]

The first parameter provides the key name (point 1 of our above list); all other information is provided via various Options fields, which looks like:

  1. type Options[T any] struct {
  2. // what "things" to bind to
  3. Aliases []string
  4. FlagName string
  5. EnvVars []string
  6. // default, if any
  7. Default T
  8. // whether it can reload or not (more on this later)
  9. Dynamic bool
  10. // how to "get" it from a viper (more on this slightly less later)
  11. GetFunc func(v *viper.Viper) func(key string) T
  12. }

Get funcs

In most cases, module authors will not need to specify a GetFunc option, since, if not provided, viperutil will do its best to provide a sensible default for the given type T.

This requires a fair amount of reflection code, which we won’t go into here, and unfortunately cannot support even all primitive types (notably, array (not slice!!) types). In these cases, the GetFuncForType will panic, allowing the module author to catch this during testing of their package. They may then provide their own GetFunc.

The full suite of types, both supported and panic-inducing, are documented by way of unit tests in go/viperutil/get_func_test.go.

Debug Endpoint

Any component that parses its flags via one of servenv‘s parsing methods will get an HTTP endpoint registered at /debug/config which displays the full viper configuration for debugging purposes. It accepts a query parameter to control the format; anything in viper.SupportedExts is permitted.

Caveats and Gotchas

  • Config keys are case-insensitive. Foo, foo, fOo, and FOO will all have the same value.

    • Except for environment variables, which, when read, are case-sensitive (but the config key they are bound to remains case-insensitive). For example, if you have viper.BindEnv("foo", "VT_FOO"), then VT_FOO=1 ./myprogram will set the value to 1, but Vt_FoO=1 ./myprogram will not. The value, though, can still be read from viper as Foo, foo, FOO, and so on.
  • The Unmarshal* functions rely on mapstructure tags, not json|yaml|... tags.

  • Any config files/paths added after calling WatchConfig will not get picked up by that viper, and a viper can only watch a single config file.