
  • Should Neovide happen not to start at all, check the following:

    • if you’re using zsh ~/.zshenv, ~/.zprofile and ~/.zlogin, or whatever the equivalent for your shell is if anything emits output during shell startup, since Neovide uses your shell to find nvim. You can instead use ~/.zshrc.

    • whether you can reproduce this by running from the latest git main commit. This can be done by running from source or just grabbing the binary from the Actions tab on GitHub.

  • Neovide requires that a font be set in init.vim otherwise errors might be encountered. This can be fixed by adding set guifont=Your\ Font\ Name:h15 in init.vim file. Reference issue #527.

  • If you installed neovim via Apple Silicon (M1)-based brew, you have to add the brew prefix to $PATH to run in GUI. Please see the homebrew documentation. Reference issue #1242


  • If you recieve errors complaining about DRI3 settings, please reference issue #44.