Deploy to a Server on

  1. Add one of the render.yaml files shown below
  2. Push code to your github repo
  3. Log in to
  4. Click on the “YAML” menu item, then click the “New from YAML” button
  5. Connect your github account then select your blitz app repo
  6. Click approve
  7. Go to “Services”, click on your new Blitz service, click on “Environment”
  8. Click “Add Environment Variable”, enter SESSION_SECRET_KEY as the name, then click on the “generate” button in the value field. Then click save.
  9. Your server + database will be automatically configured and started. Each git push will trigger a new deploy

Without database:

Use this


  1. services: - type: web name: blitzapp env: node plan: starter buildCommand: yarn --frozen-lockfile --prod=false && blitz build # If you have an out of memory error, change startCommand to "yarn next start" startCommand: blitz start --production envVars: - key: NODE_ENV value: production - key: DATABASE_URL fromDatabase: name: blitzapp-db property: connectionString startCommand: blitz start --production -H

With Postgres database:

Update your

render.yaml to provide the DATABASE_URL environment variable to connect to your database:

  1. services: - type: web name: blitzapp env: node plan: starter buildCommand: yarn --frozen-lockfile --prod=false && blitz prisma migrate deploy --preview-feature && blitz build # If you have an out of memory error, change startCommand to "yarn next start" startCommand: blitz start --production envVars: - key: NODE_ENV value: production - key: DATABASE_URL fromDatabase: name: blitzapp-db property: connectionStringdatabases: - name: blitzapp-db plan: starter