Defines a new ingestion rule.


This statement has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Table of Contents


  1. CREATE INGEST RULE rule_name
  2. ON source_ident
  3. [WHERE condition]
  4. INTO table_ident


CREATE INGEST RULE creates a new ingestion rule on an ingest source (source_ident) that filters data (via the WHERE condition) into a target table (table_ident).


rule_name:The rule name.
source_ident:The ingestion source identifier.
condition:A boolean expression using references specific to the ingestion implementation.
table_ident:The target table identifier.


When User Management is enabled, this statement can only be issued by a superuser.

By default, all incoming data will be discarded by an ingestion source. You must create an ingestion rule to write the data anywhere.

Ingestion rules can be created for ingestion sources that do not exist yet. In such cases, the ingestion rule will have no effect until the ingestion source is installed.

The target table needs to be created manually before the CREATE INGEST RULE statement is issued, and it needs to have the same structure as the ingestion source data. Otherwise, the statement will fail and an error will be logged.

The WHERE clause applies to the fields of the incoming data structure. Therefore, the details of what can be queried in the WHERE clause is specific to each ingestion source. In the example below, topic is a field of the incoming MQTT messages.


To create an ingestion rule on the mqtt source that filters messages that match v4/% into the mqtt_v4 table, you could do:

  1. CREATE INGEST RULE mqtt_v4_rule
  2. ON mqtt
  3. WHERE topic like 'v4/%'
  4. INTO mqtt_v4

See also

Ingestion Rules