6 What’s new in Zabbix 5.0.1

Spiceworks integration

An integration guide with Spiceworks is now available.

OTRS integration

A new webhook integration is available allowing to use webhook media types for pushing Zabbix notifications to OTRS.

Discovery of Windows performance counter instances

It is now possible to discover object instances of Windows performance counters using the new perf_instance.discovery[] and perf_instance_en.discovery[] items. This is useful for discovering multi-instance performance counters and automated generation of perf_counter and perf_counter_en items (see more information).

PostgreSQL monitoring via agent 2

PostgreSQL plugin and monitoring template are now available for the fast deployment of PostgreSQL monitoring via Zabbix agent 2.

Cache size configuration parameter

The maximum value of the CacheSize configuration parameter for Zabbix server/proxy has been increased from 8GB to 64GB.