Aliyun Object Storage Service

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This guide describes how to configure Alluxio with Aliyun OSS as the under storage system. Object Storage Service (OSS) is a massive, secure and highly reliable cloud storage service provided by Aliyun.

Initial Setup

To run an Alluxio cluster on a set of machines, you must deploy Alluxio binaries to each of these machines.You can either compile the binaries from Alluxio source code, or download the precompiled binaries directly.

In preparation for using OSS with Alluxio, create a bucket or use an existing bucket. You should also note the directory you want to use in that bucket, either by creating a new directory in the bucket, or using an existing one. For the purposes of this guide, the OSS bucket name is called OSS_BUCKET, and the directory in that bucket is called OSS_DIRECTORY. Also, for using the OSS Service, you should provide an OSS endpoint to specify which range your bucket is on. The endpoint here is called OSS_ENDPOINT, and to learn more about the endpoints for special range you can see here. For more information about OSS Bucket, please see here

Mounting OSS

Alluxio unifies access to different storage systems through the unified namespace feature. An OSS location can be either mounted at the root of the Alluxio namespace or at a nested directory.

Root Mount

Configure Alluxio to use OSS as its under storage system. Specify an existing OSS bucket and directory as the under storage system by modifying conf/ to include:

  1. alluxio.underfs.address=oss://<OSS_BUCKET>/<OSS_DIRECTORY>/

Specify the Aliyun credentials for OSS access. In conf/, add:

  1. fs.oss.accessKeyId=<OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
  2. fs.oss.accessKeySecret=<OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET>
  3. fs.oss.endpoint=<OSS_ENDPOINT>

Here fs.oss.accessKeyId is the access Key id string and fs.oss.accessKeySecret is the access key secret string, which are managed in AccessKeys in Aliyun UI. fs.oss.endpoint is the endpoint of this bucket, which can be found in the Bucket overview with possible values like “”, “” (OSS Internet Endpoint).

After these changes, Alluxio should be configured to work with OSS as its under storage system, and you can try to run Alluxio locally with OSS.

Nested Mount

An OSS location can be mounted at a nested directory in the Alluxio namespace to have unified access to multiple under storage systems. Alluxio’s Mount Command can be used for this purpose. For example, the following command mounts a directory inside an OSS bucket into Alluxio directory /oss:

  1. ./bin/alluxio fs mount --option fs.oss.accessKeyId=<OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> \
  2. --option fs.oss.accessKeySecret=<OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET> \
  3. --option fs.oss.endpoint=<OSS_ENDPOINT> \
  4. /oss oss://<OSS_BUCKET>/<OSS_DIRECTORY>/

Running Alluxio Locally with OSS

Start up Alluxio locally to see that everything works.

  1. bin/alluxio format
  2. bin/ local

This should start an Alluxio master and an Alluxio worker. You can see the master UI at http://localhost:19999.

Run a simple example program:

  1. bin/alluxio runTests

Visit your OSS directory oss://<OSS_BUCKET>/<OSS_DIRECTORY> to verify the files and directories created by Alluxio exist. For this test, you should see files named like OSS_BUCKET/OSS_DIRECTORY/default_tests_files/BasicFile_CACHE_PROMOTE_MUST_CACHE.

To stop Alluxio, you can run:

  1. bin/ local