
In this book you’ll learn the C programming language and at the same time learn how to build your very own programming language, a minimal Lisp, in under 1000 lines of code! We’ll be using a library to do some of the initial work, so I’m cheating a bit on the line count, but the rest of the code will be completely original, and you really will create a powerful little Lisp by the end.

This book is inspired by other tutorials which go through the steps of building a programming language from scratch. I wrote this book to show that this kind of fun and creative project is a great way to learn a language, and not limited to abstract high-level languages, or experienced programmers.

Many people are keen to learn C, but have nowhere to start. Now there is no excuse. If you follow this book I can promise that, in the worst case, you’ll get a cool new programming language to play with, and hopefully you’ll become an experienced C programmer too!