Arrow Functions

ES6 added an additional function expression form to the language, called “arrow functions”:

  1. var askQuestion = () => {
  2. // ..
  3. };

The => arrow function doesn’t require the word function to define it. Also, the ( .. ) around the parameter list is optional in some simple cases. Likewise, the { .. } around the function body is optional in some cases. And when the { .. } are omitted, a return value is sent out without using a return keyword.

The attractiveness of => arrow functions is often sold as “shorter syntax,” and that’s claimed to equate to objectively more readable code. This claim is dubious at best, and I believe outright misguided. We’ll dig into the “readability” of various function forms in Appendix A.

Arrow functions are lexically anonymous, meaning they have no directly related identifier that references the function. The assignment to askQuestion creates an inferred name of “askQuestion”, but that’s not the same thing as being non-anonymous:

  1. var askQuestion = () => {
  2. // ..
  3. };
  4.; // askQuestion

Arrow functions achieve their syntactic brevity at the expense of having to mentally juggle a bunch of variations for different forms/conditions. Just a few, for example:

  1. () => 42;
  2. id => id.toUpperCase();
  3. (id,name) => ({ id, name });
  4. (...args) => {
  5. return args[args.length - 1];
  6. };

The real reason I bring up arrow functions is because of the common but incorrect claim that arrow functions somehow behave differently with respect to lexical scope from standard function functions.

This is incorrect.

Other than being anonymous (and having no declarative form), => arrow functions have the same lexical scope rules as function functions do. An arrow function, with or without { .. } around its body, still creates a separate, inner nested bucket of scope. Variable declarations inside this nested scope bucket behave the same as in a function scope.