Import Directory To Seafile

Since seafile 5.1.3 pro edition, we support importing a local directory on the server to seafile. It’s a handy tool for the system admin to import files from existing file servers (NFS, Samba etc.).

To import a directory, use the script in seafile-server-latest directory.

  1. usage :
  3. -p <import dir path, must set>
  4. -n <repo name, must set>
  5. -u <repo owner, must set>

The specified directory will be imported into Seafile as a library. You can set the name and owner of the imported library.

Run ./ -p <dir you want to import> -n <repo name> -u <repo owner>,

  1. Starting seaf-import, please wait ...
  2. [04/26/16 03:36:23] seaf-import.c(79): Import file ./runtime/ successfully.
  3. [04/26/16 03:36:23] seaf-import.c(79): Import file ./runtime/error.log successfully.
  4. [04/26/16 03:36:23] seaf-import.c(79): Import file ./runtime/seahub.conf successfully.
  5. [04/26/16 03:36:23] seaf-import.c(79): Import file ./runtime/access.log successfully.
  6. [04/26/16 03:36:23] seaf-import.c(183): Import dir ./runtime/ to repo 5ffb1f43 successfully.
  7. run done
  8. Done.

Login to seafile server with the specified library owner, you will find a new library with the specified name.