Text Editor

A text editor is a program that allows you to edit text files in a way suitable for programming.

On Linux the text editor I recommend is gedit. Whatever other basic text editor comes installed with your distribution will also work well. If you are a Vim or Emacs user these are fine to use. Please don’t use an IDE. It isn’t required for such a small project and won’t help in understanding what is going on.

On Mac a simple text editor that can be used is TextWrangler. If you have a different preference this is fine, but please don’t use XCode for text editing. This is a small project and using an IDE won’t help you understand what is going on.

On Windows my text editor of choice is Notepad++. If you have another preference this is fine. Please don’t use Visual Studio as it does not have proper support for C programming. If you attempt to use it you will run into many problems.