» Up

Command: vagrant up [name|id]

This command creates and configures guest machines according to yourVagrantfile.

This is the single most important command in Vagrant, since it is howany Vagrant machine is created. Anyone using Vagrant must use this commandon a day-to-day basis.

» Options

  • name - Name of machine defined in Vagrantfile

  • id - Machine id found with vagrant global-status. Using id allowsyou to call vagrant up id from any directory.

  • —[no-]destroy-on-error - Destroy the newly created machine if a fatal,unexpected error occurs. This will only happen on the first vagrant up.By default this is set.

  • —[no-]install-provider - If the requested provider is not installed,Vagrant will attempt to automatically install it if it can. By default thisis enabled.

  • —[no-]parallel - Bring multiple machines up in parallel if the providersupports it. Please consult the provider documentation to see if this featureis supported.

  • —provider x - Bring the machine up with the givenprovider. By default this is "virtualbox".

  • —[no-]provision - Force, or prevent, the provisioners to run.

  • —provision-with x,y,z - This will only run the given provisioners. Forexample, if you have a :shell and :chef_solo provisioner and runvagrant provision —provision-with shell, only the shell provisioner willbe run.