
On the Client

One common use case is conditionally redirecting a user to a different page based on their session data. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. import {router, useSession} from "blitz"const LoginPage: BlitzPage = () => { const router = useRouter() const session = useSession() useEffect(() => { if (session.userId) { router.push("/home") } }) return /* stuff */}

On the Server

If you don’t want want the “flash of invalid content” that you get with client side redirects, you can use

getServerSideProps to conditionally redirect from the server. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. import {getSessionContext} from "@blitzjs/server"export const getServerSideProps = async ({req, res}) => { const session = await getSessionContext(req, res) if (!session.userId) { return { redirect: { destination: "/login", permanent: false, }, } } return {props: {}}}