

vtgateclienttest is a chain of vtgateservice.VTGateService implementations, each one being responsible for one test scenario.

  1. vtgateclienttest [flags]


  1. --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
  2. --bind-address string Bind address for the server. If empty, the server will listen on all available unicast and anycast IP addresses of the local system.
  3. --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
  4. --config-file string Full path of the config file (with extension) to use. If set, --config-path, --config-type, and --config-name are ignored.
  5. --config-file-not-found-handling ConfigFileNotFoundHandling Behavior when a config file is not found. (Options: error, exit, ignore, warn) (default warn)
  6. --config-name string Name of the config file (without extension) to search for. (default "vtconfig")
  7. --config-path strings Paths to search for config files in. (default [$WORKDIR])
  8. --config-persistence-min-interval duration minimum interval between persisting dynamic config changes back to disk (if no change has occurred, nothing is done). (default 1s)
  9. --config-type string Config file type (omit to infer config type from file extension).
  10. --default_tablet_type topodatapb.TabletType The default tablet type to set for queries, when one is not explicitly selected. (default PRIMARY)
  11. --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
  12. --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
  13. --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
  14. --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
  15. --grpc_bind_address string Bind address for gRPC calls. If empty, listen on all addresses.
  16. --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
  17. --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
  18. --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
  19. --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
  20. --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
  21. --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
  22. --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
  23. --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
  24. --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
  25. --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
  26. --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
  27. --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
  28. --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
  29. --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
  30. --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
  31. --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
  32. --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
  33. --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
  34. --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
  35. --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
  36. --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
  37. -h, --help help for vtgateclienttest
  38. --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
  39. --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
  40. --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
  41. --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
  42. --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
  43. --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
  44. --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
  45. --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
  46. --max-stack-size int configure the maximum stack size in bytes (default 67108864)
  47. --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise. (default "8.0.30-Vitess")
  48. --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 10s)
  49. --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
  50. --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
  51. --port int port for the server
  52. --pprof strings enable profiling
  53. --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
  54. --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
  55. --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
  56. --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
  57. --table-refresh-interval int interval in milliseconds to refresh tables in status page with refreshRequired class
  58. --v Level log level for V logs
  59. -v, --version print binary version
  60. --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
  61. --vschema_ddl_authorized_users string List of users authorized to execute vschema ddl operations, or '%' to allow all users.