Hiding in Plain (Function) Scope

It should now be clear why it’s important to hide our variable and function declarations in the lowest (most deeply nested) scopes possible. But how do we do so?

We’ve already seen the let and const keywords, which are block scoped declarators; we’ll come back to them in more detail shortly. But first, what about hiding var or function declarations in scopes? That can easily be done by wrapping a function scope around a declaration.

Let’s consider an example where function scoping can be useful.

The mathematical operation “factorial” (notated as “6!”) is the multiplication of a given integer against all successively lower integers down to 1—actually, you can stop at 2 since multiplying 1 does nothing. In other words, “6!” is the same as “6 * 5!”, which is the same as “6 * 5 * 4!”, and so on. Because of the nature of the math involved, once any given integer’s factorial (like “4!”) has been calculated, we shouldn’t need to do that work again, as it’ll always be the same answer.

So if you naively calculate factorial for 6, then later want to calculate factorial for 7, you might unnecessarily re-calculate the factorials of all the integers from 2 up to 6. If you’re willing to trade memory for speed, you can solve that wasted computation by caching each integer’s factorial as it’s calculated:

  1. var cache = {};
  2. function factorial(x) {
  3. if (x < 2) return 1;
  4. if (!(x in cache)) {
  5. cache[x] = x * factorial(x - 1);
  6. }
  7. return cache[x];
  8. }
  9. factorial(6);
  10. // 720
  11. cache;
  12. // {
  13. // "2": 2,
  14. // "3": 6,
  15. // "4": 24,
  16. // "5": 120,
  17. // "6": 720
  18. // }
  19. factorial(7);
  20. // 5040

We’re storing all the computed factorials in cache so that across multiple calls to factorial(..), the previous computations remain. But the cache variable is pretty obviously a private detail of how factorial(..) works, not something that should be exposed in an outer scope—especially not the global scope.

factorial(..) here is recursive—a call to itself is made from inside—but that’s just for brevity of code sake; a non-recursive implementation would yield the same scoping analysis with respect to cache.

However, fixing this over-exposure issue is not as simple as hiding the cache variable inside factorial(..), as it might seem. Since we need cache to survive multiple calls, it must be located in a scope outside that function. So what can we do?

Define another middle scope (between the outer/global scope and the inside of factorial(..)) for cache to be located:

  1. // outer/global scope
  2. function hideTheCache() {
  3. // "middle scope", where we hide `cache`
  4. var cache = {};
  5. return factorial;
  6. // **********************
  7. function factorial(x) {
  8. // inner scope
  9. if (x < 2) return 1;
  10. if (!(x in cache)) {
  11. cache[x] = x * factorial(x - 1);
  12. }
  13. return cache[x];
  14. }
  15. }
  16. var factorial = hideTheCache();
  17. factorial(6);
  18. // 720
  19. factorial(7);
  20. // 5040

The hideTheCache() function serves no other purpose than to create a scope for cache to persist in across multiple calls to factorial(..). But for factorial(..) to have access to cache, we have to define factorial(..) inside that same scope. Then we return the function reference, as a value from hideTheCache(), and store it in an outer scope variable, also named factorial. Now as we call factorial(..) (multiple times!), its persistent cache stays hidden yet accessible only to factorial(..)!

OK, but… it’s going to be tedious to define (and name!) a hideTheCache(..) function scope each time such a need for variable/function hiding occurs, especially since we’ll likely want to avoid name collisions with this function by giving each occurrence a unique name. Ugh.

The illustrated technique—caching a function’s computed output to optimize performance when repeated calls of the same inputs are expected—is quite common in the Functional Programming (FP) world, canonically referred to as “memoization”; this caching relies on closure (see Chapter 7). Also, there are memory usage concerns (addressed in “A Word About Memory” in Appendix B). FP libraries will usually provide an optimized and vetted utility for memoization of functions, which would take the place of hideTheCache(..) here. Memoization is beyond the scope (pun intended!) of our discussion, but see my Functional-Light JavaScript book for more information.

Rather than defining a new and uniquely named function each time one of those scope-only-for-the-purpose-of-hiding-a-variable situations occurs, a perhaps better solution is to use a function expression:

  1. var factorial = (function hideTheCache() {
  2. var cache = {};
  3. function factorial(x) {
  4. if (x < 2) return 1;
  5. if (!(x in cache)) {
  6. cache[x] = x * factorial(x - 1);
  7. }
  8. return cache[x];
  9. }
  10. return factorial;
  11. })();
  12. factorial(6);
  13. // 720
  14. factorial(7);
  15. // 5040

Wait! This is still using a function to create the scope for hiding cache, and in this case, the function is still named hideTheCache, so how does that solve anything?

Recall from “Function Name Scope” (in Chapter 3), what happens to the name identifier from a function expression. Since hideTheCache(..) is defined as a function expression instead of a function declaration, its name is in its own scope—essentially the same scope as cache—rather than in the outer/global scope.

That means we can name every single occurrence of such a function expression the exact same name, and never have any collision. More appropriately, we can name each occurrence semantically based on whatever it is we’re trying to hide, and not worry that whatever name we choose is going to collide with any other function expression scope in the program.

In fact, we could just leave off the name entirely—thus defining an “anonymous function expression” instead. But Appendix A will discuss the importance of names even for such scope-only functions.

Invoking Function Expressions Immediately

There’s another important bit in the previous factorial recursive program that’s easy to miss: the line at the end of the function expression that contains })();.

Notice that we surrounded the entire function expression in a set of ( .. ), and then on the end, we added that second () parentheses set; that’s actually calling the function expression we just defined. Moreover, in this case, the first set of surrounding ( .. ) around the function expression is not strictly necessary (more on that in a moment), but we used them for readability sake anyway.

So, in other words, we’re defining a function expression that’s then immediately invoked. This common pattern has a (very creative!) name: Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE).

An IIFE is useful when we want to create a scope to hide variables/functions. Since it’s an expression, it can be used in any place in a JS program where an expression is allowed. An IIFE can be named, as with hideTheCache(), or (much more commonly!) unnamed/anonymous. And it can be standalone or, as before, part of another statement—hideTheCache() returns the factorial() function reference which is then = assigned to the variable factorial.

For comparison, here’s an example of a standalone IIFE:

  1. // outer scope
  2. (function(){
  3. // inner hidden scope
  4. })();
  5. // more outer scope

Unlike earlier with hideTheCache(), where the outer surrounding (..) were noted as being an optional stylistic choice, for a standalone IIFE they’re required; they distinguish the function as an expression, not a statement. For consistency, however, always surround an IIFE function with ( .. ).

Technically, the surrounding ( .. ) aren’t the only syntactic way to ensure the function in an IIFE is treated by the JS parser as a function expression. We’ll look at some other options in Appendix A.

Function Boundaries

Beware that using an IIFE to define a scope can have some unintended consequences, depending on the code around it. Because an IIFE is a full function, the function boundary alters the behavior of certain statements/constructs.

For example, a return statement in some piece of code would change its meaning if an IIFE is wrapped around it, because now the return would refer to the IIFE’s function. Non-arrow function IIFEs also change the binding of a this keyword—more on that in the Objects & Classes book. And statements like break and continue won’t operate across an IIFE function boundary to control an outer loop or block.

So, if the code you need to wrap a scope around has return, this, break, or continue in it, an IIFE is probably not the best approach. In that case, you might look to create the scope with a block instead of a function.