Database Overview

Overview - 图2info

If you are totally new to Databases, check out

Prisma’s Data Guide which covers the very large majority of everything you might want to know.

By default, Blitz uses Prisma 2 which is a strongly typed database client.

Prisma 2 is not required for Blitz. You can use anything you want, such as Mongo, TypeORM, etc.

Read the Prisma documentation here

Add a Database Table

  1. Open db/schema.prisma and add your model(s) like as follows:
  1. model Project { id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id name String tasks Task[]}model Task { id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id name String project Project @relation(fields: [projectId], references: [id]) projectId Int}

If you need,

reference the Prisma Schema documentation

  1. Then run blitz prisma migrate dev --preview-feature in your terminal to apply the changes
  2. Now you can import db from db/index.ts and create a model like this:
    • db.project.create({data: {name: 'Hello'}})

Switch to PostgreSQL

By default, a Blitz app is created with a local SQLite database. If you want to use PostgreSQL instead, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Install and run Postgres locally.
  2. Open db/schema.prisma and change the db provider value from "sqlite" to "postgres" as follows:
  1. datasource db { provider = "postgres" url = env("DATABASE_URL")}
  1. In .env.local, change DATABASE_URL. For convenience, there is a commented-out PostgreSQL DATABASE_URL there already. Depending on your setup, you may need to modify the URL.
  2. Run blitz prisma migrate dev --preview-feature. This command will create the database (if it does not already exist) and tables based on your schema.