NoticeBar 通告栏



  • 需要引起用户关注时使用,重要级别低于 Modal ,高于 Toast。



  1. import { NoticeBar, WhiteSpace, Icon } from 'antd-mobile';
  2. const NoticeBarExample = () => (
  3. <div>
  4. <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
  5. <NoticeBar marqueeProps={{ loop: true, style: { padding: '0 7.5px' } }}>
  6. Notice: The arrival time of incomes and transfers of Yu &#39;E Bao will be delayed during National Day.
  7. </NoticeBar>
  8. <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
  9. <NoticeBar mode="link" onClick={() => alert('1')}>
  10. Notice: The arrival time of incomes and transfers of Yu &#39;E Bao will be delayed during National Day.
  11. </NoticeBar>
  12. <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
  13. <NoticeBar mode="closable" icon={null}>Remove the default icon.</NoticeBar>
  14. <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
  15. <NoticeBar mode="closable" icon={<Icon type="check-circle-o" size="xxs" />}>
  16. Customized icon.
  17. </NoticeBar>
  18. <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
  19. <NoticeBar mode="closable" action={<span style={{ color: '#a1a1a1' }}>不再提示</span>}>
  20. Closable demo for `actionText`.
  21. </NoticeBar>
  22. <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
  23. <NoticeBar mode="link" action={<span>去看看</span>}>
  24. Link demo for `actionText`.
  25. </NoticeBar>
  26. </div>
  27. );
  28. ReactDOM.render(<NoticeBarExample />, mountNode);

NoticeBar通告栏 - 图1


mode提示类型,可选 closable,linkString''
icon在开始位置设置图标ReactNode<Icon type={require('./trips.svg')} size="xxs" />
onClick点击关闭或者操作区域的回调函数(): void
marqueePropsmarquee 参数Object{loop: false, leading: 500, trailing: 800, fps: 40, style: {}}
action用于替换操作 icon 的文案ReactElement