» Additional Box Information

When creating a Vagrant box, you can supply additional information that might berelevant to the user when running vagrant box list -i. For example, you couldpackage your box to include information about the author of the box and awebsite for users to learn more:

  1. brian@localghost % vagrant box list -i
  2. hashicorp/precise64 (virtualbox, 1.0.0)
  3. - author: brian
  4. - homepage: https://www.vagrantup.com

» Box Info

To accomplish this, you simply need to include a file named info.json whencreating a base box which is a JSON document containingany and all relevant information that will be displayed to the user when the-i option is used with vagrant box list.

  1. {
  2. "author": "brian",
  3. "homepage": "https://example.com"
  4. }

There are no special keys or values in info.json, and Vagrant will print eachkey and value on its own line.

The Box File Format provides more information about whatelse goes into a Vagrant box.