
  • Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any Linux application in a lighter weight, faster container than a traditional virtual machine.

  • Docker makes it much easier to deploy a Seafile server on your servers and keep it updated.

  • The base image configures Seafile with the Seafile team’s recommended optimal defaults.

If you are not familiar with docker commands, please refer to docker documentation.

Getting Started

Login the Seafile private registry:

  1. docker login {host}

You can find the private registry information on the customer center download page

To run the seafile server container:

  1. docker run -d --name seafile \
  2. -e SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME=seafile.example.com \
  3. -v /opt/seafile-data:/shared \
  4. -p 80:80 \
  5. {host}/seafileltd/seafile-pro:latest

Wait for a few minutes for the first time initialization, then visit http://seafile.example.com to open Seafile Web UI.

This command will mount folder /opt/seafile-data at the local server to the docker instance. You can find logs and other data under this folder.

More configuration Options

Custom Admin Username and Password

The default admin account is me@example.com and the password is asecret. You can use a different password by setting the container’s environment variables:

  1. docker run -d --name seafile \
  2. -e SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME=seafile.example.com \
  3. -e SEAFILE_ADMIN_EMAIL=me@example.com \
  4. -e SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=a_very_secret_password \
  5. -v /opt/seafile-data:/shared \
  6. -p 80:80 \
  7. {host}/seafileltd/seafile-pro:latest

If you forget the admin password, you can add a new admin account and then go to the sysadmin panel to reset user password.

Let’s encrypt SSL certificate

If you set SEAFILE_SERVER_LETSENCRYPT to true, the container would request a letsencrypt-signed SSL certificate for you automatically.


  1. docker run -d --name seafile \
  3. -e SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME=seafile.example.com \
  4. -e SEAFILE_ADMIN_EMAIL=me@example.com \
  5. -e SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=a_very_secret_password \
  6. -v /opt/seafile-data:/shared \
  7. -p 80:80 \
  8. -p 443:443 \
  9. {host}/seafileltd/seafile-pro:latest

If you want to use your own SSL certificate:

  • create a folder /opt/seafile-data/ssl, and put your certificate and private key under the ssl directory.
  • Assume your site name is seafile.example.com, then your certificate must have the name seafile.example.com.crt, and the private key must have the name seafile.example.com.key.

Modify Seafile Server Configurations

The config files are under shared/seafile/conf. You can modify the configurations according to Seafile manual

After modification, you need to restart the container:

  1. docker restart seafile

Find logs

The seafile logs are under /shared/logs/seafile in the docker, or /opt/seafile-data/logs/seafile in the server that run the docker.

The system logs are under /shared/logs/var-log, or /opt/seafile-data/logs/var-log in the server that run the docker.

Add a new Admin

Ensure the container is running, then enter this command:

  1. docker exec -it seafile /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/reset-admin.sh

Enter the username and password according to the prompts. You now have a new admin account.

Directory Structure


Placeholder spot for shared volumes. You may elect to store certain persistent information outside of a container, in our case we keep various logfiles and upload directory outside. This allows you to rebuild containers easily without losing important information.

  • /shared/db: This is the data directory for mysql server
  • /shared/seafile: This is the directory for seafile server configuration and data.
  • /shared/logs: This is the directory for logs.
    • /shared/logs/var-log: This is the directory that would be mounted as /var/log inside the container. For example, you can find the nginx logs in shared/logs/var-log/nginx/.
    • /shared/logs/seafile: This is the directory that would contain the log files of seafile server processes. For example, you can find seaf-server logs in shared/logs/seafile/seafile.log.
  • /shared/ssl: This is directory for certificate, which does not exist by default.

Upgrading Seafile Server

TO upgrade to latest version of seafile server:

  1. docker pull {host}/seafileltd/seafile-pro:latest
  2. docker rm -f seafile
  3. docker run -d --name seafile \
  5. -e SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME=seafile.example.com \
  6. -e SEAFILE_ADMIN_EMAIL=me@example.com \
  7. -e SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=a_very_secret_password \
  8. -v /opt/seafile-data:/shared \
  9. -p 80:80 \
  10. -p 443:443 \
  11. {host}/seafileltd/seafile-pro:latest

If you are one of the early users who use the launcher script, you should refer to upgrade from old format document.

Backup and Recovery


We assume your seafile volumns path is in /shared. And you want to backup to /backup directory.
You can create a layout similar to the following in /backup directory:

  1. /backup
  2. ---- databases/ contains database backup files
  3. ---- data/ contains backups of the data directory

The data files to be backed up:

  1. /shared/seafile/conf # configuration files
  2. /shared/seafile/pro-data # data of es
  3. /shared/seafile/seafile-data # data of seafile
  4. /shared/seafile/seahub-data # data of seahub



  1. Backup the databases;
  2. Backup the seafile data directory;

Backup Order: Database First or Data Directory First

  • backing up Database:

    1. # It's recommended to backup the database to a separate file each time. Don't overwrite older database backups for at least a week.
    2. cd /backup/databases
    3. docker exec -it seafile mysqldump -uroot --opt ccnet_db > ccnet_db.sql
    4. docker exec -it seafile mysqldump -uroot --opt seafile_db > seafile_db.sql
    5. docker exec -it seafile mysqldump -uroot --opt seahub_db > seahub_db.sql
  • Backing up Seafile library data:

    • To directly copy the whole data directory

      1. cp -R /shared/seafile /backup/data/
      2. cd /backup/data && rm -rf ccnet
    • Use rsync to do incremental backup

      1. rsync -az /shared/seafile /backup/data/
      2. cd /backup/data && rm -rf ccnet


  • Restore the databases:

    1. cp /backup/data/ccnet_db.sql /shared/ccnet_db.sql
    2. cp /backup/data/seafile_db.sql /shared/seafile_db.sql
    3. cp /backup/data/seahub_db.sql /shared/seahub_db.sql
    4. docker exec -it seafile /bin/sh -c "mysql -uroot ccnet_db < /shared/ccnet_db.sql"
    5. docker exec -it seafile /bin/sh -c "mysql -uroot seafile_db < /shared/seafile_db.sql"
    6. docker exec -it seafile /bin/sh -c "mysql -uroot seahub_db < /shared/seahub_db.sql"
  • Restore the seafile data:

    1. cp -R /backup/data/* /shared/seafile/


You can run docker commands like “docker logs” or “docker exec” to find errors.

  1. docker logs -f seafile
  2. # or
  3. docker exec -it seafile bash