Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions, or just explanations/elaborations on stuff.

How To Enable Scrolling Animations and Transparency?

First, enable multigrid, it’s not enabled by default.

Then, scrolling animations should work, for transparency see the section below.

How To Enable Floating And Popupmenu Transparency?

Those are controlled through the winblend and pumblend options. See their help pages for more, but for short: Both options can be values between 0 (opaque) and 100 (fully transparent), inclusively on both ends. winblend controls the background for floating windows, pumblend the one for the popup menu.

How Can I Dynamically Change The Scale At Runtime?

Neovide offers the setting g:neovide_scale_factor, which is multiplied with the OS scale factor and the font size. So using this could look like

  1. let g:neovide_scale_factor=1.0
  2. function! ChangeScaleFactor(delta)
  3. let g:neovide_scale_factor = g:neovide_scale_factor * a:delta
  4. endfunction
  5. nnoremap <expr><C-=> ChangeScaleFactor(1.25)
  6. nnoremap <expr><C--> ChangeScaleFactor(1/1.25)

Credits to BHatGuy here.

How can I Dynamically Change The Transparency At Runtime? (macOS)

  1. " Set transparency and background color (title bar color)
  2. let g:neovide_transparency=0.0
  3. let g:neovide_transparency_point=0.8
  4. let g:neovide_background_color = '#0f1117'.printf('%x', float2nr(255 * g:neovide_transparency_point))
  5. " Add keybinds to change transparency
  6. function! ChangeTransparency(delta)
  7. let g:neovide_transparency_point = g:neovide_transparency_point + a:delta
  8. let g:neovide_background_color = '#0f1117'.printf('%x', float2nr(255 * g:neovide_transparency_point))
  9. endfunction
  10. noremap <expr><D-]> ChangeTransparency(0.01)
  11. noremap <expr><D-[> ChangeTransparency(-0.01)

Neovide Is Not Picking Up Some Shell-configured Information

…aka nvm use doesn’t work, aka anything configured in ~/.bashrc/~/.zshrc is ignored by Neovide.

Neovide doesn’t start the embedded neovim instance in a login shell, so your shell doesn’t read its resource file (~/.bashrc/~/.zshrc/whatever the equivalent for your shell is). But depending on your shell there are other options for doing so, for example for zsh you can just put your relevant content into ~/.zprofile or ~/.zlogin.

The Terminal Displays Fallback Colors/:terminal Does Not Show My Colors

Your colorscheme has to define g:terminal_color_0 through g:terminal_color_15 in order to have any effect on the terminal. Just setting any random highlights which have Term in name won’t help.

Some colorschemes think of this, some don’t. Search in the documentation of yours, if it’s your own, add it, and if you can’t seem to find anything, open an issue in the colorscheme’s repo.