Kills active jobs in the CrateDB cluster.

Table of Contents


  1. KILL (ALL | job_id)


The KILL ALL statement kills all active jobs within the CrateDB cluster. The statement KILL job_id kills the job with a specified job_id.

Be aware that CrateDB doesn’t have transactions. If an operation which modifies data is killed, it won’t rollback. For example if a update operation is killed it is likely that it updated some documents before being killed. This might leave the data in an inconsistent state. So take care when using KILL.

Certain fast running operations have a small time frame in which they can be killed. For example if you delete a single document by ID the document could be deleted before the KILL command is processed, but the client might receive an error that the operation has been killed because the KILL command processed before the final result is sent to the client.

KILL ALL and KILL job_id return the number of contexts killed per node. For example if the only active query was select * from t and that query is being executed on 3 nodes, then KILL ALL will return 3.


job_id:The UUID of the currently active job that needs to be killed given as a string literal.