Function Name Scope

As you’ve seen by now, a function declaration looks like this:

  1. function askQuestion() {
  2. // ..
  3. }

And as discussed in Chapters 1 and 2, such a function declaration will create an identifier in the enclosing scope (in this case, the global scope) named askQuestion.

What about this program?

  1. var askQuestion = function(){
  2. // ..
  3. };

The same is true for the variable askQuestion being created. But since it’s a function expression—a function definition used as value instead of a standalone declaration—the function itself will not “hoist” (see Chapter 5).

One major difference between function declarations and function expressions is what happens to the name identifier of the function. Consider a named function expression:

  1. var askQuestion = function ofTheTeacher(){
  2. // ..
  3. };

We know askQuestion ends up in the outer scope. But what about the ofTheTeacher identifier? For formal function declarations, the name identifier ends up in the outer/enclosing scope, so it may be reasonable to assume that’s the case here. But ofTheTeacher is declared as an identifier inside the function itself:

  1. var askQuestion = function ofTheTeacher() {
  2. console.log(ofTheTeacher);
  3. };
  4. askQuestion();
  5. // function ofTheTeacher()...
  6. console.log(ofTheTeacher);
  7. // ReferenceError: ofTheTeacher is not defined
Actually, ofTheTeacher is not exactly in the scope of the function. Appendix A, “Implied Scopes” will explain further.

Not only is ofTheTeacher declared inside the function rather than outside, but it’s also defined as read-only:

  1. var askQuestion = function ofTheTeacher() {
  2. "use strict";
  3. ofTheTeacher = 42; // TypeError
  4. //..
  5. };
  6. askQuestion();
  7. // TypeError

Because we used strict-mode, the assignment failure is reported as a TypeError; in non-strict-mode, such an assignment fails silently with no exception.

What about when a function expression has no name identifier?

  1. var askQuestion = function(){
  2. // ..
  3. };

A function expression with a name identifier is referred to as a “named function expression,” but one without a name identifier is referred to as an “anonymous function expression.” Anonymous function expressions clearly have no name identifier that affects either scope.

We’ll discuss named vs. anonymous function expressions in much more detail, including what factors affect the decision to use one or the other, in Appendix A.