> Audit log object

The following objects are directly related to the auditlog API.

Audit log

The audit log object contains information about user actions. It has the following properties.

auditidstring(readonly) ID of audit log entry.
useridstringAudit log entry author userid.
actionintegerAudit log entry action.

Possible values are:
0 - Add;
1 - Update;
2 - Delete;
3 - Login;
4 - Logout;
5 - Enable;
6 - Disable;
7 - Execute.
clocktimestampAudit log entry creation timestamp.
resourcetypeintegerAudit log entry resource type.

Possible values are:
0 - User;
2 - Configuration of Zabbix;
3 - Media type;
4 - Host;
5 - Action;
6 - Graph;
7 - Graph element;
11 - User group;
13 - Trigger;
14 - Host group;
15 - Item;
16 - Image;
17 - Value map;
18 - Service;
19 - Map;
22 - Web scenario;
23 - Discovery rule;
25 - Script;
26 - Proxy;
27 - Maintenance;
28 - Regular expression;
29 - Macro;
30 - Template;
31 - Trigger prototype;
32 - Icon mapping;
33 - Dashboard;
34 - Event correlation;
35 - Graph prototype;
36 - Item prototype;
37 - Host prototype;
38 - Autoregistration;
39 - Module;
40 - Settings;
41 - Housekeeping;
42 - Authentication;
43 - Dashboard template;
44 - User role;
45 - Auth token;
46 - Scheduled report.
notestringAudit log entry short description.
ipstringAudit log entry author IP address.
resourceidstringAudit log entry resource identifier.
resourcenamestringAudit log entry resource human readable name.

Audit log details

table_namestringDatabase table name.
field_namestringDatabase table field name.
oldvaluestringDatabase table field old value.
newvaluestringDatabase table field new value.