6 Supported functions

Click on the respective function group to see more details.

Function groupFunctions
Aggregate functionsavg, kurtosis, mad, max, min, skewness, stddevpop, stddevsamp, sum, sumofsquares, varpop, varsamp
Bitwise functionsbitand, bitlshift, bitnot, bitor, bitrshift, bitxor
Date and time functionsdate, dayofmonth, dayofweek, now, time
History functionschange, count, countunique, find, first, fuzzytime, last, logeventid, logseverity, logsource, nodata, percentile, trendavg, trendcount, trendmax, trendmin, trendsum
Mathematical functionsabs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, avg, cbrt, ceil, cos, cosh, cot, degrees, e, exp, expm1, floor, log, log10, max, min, mod, pi, power, radians, rand, round, signum, sin, sinh, sqrt, sum, tan, truncate
Operator functionsbetween, in
Prediction functionsforecast, timeleft
String functionsascii, bitlength, bytelength, char, concat, insert, left, length, ltrim, mid, repeat, replace, right, rtrim, trim

These functions are supported in trigger expressions and calculated items.